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ffm_visibility mod


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Take Cassivellaunus for example. This version is what appears in my game. When i grep that string (ignoring occurrences in long texts), I can only find it in the pl, nl, cs translations. Changing it there has no effect. In template brit_catafalque.xml its in the Cassiuellaunos version (with an u instead of a v [what i see on the screen]).

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The string "Cassiuellaunos" appears only in simulation/templates/units/brit_catafalque.xml (ignoring all tranlation files). Changing <SpecificName>Cassiuellaunos</SpecificName> has no effect, in my game its still Cassivellaunus. I disabled all othes mods that could interere.

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Just checked my a23 public.zip and there it's <SpecificName>Cassivellaunus</SpecificName> while it's changed in svn to <SpecificName>Cassiuellaunos</SpecificName>. So maybe you have both installed (or leftover artefacts) and somehow this results in this unexpected behaviour?

What is your locale set to? One of pl, nl, cs?

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I continued experimenting a bit more with your mod and changed the color for apples, figs, grapes and olives:


I only used Imagemagick with -modulate 1st: Brightness, 2nd: Saturation, 3rd: Hue (Source: imagemagick.org/Usage)


convert {filename} -modulate 111,200,80
  • orchard_apple_a.dds
  • tree_apple_a.dds
  • tree_apple_bloom.dds


convert {filename} -modulate 111,200,140
  • grape_bushes.png
  • bush_grapes.dds

PS: There is still a file called "bush_grapes.png" in your mod, but it was removed with rP22889


The texture skins for figs is also used for baobab trees, I work around it by adding the actor files (fig_top_a.xml and fig_top_b.xml) to your mod and changing the names of these textures. Therefore only figs have these bluish leaves and not normal wood baobab trees.

convert {filename} -modulate 111,200,170
  • tree_figs_a.dds (called tree_carob_a.dds on SVN)
  • tree_figs_b.dds (called tree_carob_b.dds on SVN)
  • tree_figs_c.dds (called tree_carob_c.dds on SVN)


convert {filename} -modulate 111,200,100
  • tree_olive_decal.png
  • tree_olive.png


I'll take a look at metals/ore later and update this post. Ore and stone sometimes seem to be too interchangeable, for example in the "Mainland Temperate Biome". I think Delenda Est has some nice ores.

Edit1: fixed color of fig and baobab trees (use the same texture)

Edit2: In consultation with ffm2 I have created a derivative mod called boonGUI, which includes some additional changes.

Edited by Langbart
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, ffm2 said:

I will not update this mod as I think boonGUI mod can replace it.

Ok, I will make it compatible with A25 tomorrow and also add some features I implemented for @mysticjim's custom mod (NROC).

@ffm2 your mod was the one I experimented with first when I started making mods for 0AD. Thanks.

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A27 has more colors and some have problems. I changed some colors in a visibility mod.

To me the red, green, blue are too neon. Good for competitive gaming for visibility, but not beautiful for me. I changed red to tab:red of matplotlib colors as I find the tableu palette more 'mature' (also for blue). The others are left because they aren't so bad for me to put in work.

Next issue I have is with the dark-greed or camo-green as I call it. It has visibility problems and I changed it to salmon which fits all criterias I have for colors.

For me the colors should be:
(1) distinctive to each other
(2) visible in the minimap
(3) the font halo effect in the chat should work
(4) visible in the summary graphs
(5) be appealing / fit the world

(3) does not work for dark blue as one can see here (and this is already increased by my 4k mod). One can barely make out the difference between a 'e' and a 'o'.
(4) Can you make out the black graph here? Also there's a bug choosing the black color. Its chosen where the red arrow points to

Another user also wished to change the colors in the config. A reason to allow this is for inclusion persons with colorblindness. A problem would arise for communication if a lot players call the colors differently. But it's minor as one can still just say the players name.




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the last one I saw on this was golden projectile. But I don't have a issue with bolt shooters. Catapults maybe sometimes when they shoot out of vision, but that's not something I want. So not from me at least.

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