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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. guys I have a concern: currently a good half of the online players have never adopted the community mod. I hope when the next iteration is released, a big effort is made to have them use the mod as well, otherwise half of the players will br playing one game, and the other half will be playing another, significantly different one.
  2. nice. never noticed. mid game is currently the calmest moment of a game, I wouldn't mind making aggression easier. also keeping armies under fire is expensive, no less than having farms under threat. and finally because the CC is cheaper, it makes sense to supplement it with defensive buildings to defend it from hordes of slingers, or to lose it to them (it's cheaper to rebuild and it's cheaper to get a backup one). this I oppose. a fort that you can build in the hearth of your enemy territory is a p3 building to me.
  3. totally possible by changing the batch training time multiplier of embassies, but I don't know if this can work with to mercs trained in buildings along with CSs.
  4. but not its increase with phasing, right? that's very significant.
  5. range is fine now I think. it needs to be no less than that of archers, for adequate protection. I would reduce the max number of arrows from CCs: now it's 23, which makes the CC super strong even in p3. that's too many arrows for a civilian building, there's fortresses and towers to provide that kind of fire.
  6. what's 0/10? the number of workers? in that case the wood icon would be misleading I believe.
  7. yeah, use google instead, much better.
  8. yes right that's 10% reduction, so an incoming attack of 10 pierce damage actually deals 9 damage to unit C.
  9. 41% of pierce damage inflicted to unit B is denied by its pierce resistance, hence, unit A needs 100/6.9 = 15 landed hits to kill unit B. please only mind percentage resistance, the absolute value before that is related to the exponential of the percentage resistance, and it's not really necessary to understand it, but if you are comfortable with math you can do some research on the forum and see how that works, there are other threads like this one you created. also if you want to know what's the chance of ranged attacks to hit or to miss (melee attacks always hit) you should find some answers in the forum, but that's actually quite messy and much more complicate.
  10. sending res is such a good counter to rushes in team games.
  11. why not? there was a period in a25 in which I enjoyed very much rushing with kushites, and I absolutely loved going strong in cav in p1, I loved the early priest too. but that was a period and I drifted back to less extreme gameplay. why would I do that if chicker rushes were so op? because they weren't, and I don't believe they are now.
  12. also untrue. I've been "taken out of a game" early sometimes in a TG, I've taken other players out of a game, this is just what happens when someone rushes another player, and the defender is outplayed. other times the defender outplayes the rusher, just like in 1v1s. the only difference ia that two or more allied players can gang up and attack one defender at a time, but this is a strategy way more difficult than it seems, and less effective. also it's very counterable, using equal teamplay.
  13. which kinds of cav are op in early game? which in late game?
  14. what's the chicken rush exactly? attacking whith 4 cav at minute 1? that's just false. a larger group of infantry if managed well can negate a cav rush.
  15. I would say 2-3 months could be a good time for trying a set of changes. by that time the meta should settle. it would be nice if there was more testing before deployement, I'm to it if someone wants to, personally I had no responce yet. I guess one can just comment here, so three options are mostly fine to me. it would be better yet if one could change their vote in some time from "no opinion" to another one, I don't think that's possible though.
  16. the third option is good, no need to remove it. you can say no, if you don't say no, then it's not a no.
  17. right. cavalry rushes are not quite op I believe. many players never ever do them.
  18. this was already discussed in the past, I also suggested that the tower upgrade was deniable. we need a working patch. I like that actually. maybe if CCs didn't create such large patches of empty territory around, one could build one next to a border and start conquering from there (I'm thinking about the territory mod).
  19. btw, this tourney was organized with the intent of advertising the community mod, we could make the next edition start when the next version of the mod is out.
  20. maybe not super on topic, but here is what I think I have learned by studying ancient naval warfare (for personal curiosity) in the last months: in war, battle ships and transport ship were the same, with some little modification so to make the former faster, and the latter more capacious. battle formation was almost always one line deep, mode of engagement was usually boarding, with some ramming also involved. for those battles of which we actually know how many ships were rammed and how many boarded, even in ideal conditions for ramming, 9 ships out of 10 were boarded. So I believe emphasis on ramming is often exaggerated. boarding would generally start with the crew of one or more ships throwing hooks at enemy ships and pulling them together, then the facing crews would confront using any weapon they were more comfortable with, and the losing ship would be either captured or put on fire. this was prior to the first use of flamethrowers in 7th century AD (you can imagine how effective they were). romans' invention of corvus is also often over-emphasized, considering how romans themselves stopped using them quite soon; it is suggested that corvi made roman ships less stable and solid, and played a role in two large roman shipwrecks of that time. naval battle tactics were heavily dependent on the expertise of the crews: those who knew they were more experts would try confront the other in open sea, and manoeuvre more, because ships manned with more expert crews were faster and quicker at manoeuvring, while less expert crews would more easily make mistakes as being isolated from the rest of the fleet, or insted staying too close, as to impede one another and cross oars with other ships. all in all I believe that most battle manoeuvres were tended to single out enemy ships and board them from more than one side. this was possible when the less expert sailors made some mistake. until then the more expert crews would sometimes try inconclusive manoevres just to push the enemies into making a mistake. alternatively, they would just charge at each other and board in pairs. expertise of the crews was particularly important when sea conditions changed during the battle: more then once a battle was lost when sudden strong winds threw into confusion one of the sides, pushing one ship against the other, and taking them out of the control of their crews; more expert crews could avoid that. the size of the ship was also relevant, but somehow less than some would expect. smaller ships were expected to manoeuvre better in smaller spaces, and were usually deployed in the center of the battle line, so that if the wings would put pressure on them from the sides, they would still be relatively free to move. smaller ships weren't faster probably. bigger ships were in fact almost always preferred, because they could carry a larger boarding team. artillery didn't play a large role in naval battles (hardly ever cited) until Agrippa started wide adoption of the harpax during roman civil wars: a harpoon thrown using a cataput, which could be used for facilitating both boarding and ramming. we have detailed numbers for his battles and once again boarding is much preferred to ramming: I'm convinced effectiveness of ramming is too often exaggerated.
  21. fair enough. it still makes more sense to me how it is now.
  22. does han cav need to stay in p1? it doesn't, does it? sword cav is indeed op and has been for a long time, but I wouldn't like spear cav to just become the same as sword cav. also if you are taking acceleration away from rams, which are the one single unit on which acceleration looks best, just cancel acceleration completely and that will be a nice buff for spear cav alone.
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