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Everything posted by feneur

  1. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are asking If you right-click the file you should see an option called "Properties", but I meant double left-click, so that should not be what you see. Are you saying there is a file called "property" in the zip file?
  2. Then you shouldn't have to download anything, just double-click on the file in Explorer and you should see what is in it.
  3. What operating system are you using? Windows?
  4. Yes, you can open up the compressed folder and see what is inside it. Most operating systems should support just opening it (it's certainly true of Windows at least), but otherwise you can use an application such as 7-zip to open it. If it's a .blend file then you need to use the 3D-modelling application Blender to open it, if it contains a file called mod.json, then it's a mod for 0 A.D. and can be used by the game if placed in the right place.
  5. Please try and be a bit more polite. I can understand your frustration, but still, a nicer tone helps
  6. 1. Resizing the GUI might be harder, but at least changing text sizes is likely to come later. Right now it's not a reasonable option though as text is rendered into images and thus we would have to render out a new set of images for each size of text we want to support. Hopefully we are able to implement using actual font files, which would make it a lot easier to allow for changing text related settings. 2. For now you have to do it via a text file, see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Settings for more information. If there is no hotkey set for a feature in that file it means that there is no way (yet) to set a hotkey to do that action. 3. It is something we would like to have, but it is complicated to implement so we will have to see what we are able to do.
  7. I wonder why people care so much about a statistic in a game in the first place Especially since it is reset regularly, I think at least with every new Alpha. But yeah, it is worth discussing indeed And most likely we should mention somewhere that it is reset every now and then and should not be taken too seriously for now
  8. Sounds for new phase/possible faction specific start sounds should be based on music imho and coordinated with Omri (our music lead).
  9. 1. Does it not help to zoom in or left mouse-drag to select? 2. It does exist already as Loki said, but I'd like to add that you can also use the Shift-key to add multiple idle units to your selection before doing something with them. (They can be all over the map though, so its usage might be limited.)
  10. It's online now, so perhaps it was just some temporary error or shutdown.
  11. Thank you for showing interest in translating 0 A.D. I don't know how many of the Romanian translators are here in the 0 A.D. forums, so you might want to alert people there that this thread exists. I don't know any Romanian, so I won't comment on that, but I do have some comments on the first point. The names of units and technologies etc are capitalized because they are e.g. the names not to highlight them. Exactly how/when to capitalize can be a matter of debate, i.e. War Elephant or War elephant, but I certainly think we should capitalize. And as far as I know/remember we do capitalize all the words in names and titles apart from short words like "of" etc.
  12. No. And personally I am more against them now than before, so I am certainly not going to put in any effort to make it happen.
  13. Include a short description with each suggestion and we will make the justification Maybe there are connections which you yourself can't find, or maybe a name is good enough to make it worth having anyway. And the connection can be to something other than the specific release. So don't let it hold back your suggestions.
  14. feneur


    What mod were you trying to use? Which version of the game are you using?
  15. Ok, we will try and get this information to the people behind the forum software to see if there's something that can be done for the future.
  16. @andy5995 Are you absolutely sure that you haven't first attached the chat_alert_04 file to a PM? The forum software seems to think it is attached to a private message with the ID 8122 (to see the ID of a message select it or hover over a link to it and check the URL, for example this is the URL of the message you sent me asking me to review this file: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/messenger/8123/ ). You might have attached it to a private message first, and then attached it again here? If so the forum software might have thought it would be better to link to the file rather than to reupload it again. Which would be a bug indeed, but it would be good to know what's going on exactly so we can report it properly
  17. Ok, then I am at a loss for how to find the cause. I will have to ask Jan to take a look at it. Good to hear that you were able to get it sorted without me though. :-)
  18. The tune sounds good to me, I don't think I'm good enough at sound to know if it fits with the rest of the sounds in the game, so maybe it might have to be changed in the future.
  19. I assume that's the one that was previously known as chat_alert_04? I haven't been able to download that, not sure why, did you first attach it to a PM or something and then post the link here? If it's attached to the post in this topic I'm confused Can everyone else download it?
  20. It might be that the computer is not able to run the game. Could you please click the option to go to the logs folder in the 0 A.D. sub-menu in the Start menu, then select the files system_info.txt and interestinglog.html and attach them to a reply in this topic?
  21. Yeah, but the point was more about the process than the end result
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