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Everything posted by feneur

  1. Ah, so that's why that image was posted on the Spanish 0 A.D. fan page It's not really a representative image though as the current civilizations are different and the part two ones are basically just what Michael envisioned like 6-9 years ago or so. It's of course relevant choices, but it can still be a bit misleading to show an image like that as people might take it for granted that those civilizations will be included.
  2. Just press F12 That will show the time since the start of the match in the top right corner.
  3. No. We kind of want to finish part one before we spend any time on something we might not even get to (Not saying we won't finish the game, just that it's a bit early to plan for the next part when we aren't even in Beta phase yet. No one of us who are involved now might be active at that point anyway, so there are plenty of reasons not to spend too much time on thinking about it, but very few why to spend time on it at this point Though thinking about it I seem to recall Michael posting a thread or two about post part 1 civs, at least eastern Romans seems like something I've seen. I don't remember if he's posted anything in the public forums though, the thread I'm thinking of was before we went open source.)
  4. I think the trouble is to make them different enough so it's motivated to build more than one kind of wall. Replacing palisades would make one viable, and one normal one is of course relevant. But how do think we can make the two "normal" walls different enough, without making one of them so good that it will always be used?
  5. One or more Germanic civilizations are likely to be included in part two, as their role was greater in the 1 A.D. - 500 A.D. time period than the 500 B.C. - 1 B.C. time period.
  6. True. It's really not recommended to add anything new after feature freeze. Even though art is less "dangerous" it's still best to stay on the safe side and not commit anything new at all.
  7. It does seem like something that would rarely be used. I mean you would have to first see that a unit needs to be healed (and since it would cost a sheep/cattle it would only really be relevant for heroes and possibly elephants), then find a priest that is not busy, then find a sheep/cattle, then find the unit again. If the unit would still survive that is since going back and forth would take a fair amount of time. To make the most of it you would also only use it when the unit is just about to die (otherwise you would have spent the animal just to get back a few hitpoints), so you would have to spend time waiting. All-in-all, nice idea in theory, but I doubt it's going to be useful in practice.
  8. What role do you suggest that they play? What would make them different/useful enough to include them?
  9. We always do that before a release, we can't have unfinished tickets for a release and not all things are possible to finish (or important enough to delay the release for). Tickets which are up for review are put on the upcoming Alpha until just before a release, then they are moved on to the next release or put on backlog.
  10. Then it's probably something he made yes, and just a matter of the artists having to have time to look at it and decide whether to include it or not.
  11. At least earlier he used some art from other games etc, and that was/is not legal to use without permission. (Not saying he necessarily did something wrong, if he had made it publicly available it would have been though.)
  12. If it is available to be used with the license of the contents already in the game, and our artists think it is good enough. Delenda Est has in the past used some art which is not allowed to use, so we need to be sure about that before we can consider it.
  13. We haven't decided for sure yet, but I'm personally leaning towards wanting it to be Ulysses since we've added the Herocide/Regicide game mode. It would also give us a chance to discuss briefly how the names of heroes/gods differed between Greek/Latin, and mention how in some languages the one version is used and in others the other. It's always nice when the name gives us a chance to teach about history
  14. It's not as if we have to go that way, but seeing as Johnathan doesn't have a good internet connection at the moment the question is moot anyway.
  15. Well, considering it's a big arrow, perhaps it can hit more than one person? And seeing as we don't have morale etc, a small amount of hitpoints lost can symbolize the effect of seeing the guy next to you fall down (I guess that could apply for everything to some extent, but sometimes things are needed/must be motivated by gameplay reasons ), or for that matter that you might stumble as you try to get over his dead body or something.
  16. Why not let it have splash damage? That way it would certainly help out in weakening groups of units packed together.
  17. It's probably not an issue no, but we have to think about things from all angles. And then it would both be encouraging to the other developers to see something new added soon after the release, and nice to have something to show to the fans as well so people know that we're still working on the game.
  18. Indeed, and just to clarify for those who might not know what we mean by feature freeze: after that no new features will be added to the game, just fixes to bugs we find in the mean time.
  19. Well, if you get it in before the 25th it would be fine. Though it can be nice to have something to show for the next Alpha pretty soon after this one, so there are benefits to waiting as well
  20. It's probably a good idea yeah. Probably not going to happen for technical reasons as it's really difficult to do. That exists, though all ships can travel through shallows. Seeing as our maps aren't very big, and it's hard to make them big without making it difficult to run the game on anything but the most powerful computers, it's probably going to have to be that way. Otherwise the places where ships can go are very limited. The AI is not finished, and is very likely to always be a bit behind as features need to be implemented first and then the AI needs to be adapted to take advantage of them. At the moment we don't have an AI programmer, so it might take a bit longer than usual for that reason. Pathfinding is one of the harder parts of game development to get right, but it's certainly an issue we are aware of and working on. Again, AI is always likely to lag behind a bit with new features. You're welcome! A big part of why we do this is so that people can enjoy the game
  21. feneur


    Please see if the game wrote any log files (see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths for where to find them on your computer). If there are, please attach them to a reply in this topic (just click the "Click to choose files" below where you write the post and find the files on your computer).
  22. It could be yeah. You should be able to change it by right-clicking on the file, choosing properties, then it should say "Open with" and the name of an application. Next to that there should be a button saying change. Click that and in the window that opens up choose Explorer, then click ok, then Apply at the bottom of the window and you should be able to open the file.
  23. Please don't use big letters like that, it's as if you would yell. I'm not sure what link you are looking for, the zip file with the .blend file is in the first post, but I thought you already downloaded it. And unless you have changed some settings you should be able to open it without issue. You do say that when you double-click it you go to 0 A.D. directly though? Have you changed the settings so 0 A.D./pyrogenesis.exe is the default application for zip files?
  24. If you downloaded the file in the first post in the topic it contains a .blend file, so again, only useful if you have the 3D application called Blender installed and want to create animations yourself.
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