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Everything posted by Radiotraining

  1. Hey! I'm not sure how it could fit in the current gameplay at the moment .. but thank you for sharing! ^^ If you want to try there are some textures of the game that you may experiment with, or there are some websites like textures.com that offer a vast selection and are a good start!
  2. they look darn cool!! Congrats everyone!! going to try out the mod!! Thanks for mentioning me! Is very cool to see the project develop!
  3. Basically is an alpha version like 0ad but with just a more fancy AA title.
  4. hey! Come on guys! ahaha I wasn't checking on you or something .. it was only to update y'all on new stuff! ahahah easy!! Holidays must be for chilling out first of all! - Lion: nope, I think the emblem hasn't been updated yet.. but also I don't know if i can use those files, in case, or you have maybe an updated version! or, if you have a .psd that you would share, I can work on it!
  5. I'm suuuper slow, but hey! I'm back trying to make some remaining assets for the Umayyads caliphate! (basic stuff for now..) A couple of questions: - I would like to make a market, but is very dense of objects and props... what is the best way to then apply textures to all those small elements? Are they unwrapped one by one and manually assigned to each specific material.. or is there perhaps a better method? - I'm trying to assemble a bit the remaining pieces left of this civ (I made a fork here: https://github.com/stereotipo/millenniumad).. I wonder, @Lion.Kanzen, is it possible to use the emblem you have made for the Umayyads? would you like to share a png? - Hey! @Lopess how's going? Do you want some extra concepts for some buildings..? or you're fine? - Currently planning to make a blacksmith and the market!
  6. I strongly agree with this: it's an interesting idea on paper, but quite impractical in the gameplay. I wouldn't rely on this mechanic for an important set of extra units, also because it doesn't happen easily to have the chance to conquer a barracks, rather than the CC and all the core buildings while in the enemy's territory. And in those cases, in a 1v1 setting, you would end the game before even having the chance to get new units. So I think there should be also a "regular" way to get them, by extra techs or buildings.
  7. AAAAAaaaahh!! There you go!! I was suspecting something like that..! but I didn't know the location of such instructions! Thanks so much!! ^^ You probably opened me a new world now! ahaha EDIT: nope. I learned something new, but still not working :| very strange! I'm not doing anything apparently different than any other civ/building and the only actual different thing is the name of the building. So, once I added it also in the <builder> list it should have been recognizable
  8. I followed the recipe! Very useful to understand the various functions, thanks so much! But I stumped into a problem: the building doesn't appear in the gui at all when I click a villager. I guess I'm missing a step somewhere, but I can't understand what's wrong: My process has been to take the template of a commercial dock, change the name into (in this case) "template_structure_economic_tradingpost", adjust some of the attributes and then place it into the template folder. I then created a structure called: trading_post.xml in the civilization structure folder with a parent to the previous template. Now, setting aside the specific attributes inside those files, I feel like I'm probably missing something. Maybe the game doesn't recognize different names aside from the classic building structure and they must be specified somewhere? Maybe is there some incoherence in <class> or <category> that could cause the issue? What could be the case, usually? Yes, there's an "icon.png" attached, so is not like is invisible in the GUI for that reason. I don't know.. Sorry for bothering. Is actually the second time that I'm trying to make a "special" building and I have the same problem, so it would be actually useful to understand what's the root cause. (I'll keep looking around tho!)
  9. Commm on man!! it was a casual comment in the meme page, it wasn't to trigger anyone ahahaha easy!
  10. This destroys me every time AHAHAHA I love how the most authoritarians like Bolsonaro or Xi Jinping look they're very into it
  11. Tom0ad used to make such videos! They were quite interesting! But maybe there are still mechanics that are worth to be explored and I agree that could be interesting a short format, maybe could catch some new viewers Looking forward for the video on DE by the way!
  12. Nah, I tell you what : more exclusive units variations will be available in the extra premium edition deluxe! Only 120$ if you pre-order NOW!! Ahahahah no but seriously: is quite clear that they have all rushed it at the end, such a pity!
  13. Same energy I swear this was my toy when I was a kid
  14. Still quite amazing that 0ad without a full studio of hundreds people and millions of dollars of investment, it's capable to offer variants for units, while AOE not even that. I mean, it's always been fine in 2 and 3 but now, with this resolution, is hard not to notice
  15. Radiotraining

    Han China

    Yeah.. I read a bit through the posts but I wasn't sure what was the final idea and it flows much better with this synthesis thanks, sorry for the dumb question.. that's my classic! Ahahah
  16. Radiotraining

    Han China

    Mmmh yeah a Little bit ehehehe I don't know if it's just for fun, but in any case better stick with one mechanic, otherwise it becomes a bit cryptic (unless it's meant to be some sort of Easter egg that you unlock with some actions)
  17. Radiotraining

    Han China

    anyway .. I think I missed some steps and maybe my question is stupid but.. why the tent? why not just the princess? I think it would visually more impactful to move an actual character than imagining her inside a tent.
  18. Radiotraining

    Han China

    yeah.. maybe just a tent (with idk.. a campfire in front, very romantic ) The camp looks too militaristic for a charming princess
  19. LOOOOL it came out just a little bit different
  20. There's no reason to make it like a big discussion. It's my fault that I've stepped in with my post, but that's not to say that you haven't also some good reasons as well. I understand the call for people to be more self-sufficient and learn a little bit of everything. That's absolutely great and I would agree! It's just that dropping the ball and expecting someone to catch up quickly into something completely new doesn't really work and is not very correct either. But it's okay if you're also busy at the moment and would prefer to delegate this little work to maybe someone else.. I'm a complete noob but I can also take a look and mess around a bit maybe!! It's fine Just don't put all the responsibility and blame on a single person. Of course there's no limit to what people could learn in life and there are not impossible boundaries, I absolutely agree! But that's also a personal choice and you can't assume that everyone can understand with the same ease or is even interested in the same things you do. But more power to you for having experimented different things on your own!! Beside, we all know that @Stan` is a superhuman, so he can't be really put in the same category poor mortals like us! ahahah
  21. yeah, to be honest I feel that. I also started to learn Blender only recently and yeah, is maybe not too difficult when you reach some proficiency, but the curve to get there is still quite steep if you have to start everything from scratch. And not everyone is interested to learn something from scratch or should feel compelled to do so. It would be the same for me to learn, i don't know, python language or something.. I mean I certainly could, but as I'm not a developer I have no interest in building that kind of knowledge and it would feel a waste of time more than a useful investment. More so, I wouldn't even know where to start, so it would probably take me double the time of someone who has already some basic knowledge and interest already. I get the frustration of m7600 and I understand where he's coming from. I think he's right to say that more people should try out and learn, but I don't think this is the most correct approach. Sorry for chiming in, but I just wanted to spend some words about it However I encourage artoo to still try it out on your own when you can! It may seem overwhelming at the beginning, but after then it's pretty fun!
  22. on a different note, though : when some destruction can be seen in 0ad? This shot from aoe is pretty good, gotta say! (I know it's probably not as straightforward to implement particle effects and building decay and certainly not top in the list of issues, but let me just dream for a moment )
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