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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Usefull group node for stop using pointiness and ramp color in blender for object edges baking: File in case the drive links goes down:Edge Detect Node.blend
  2. Smmh ya'll better give me trees to hang dead people on. @LordGood Nice work! please continue making our 0.A.D Flora beauty.
  3. Probably the possibility of a future sculpting like the horse but will save it for later, will be commiting it for A24 after the legs observation made by @wowgetoffyourcellphone in the animations is fixed wich was also take in consideration in the horse update animations (Will do the same for future 4 leggeds animals)
  4. Update: Added a few designs. Updated some of the already done. Change the colors of some of the designs for a better distinction using some player colors. while waiting for @Genava55 doc design i've already started some of the faction distinctions: 2 Shapes for Brit Spearmans; Both Big Shields 2 Shapes for Brit Javelinist; Both medium shields 2 Shapes for Gaul Javelinist; Both medium shields 1 Shape for Both factions Slingers: Small shield Basic rank; Medium shield Elite rank 3 Shapes for Gaul Spearman; Big Shields Applies for the cavalry version of the infantry. Having some doubts of this design (Wijitmaker profile pic), its a flag in the modern days: Files:Celtic_Shields.7z
  5. Some suggestions: Add special investigations to some factions as a replace of the "base" technologies. For example i have an enciclopedia (does it means the same in english?) wich takes some of the most notorious researchs from the history. Julius Cesar reforming the calendar, An egiptian guy who's name i forgot calculating the circunference of the planet with only an obelisk, a water well and the shadow of the sun, Philip II introducing Sarisa (Long 6Meter spear) who beated the hoplites to blacksmiths or aura. Make proper icons and add 20% of the technology benefits related to the history behind it, also add the researcher and the history to the information for better educational purposes. Rework the LOS: Divide the LOS in two factors: Long range sight: Use for spot buildings from afar as well as forest's and inanimated objects Short range sight: use for spot nearby units, fauna and moving objects. Add an aura or an function to trees and tall bushes to hide whatever is behind or nearby or reduce the chance of "being seen" (perfect for ambushes) Add auras to the trees to reduce cavalry speed, or to one particular tree of every forest kind, this way one army can go throught forests to escape from cavalry charge.
  6. In my journey without internet after 80h whitout power, i made the Mount/Dismount Animation. if i anyone on the gameplay mods done are willing to use it, they will be included in the horse update mod files uploaded here.
  7. @borg- what would be the function of the unit and what you have in mind for its animations. Like a standard bearer? Or a battle/aura unit holding the carnyx in one hand figthing with the other And using the carnyx while capturing buildings or promoting
  8. Thanks! late reply 80 hours whitout power and will have more so take your time , 1- maybe use the middle pattern but use full player color instead of wood. 2- maybe leave only the black middle variant. 3- Perfect, i assumed their size could be perfectly suited for skirmishers. 4- i hit enter by mistake 4.1- will reduce the size, while increasing the separation of the griffins.
  9. Some of the advantages of using Blender 2.80: Better objects organization. A good enviroment setup for basic things.
  10. Found some gold: Animations video of Total War Games (Rome 2 - Warhammer - Shogun 2) for those who want a reference when animating
  11. El viewport se ve asi debido a que Blender 2.80 no reconoco graficos intel aun. Sin embargo el Blender Kit Addon esta disponible para 2.79 tambien.
  12. Fear no more! Use it on your projects, start the revolution, leave behind the uv restrictions, Bake your materials! @Sundiata @Trinketos
  13. In my perspective following the thorsberg (wood planks) shield and the covered leather. Wood: Base Shape of the shield structure. Player color - Celtic Design: Leather cover teared from hits revealing the wood, (i wish i could give bump map in that teared zones making it look like scratches) 1- Yesterday Texture already commented by stan | 2 - Texture used in most of the shapes | 3/4 - New texture baked today adding wood planks, and teared leather cover (player color) above both player color and celtic design. Edit: Added specular map and norm map with the affected zones here the result: Note: Both textures can be applied to the shields by leaving the damaged variant when healths drops below % Amount.
  14. 1 - Included in @Genava55 design doc, stay tunned. 2 - @Sundiata did a new chariot for the kushites. (included in the horse update)
  15. Something like this? @stanislas69 Oh My god! like 30 minutes to try upload this images, seriously ? my internet is getting better
  16. Yep, i don't know how i get there, neither how i end finding that way of making it works.
  17. Reins needs to be redone, chestband updated to some kind of blanket too with better textures (or faction design exclusive). I can't find a way to match gaia horses manes/tails with animations so i just dropped the idle variants leaving only 1 for fauna sadly. Don't know why it behave like that even if i switch in the template the gaia horse for a cavalry wich works perfectly still remains unsync.
  18. i may need an example of the glossy thing you mention: Here two textures: I want to find a way of adding scratches on the alpha channel inside the border (Shield_B) to add more variation (or health variants)
  19. Adding shadows to shields borders, the difference is clearly noticeable
  20. https://www.blenderkit.com @stanislas69 can you see if this is allowed to be used by Creative Commons license? this is a blender wide range list of materials to use freely when baking. Preview in blender:
  21. List of usefull addons for blender 2.80 Simple Asset Manager: Usefull for save your 0.A.D Enviroment like barrels, shields, flora, fauna etc when making structures with props or any other project. https://www.blendernation.com/2018/11/19/add-on-simple-asset-manager/ Procedural Clout Generator: Volumetric cloud generator usefull for rendering escenes like Skyboxes. https://www.blendernation.com/2018/11/06/free-procedural-cloud-system-for-eevee-real-time/
  22. Two shapes more: Also, needed to point this: i've added 5 shield shapes in minutes, and the result is 13 shield shapes + 23 texture variants + the amount of spinas + the amount of bosses + 2 celt manipulas. Wich is kinda like a random digits password generator. i managed to make the shield making process less stressfull making shield by shield texture including their ornates, and now its just: Select your shield background. Select your faction paiting. Select your shield shape. (Optional) Assign your spina. (Optional) Assign yor boss. Complex works of weeks, end being a door to simplify works of minutes. I Hope other's factions shields takes this path too, being a full scale shield update in days and not months.
  23. Horse mod for those who want to give it a small try, but be aware isn't perfect neither finished. Mod: Horse_Revamped_Mod.7z
  24. Added the medium shields and assigned them to the gauls according to the gaul_design doc: And two more designs: Separated units by factions, (artistiscally speaking so only actors) and assigned some of the shields following the gaul design doc (i can't find the british doc): @Genava55 another mod file: Celtic_Shields.7z Side Note: Don't try the cavalry, they are using the Horse - Update 2.0 mod i have, forgot to mention. Going to upload the horse mod in the horse topic in case you want to test the gaul cavalry. Side Side Note: If you feel theres some bosses who needs to be divided or classified, name them and i'll do the changes
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