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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. I voted no to question 3 because I think some time should be waited after the new vanilla release, before the first mod release.
  2. no. it only depends on conquer attack, not damage. Regeneration rates are ok, but the math is more complex than it seems. I suggest making experiments.
  3. this isn't true, I remember it well because it was the first thing I tested at the time. units would squish in front of the ram (being faster) and the ram was constantly pushed back until the units in front maybe stopped and suddently the ram had to make a circle around them.
  4. by logic alone, a men on horse can do anything a men on foot can do, because a man on horse can dismount whenever he wants. so cavalry should be able to gather any resource infatry gathers. the choice to limit cavalry to hunting has more sense if you think of them being of higher social status, so they couldn't be bothered farming or gathering berries, but only hunting because that was more common among warriors and aristocracy of all ages. I think the game is fine now, by this regard.
  5. right now they are way better than not doing anything. the lobby is divided between different versions of the game and this hurts the project.
  6. the minimap should be remade too. no mod can do this. needs engine changes.
  7. my main suggestion for buffing walls is to lower heavily the stone cost of walls towers, which are in themselves pretty useless, but contribute significantly to the overall cost of walls.
  8. I don't have but some 5 replays of that sort for the current alpha, just a few more if you count older versions. however, I must say it looks like you are applying yourself to some very difficult task, what is that? if you are willing to consider something simpler (not sure what is your end goal) there's some work to be done on ratings (data can be extracted from messages from ratings bot in lobby chat dumps).
  9. any use of walls in top players competitions will not look nice like in old times walled cities, instead there will be walls placed in strategic passages intended to strengthen otherwise weaker spots. if a good player had any advantage walling up their whole town, then walls would be OP when used in a more strategical way. this said, walls are a bit UP. also, it would be nice if the AI employed walls, in any fashon I guess.
  10. I'm not saying flat no, I'm giving opinions that are different and yet no less argumented than yours. I'm sorry this upsets you so, but I'm failing to understand what you are trying to get from me. What I say you don't consider.
  11. what should I be informed about? btw, I don't see no branch. By the way, I'd rather say that I generally adverse the idea that shorter range must be faster, and I loathe the idea of this principle being applied to all infantry, including melee. it can only make the game more bland and unrelatable, with basically all units filling the same purpose.
  12. Also, do you plan to give artillery ships to all civs? If not, how do you plan to compensate for the lack of one of the elements of the RPS?
  13. there is demand to buff melee inf, so just buff melee inf. at this point you are just trying to keep melee inf bad.
  14. making will to fight the same as blacksmith upgrades doesn't seem that unique to me
  15. so it's over? I hoped it had just been paused for the holidays (for which I was very happy, because I couldn't play these weeks).
  16. when and where exactly they were used as meat shields?
  17. I strongly agree on increasing damage for melee infantry, and even more strongly I oppose to decreasing melee infantry pierce armor (nor hack armor, but I don't feel as strongly for that). this is false. a spearman deals 3 times less damage than a javlineer, which is completely nuts if you think about it: how is a spear driven towards you three times less dangerous than a javelin? Anyways, if you factor armor as well, and you put a spearman right next to a javelineer, the spearman will only barely win thanks to the oddity of melee units having more health points. if you have a spearmen charge at a javelineer, the range advantage will hand over victory to the javelineer. this is not considering the speed advantage he also gets. completely agree. by the way, I don't see why melee units shoudn't be tanky. that's realistic.
  18. It has been said that it's frustrating to babysit units that are given some low priority task (like gathering and building, as opposed to high priority tasks like fighting or moving to a given location), when they are hit from afar, because they will individually drop whatever they are doing and move towards an enemy they can't beat by themselves. Luckily, it's fairly easy to change this (it's in UnitAI.js, and I've been testing it a bit), so I'm asking you now what do you think it's better. Would you like to change current behaviour? I'm not suggesting any change for units being hit by other units, although that can obviously be discussed. The change I'm suggesting would only affect units being hit by an enemy entity against which the unit defaults to conquer instead of attacking. So basically defensive buildings. This is actually the reason ordinary attack is not an option in the above poll.
  19. there is a (js) mod by @wowgetoffyourcellphone that does that already. don't know if it's updated to this alpha though. anyway, c++ programmers are in high demand, if you stay you'll find out you could easily make yourself very useful the moment you wanted to. for instance there is much room for optimiziation.
  20. you are doing great work and I'm sure that if you give it some time you will get to make a lot of sense out of this whole story. your work isn't wasted, you can propose it again next time after taking the feedback. criticism is fundamental to development, (game development, but really, any tipe of development) you can't make a good product without collecting some failures on the way. for the time being, I really recommend you to not make the mistake of taking it personally, it's just how work works. (pardon the pun)
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