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Hyrule Conquest

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GNU/Linux and mac OS people can't install Hyrule Conquest, because it's a windows installer. (I don't know which format that ClickTeam Installer uses, I couldn't unzip/unrar/un7zip the exe on linux except with wine.) Maybe it's easier to just distribute a zip or pyrogenesis file of the mod? Or as an alternative download format?

I guess the installer exe file counts as distributing the source of the modified files, but you must also include the license_gpl-2.0.txt and mention which files are licensed under that (the javascript ones) and the creative commons one for art files that came from Wildfire Games, see LICENSE.txt for which license applies to which file.

Are the other art files licensed correctly? There is stargus for example which comes with free source code but requires the user to provide the starcraft files, this way stargus doesn't distribute any files that they don't have the right to use. 0 A.D. started as a total conversion mod of AoE2 too in 2001.

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  On 30/06/2018 at 11:00 PM, elexis said:

GNU/Linux and mac OS people can't install Hyrule Conquest, because it's a windows installer. (I don't know which format that ClickTeam Installer uses, I couldn't unzip/unrar/un7zip the exe on linux except with wine.) Maybe it's easier to just distribute a zip or pyrogenesis file of the mod? Or as an alternative download format?


I'm uploading a .zip to the mod.io. I'll link it here as soon as it's done.  :victory:

  On 30/06/2018 at 11:00 PM, elexis said:

I guess the installer exe file counts as distributing the source of the modified files, but you must also include the license_gpl-2.0.txt and mention which files are licensed under that (the javascript ones) and the creative commons one for art files that came from Wildfire Games, see LICENSE.txt for which license applies to which file.

Are the other art files licensed correctly? There is stargus for example which comes with free source code but requires the user to provide the starcraft files, this way stargus doesn't distribute any files that they don't have the right to use. 0 A.D. started as a total conversion mod of AoE2 too in 2001.


To my knowledge im not redistributing any of 0AD's assets in my mod, and all the assets I use are ones I made. Unless you mean template files? You mention javascript so I presume that's the .json files?


Edited by The Undying Nephalim
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  On 01/07/2018 at 12:32 AM, The Undying Nephalim said:

I'm uploading a .zip


That will certainly make it more available!

See our LICENSE.txt for which license applies to which file. The *.js files and *.json, *.txt, *.xml files in simulation/ gui/ globalscripts/ are GPL v2+:


 GPL version 2 (or later) - see license_gpl-2.0.txt


Some of these files don't seem modified and could be dropped.

The lobby terms in particular must be deleted because we will update them very soon. (They should be sent by the lobby server ideally so that it's impossible to alter.)

population.png, some WFG logos in hyrule/art/textures/ui/pregame/shell/logo that are licensed as creative commons, didn't check the rest. But these files can be deleted since they are unmodified copies anyway.


    Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 - see
 and also see LICENSE.txt within those directories

  On 01/07/2018 at 12:32 AM, The Undying Nephalim said:

all the assets I use are ones I made


Really? Some of them (in the trailer too) appear like derived work:

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Some fun things:

1.  Zora ai seems to be a bit obsessed with expansion buildings.

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2.  Mantlets, courtesy of department of redundancy department. Same for towers. Intended, i guess. xD

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3. I don't have gohma walking sounds, for some reason?

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Kokiri lack a building tree in the help.  I note it because the Gohma have theirs in place.

Kokiri Hunting Foxes can't actually hunt.  Despite their Hack damage supposedly being 7, they do 1 damage per strike.  That's bad even against something like a bunny, let alone something like the stags in Kokiri Forest.

The Kokiri nuilding upgrades want something saying what the upgrade does on the upgrade.  Some you can guess, others, not so much.  "Adds a Community Houses, increasing the population cap by 10."

The help states the Kokiri are meant to be spawning trees to harvest in their territory(Ah, Gaia).  I'm not sure they actually are.

It seems Food must be dropped at the main building-they can't drop it at the Market Grove.

Gohma Extra Limbs upgrade seems to have an unstated requirement on it.

Edited by Bloodly
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  On 01/07/2018 at 4:18 PM, Bloodly said:

Kokiri lack a building tree in the help.  I note it because the Gohma have theirs in place.

Kokiri Hunting Foxes can't actually hunt.  Despite their Hack damage supposedly being 7, they do 1 damage per strike.  That's bad even against something like a bunny, let alone something like the stags in Kokiri Forest.


Probably need slaughter damage.

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  On 01/07/2018 at 4:18 PM, Bloodly said:

Kokiri lack a building tree in the help. 


In game, the Kokiri tech tree tries to reference the Hylian techtree. For me that crashes the game each time I click on the Kokiri icon in the top center of the screen.

I agree that having Kokiri upgrades given a brief description would help.

On a better note, the enemy AI was functioning much better and would launch attacks composed of multiple units rather than just spamming the basic spearsman/archer for each faction.

Edited by Baskom Welford
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  On 01/07/2018 at 10:42 AM, elexis said:

Really? Some of them (in the trailer too) appear like derived work:


If by derived you mean "based on designs from", then yes. I have made the models myself though, they are my designs and you'll not see any of those designs in canon Zelda games.

  On 01/07/2018 at 11:58 AM, MCreeper said:

Mantlets, courtesy of department of redundancy department. Same for towers. Intended, i guess. xD


Naw the Mantlets should not be able to garrison.

  On 01/07/2018 at 4:22 PM, stanislas69 said:

Probably need slaughter damage.


Yeup they need Slaughter damage added.

  On 01/07/2018 at 6:49 PM, Baskom Welford said:

In game, the Kokiri tech tree tries to reference the Hylian techtree. For me that crashes the game each time I click on the Kokiri icon in the top center of the screen.


I suspect this might be related to how the Kokiri build all of their buildings, I'll have to look into it.

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  On 01/07/2018 at 8:16 PM, The Undying Nephalim said:

I have made the models myself though, they are my designs and you'll not see any of those designs in canon Zelda


Wow, not bad. The first 25 seconds of the trailer too? The individual faces are animated,  so many effects, it looks like it as timeconsuming to create? We should have such videos as cutscenes eventually in 0ad, but I suspect it'd take too long to create a number of them. For the jebel barkal scene of our trailer it took some days to create and render. It seemed worth it, but it takes so freakin long to get right.

Edit: I'd suggest to add a license for your own artfiles (although I'm not sure about the legalities of the design thing)

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@The Undying Nephalim Just finished playing a couple rounds on the 0.3 release. Here are a couple bugs to go along with the others posted in the thread:

When any Kokiri building is  destroyed, there is the 0AD roman civ center appears during the destruction animation. 

In the Goron techtree, a pink box appears instead of the Powder Keg Launcher unit Icon under the Explosive Foundary.




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The error in the AI that prevented the Gerudo from training swine was fixed in 0.3.

However... the code that fixed it was shortened and removed from basemanager.js in this release. needCorral is never updated so they are never built or maintained.

If this section get fixed or reverted... plus possible way to keep the same effect

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  On 01/07/2018 at 8:41 PM, stanislas69 said:

Copyright 2018 All rights reserved ? He cant really use a creative commons.


Reserving a right implies being able to grant it. There are many licenses possible, people can write their own rules.

The point was mostly to clarify to users that his own files are not covered by the GPL v2+ (which covers the other half of the directory).

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I would like to report some bugs.

The minuteman/militia  unit for the kokirI does not have an animation for mining rupees.

Also was it intended for the gohma to not have the shared allied vision tech? 

Edited by Rolf Dew
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  On 01/07/2018 at 12:32 AM, The Undying Nephalim said:

I'm uploading a .zip to the mod.io. I'll link it here as soon as it's done.  :victory:

To my knowledge im not redistributing any of 0AD's assets in my mod, and all the assets I use are ones I made. Unless you mean template files? You mention javascript so I presume that's the .json files?




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@Rolf Dew I was wondering if there was an "unofficial" zip somewhere... You know, just the folder with the files as Millennium A.D. for example. Mod.io process of acceptance seems very bureaucratic - this signing process doesn't seem sustainable in the long run, more and more work to verify mods will be necessary.

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  On 06/07/2018 at 8:55 AM, coworotel said:

@Rolf Dew I was wondering if there was an "unofficial" zip somewhere... You know, just the folder with the files as Millennium A.D. for example. Mod.io process of acceptance seems very bureaucratic - this signing process doesn't seem sustainable in the long run, more and more work to verify mods will be necessary.


Currently only @Itms can sign and review mods. This will probably extend to other people in the future.

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  On 06/07/2018 at 9:20 AM, coworotel said:

@stanislas69 would it be too bad the possbility for mod.io to host "unsigned" mods as well? If the game showed by default only signed mods but had an option to list unsigned mods they would be accessible to all players much quicker.


Not really. Imagine someone put some really evil code that steal users data and send it somewhere. So passwords etc everything is sent. 

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