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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. To me the idea sounds sane. But given that only four templates would get cleaner, I'm not sure it is worth it right now. If you would provide a script that requires very limited manual effort we obviously cannot refuse ;)
  2. Hi, you can take a look at the source of the in-game structure tree.
  3. The last uploaded replay is simple, there are entities blocking the construction site, due to the sheer amount of entities, they cannot get off. The other replay/savegame is more tricky, it involves apparently non-existing entities, we're investigating.
  4. Are the entities doing that strange build-thing already when you saved?
  5. Can you upload the replay, please? https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  6. [1]: There is already some delay for sending data to the lobby bot, one could implement the same for changes sent to other clients. [2,4]: Seems like mostly preference-related. Feel free to make a patch [3]: D3532 [7]: Got an example video or something? [8]: About where in the replay? Thanks for the reports
  7. D3531 fixes the case of attacking the same entity. The case of attacking a different unit and that resets the animation is more elaborate (#5893).
  8. Not for A24, no, since we're in feature freeze ^^ But thereafter should be rather easy. in UnitAI.prototype.Attack one can check if the order changes and return if it doesn't. Feel free to make a patch ;)
  9. Yeah, ugly indeed, planned to be fixed, but currently not possible yet (except for your first stated problem of the manual reordering) https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5893 should fix part of the problem.
  10. Yeah, so a compact and informative tooltip, with a *pedia-like option for those who desire that.
  11. #5992 If you mean like in the ticket? Would be _really_ nice, but needs someone to program that.
  12. I very much like this idea, but it can easily be abused. Just make a whole lot of mercs quickly, station them near your enemy, and let them convert to GAIA, no upkeep cost, but still the benefit of hindering your enemy. Any ideas how that could be negated? Hmm, would be a nice idea indeed
  13. Hi all, as some of you may know we're planning to include campaign support for A25. With that also comes the opportunity to include a tutorial campaign. Since devs usually are nose-deep into the game, community voice is particularly important in creating such tutorial. I was personally thinking about splitting the different learning goals in subsequent scenarios: Basic interactions (for those compleatly new to RTS) Selecting entities Giving orders Notion of resources and population Entity creation (and stopping to create) Basic economy Resource gathering Corralling Dropsite position (mind the docks!) Fishing Treasures Territory Basic warfare Diplomacy Building defenses Capturing Unit classes 0 A.D. interactions Batch training Selection modifiers (idle, military, deselect) Queuing orders Secondary orders Order-one Pushing orders to the front Structure snapping and turning Advanced economy Diplomacy (tribute, shared vision and dropsites) Trading (international bonus) Bartering Advanced warfare Scouting Siege Loot Strategic positions Covering retreat Other tips and tricks Keep producing entities. Always. Tips from pro players? This way, people can choose what extra training they need without doing a lot of boiler plate actions first. One can couple the different scenarios, such that one follows the other (with the basic interactions one being optional). Following a storyline would be nice also. IMHO it would be nice to use random maps for the tutorials, such that when one plays the same one again the feeling is still a bit different. Let me know what you think, what can be improved or elaborated! Also, if someone wants to take a shot at one of the scenarios, please do so (I guess economy is (partly) handled by already.)
  14. Instead of placing yourself on position two, one can also change the colour with the dropdown under the "Colour". I think (not sure) that is persistent.
  15. Hi, on game setup, you can set teams. To force the AI to make war at somone, you can set all to the same team, with the option "last man standing" (note this will probably just trigger them to immediately declare war on you). You can also set the game to wonder victory and put yourself in the same team as the AI, this way the first to a wonder wins (Dont't forget to lock teams then.)
  16. I think this predates me, but I assume this is when one wants to be able to promote but not automatically (from fighting)?
  17. Already possible since r23409 (Well, if you change the template, that is.)
  18. If, in A23b, one (e.g. athen) would capture a briton structure it would have less health indeed, but if one would research a tech modifying structure HP or capture a relic doing that, the new health would be calculated from the athen HP, not the briton. So if the bonus was e.g. +10%, the resulting HP would be 3630, not 2640. Indeed persistent techs would be nice to have and that's something on my list for someday as well.
  19. Thanks for the report! We missed a rebase,,, Fixed in SVN now.
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