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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. there is demand to buff melee inf, so just buff melee inf. at this point you are just trying to keep melee inf bad.
  2. making will to fight the same as blacksmith upgrades doesn't seem that unique to me
  3. so it's over? I hoped it had just been paused for the holidays (for which I was very happy, because I couldn't play these weeks).
  4. when and where exactly they were used as meat shields?
  5. I strongly agree on increasing damage for melee infantry, and even more strongly I oppose to decreasing melee infantry pierce armor (nor hack armor, but I don't feel as strongly for that). this is false. a spearman deals 3 times less damage than a javlineer, which is completely nuts if you think about it: how is a spear driven towards you three times less dangerous than a javelin? Anyways, if you factor armor as well, and you put a spearman right next to a javelineer, the spearman will only barely win thanks to the oddity of melee units having more health points. if you have a spearmen charge at a javelineer, the range advantage will hand over victory to the javelineer. this is not considering the speed advantage he also gets. completely agree. by the way, I don't see why melee units shoudn't be tanky. that's realistic.
  6. It has been said that it's frustrating to babysit units that are given some low priority task (like gathering and building, as opposed to high priority tasks like fighting or moving to a given location), when they are hit from afar, because they will individually drop whatever they are doing and move towards an enemy they can't beat by themselves. Luckily, it's fairly easy to change this (it's in UnitAI.js, and I've been testing it a bit), so I'm asking you now what do you think it's better. Would you like to change current behaviour? I'm not suggesting any change for units being hit by other units, although that can obviously be discussed. The change I'm suggesting would only affect units being hit by an enemy entity against which the unit defaults to conquer instead of attacking. So basically defensive buildings. This is actually the reason ordinary attack is not an option in the above poll.
  7. there is a (js) mod by @wowgetoffyourcellphone that does that already. don't know if it's updated to this alpha though. anyway, c++ programmers are in high demand, if you stay you'll find out you could easily make yourself very useful the moment you wanted to. for instance there is much room for optimiziation.
  8. you are doing great work and I'm sure that if you give it some time you will get to make a lot of sense out of this whole story. your work isn't wasted, you can propose it again next time after taking the feedback. criticism is fundamental to development, (game development, but really, any tipe of development) you can't make a good product without collecting some failures on the way. for the time being, I really recommend you to not make the mistake of taking it personally, it's just how work works. (pardon the pun)
  9. right. at the time I voted I hadn't noticed that the upgrades were civ specific, for instance. btw @real_tabasco_sauce don't make this personal, it's the worst thing you could do. no one wants to reject changes because they don't appreciate your work, and no one wants to feel obliged to accept changes out of appreciation of your work alone. that would be bad. (personally, I skipped that question, for various reasons that have been said already by others) anyway, mind that all civs can train mercs after capturing buildongs that train them.
  10. Hello everybody, I'm opening this thread to review past changes introduced into community mod. If one, some, or all changes that have been playtested with the community mod are approved here by the community, they can be merged into the main game. I hope this process fosters thrust towards introducing new changes in the community mod, as they don't need to be permanent (changes to the main game are also not permanent actually, but we as the community have the responsibility to manage the community mod). I invite everybody to share their opinion, before opening any poll, please don't be shy, any feedback is important.
  11. very good idea if you'll ask me. my only concern is the possible overcomputation and how that can be limited. some tipe of enforced transparency would be nice too, but that is not the hard part. if we waited the base game devs for a gui rework, there would be nothing like boongui around. macros are a good opportunity for seeing some interesting AI work being tried. this said, it's true that, in game design, some "dumb" and easily automatable actions are important for player experience. I wouldn't consider skill gap though, that's so overrated.
  12. pity, I liked the skirmisher adjustments, but voted no because of changes to slingers.
  13. I was adding to that. ranking is one thing, survivability is another.
  14. it would be nice if roman hastati were more survivable and oriented to ranking. if you think about roman doctrine of war, a lot of it revolved around keeping their men alive. contrary to most of their relatives, ordered retreat was pretty important to romans.
  15. what about practice? how does everybody feel about changes to cc? I think we could take it a lot further. We haven't seen big changes to the meta in this regard.
  16. I think this is also true for acceleration, which could also possibly go away. I don't like the idea of having technologies, by their own description, "increase spead and acceleration". Just say it gets faster.
  17. battle axes are actually lighter than normal axes, quicker to handle and sharper, because of how flesh is different than wood.
  18. I believe it's the added one. (otherwise that bounus becomes crazy, like +52.4%) I think it's more understandable if it's just a building bonus. no matter if it doesn't affect late game.
  19. formula: n / sum (for i from 0 to n-1) of (0.9 ^ i)
  20. cumulated effect of proposed bonus: 1 farmer per field: +0% food income 2 farmer per field: +5.3% food income 3 farmer per field: +10.7% food income 4 farmer per field: +16.3% food income 5 farmer per field: +22.1% food income so if you keep your farms fully staffed, it's +22% food income. it's not wild but it's very good from the moment you get farms.
  21. I think the non-diminishing returns are a very big buff actually, even if late. must be well evaluated. maybe it's better to just keep the building bonus.
  22. I'm talking about styling too. Also functionality rules, ask any designer really.
  23. boonguy mod is really good for play and replays. it doesn't change the main menu but the main menu is not that bad IMO, it's just old style, which is fine. true, some are great, most are meh. or maybe, just throw "default map" out of the window, because it's so annoying when you are switching/testing mods a lot.
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