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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Glad that DE made its debut at mod.io This is something refreshing after suffering from a terrible flu these past days. epir_merc_infantry_1 has death animation issues. The only issue I've gotten so far.
  2. @Alexandermb Maybe a variant for the elite units, together with the Pioneer helmet If you have time, could you also reconstruct the Coppergate helmet? Great job as always!
  3. @stanislas69 Those are just the Celtic head textures using another mesh.
  4. @asterix So far, I have these.
  5. @Alexandermb some nice saddles plus another texture without the chamfrons would complete that guy. Could you also refit the Anglo-Saxon helmet meshes? I added a new head actor which doesn't clip with the helm (german_a.xml) Thanks!
  6. @stanislas69 In the process of committing it at the moment, sorry for the delay.
  7. Can I commit it later today? I have an appointment this morning which could take a few hours.
  8. Maybe when workshops are fully implemented? Set it as a requirement for siege equipment construction in the field.
  9. A remove mod button could be useful too. Would be convenient for players, so that they do not have to go to the mod directory to delete mods that don't want to keep.
  10. What happened to Millennium AD??
  11. Also experienced a crash to desktop.
  12. Can I still commit a few actors and textures to Millennium AD? Testing at the moment.
  13. These pictures made me happy. Spectacle.
  14. @stanislas69 Do I have to download the zip? Or just replacing the ones listed in the instruction will do?
  15. @Alexandermb There was already one in the game, I was confused and thought it was a placeholder, sorry.
  16. Thanks! I might change the norse chainmail textures in the next release. You once did a belt and seax prop before right? I was thinking of setting the belt as a prop, just like what you did, so that it could come in more variations. @stanislas69 what do you think?
  17. Haha, ISPs and their services Old heads were blocky and the new ones where slim.
  18. Finally got a stable internet connection after several days. Where are we on the release process? I will further do skirmish game testing, later in the afternoon. @Alexandermb Thanks for the texture size tweaks. Also, can you properly scale the Norse and Anglo-Saxon helmets as you see fit. I believe those where not properly scaled after the mesh switch during the last alphas.
  19. A bit more advanced though. Mongolian siege warfare. Chinese designed missile artillery.
  20. Packed CC hp was fixed, by the way, set to 1500 HP, civ bonus tech yurt construction reduces the heath/capture points, resources/build time of Xiongnu structures by 50%
  21. Default is set to 80 for vanilla infantry
  22. Team bonus, implemented in the recent commit.
  23. @Lion.Kanzen @Alexandermb @wowgetoffyourcellphone All of the packed structures has 0 vision range (Github user Artoo commented that while playing, packed buildings tend to disappear in the fog of war, I experienced this too, while running several tests yesterday) Should I fix this and add atleast 40 vision range for the packed structures? Default infantry has 80. By the way, who is Github user Artoo? Anyone know him? I believed @stanislas69 noticed the guy before too.
  24. Not really sure what to implement as team bonus.
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