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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Do you know which files deal with the nomad mode? @Freagarach @Stan`
  2. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/571/atlas_minimap.jpg Revisiting. It would be very nice to have a minimap for Atlas for Alpha 27. Especially with the new minimap icons implemented, it would be supremely useful. @trompetin17 Along with @Langbart's new minimap.
  3. The problem with the bribe mechanic is that it was implemented and then boom, no one worked on making it more interesting. There were some minor tweaks, sure. But any further design work on the feature died due to disagreements. For instance, I'd expand it to include all support and citizen soldier units and then give it some kind of cool down time between bribes, or make the cost of bribing increase exponentially while there are active spies, but the cost settles back down once all spies are expired. But consensus wasn't reached so now the feature sits unused and unimportant.
  4. Maybe because nomad mode places female_citizens, when DE doesn't have female_citizens?
  5. All civs now get a battering ram, and I think it would be good for the base game to have a simple "handheld" battering ram for some civs. Or perhaps all civs get this handheld version in Phase II, with a "Covered Ram" upgrade in Phase III for some civs. The Norse "Portable Ram" in Age of Mythology: Something like that, but with 4 dudes. Delenda Est has one from Millennium AD, but the ram log looks way too big and the way they hold it doesn't look right. The log doesn't seem to have weight, while the Norse one does.
  6. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/26825
  7. Not a bad plan. 2 years seems excessive. Maybe 2 alphas. 1 alpha to enact some changes, and 1 more to fix/tweak these changes.
  8. @Stan` This is really well done presentation. Excellent travail.
  9. In DE, it's Coin, so I simply make the Farmstead a dropsite for coin as well as food. You could use the berry gathering animation to make it look different from grain gathering. There really isn't much confusion to happen, honestly.
  10. Yes and No. I think the armor improvement is because they visually get more armor with each rank. It was deemed too much work to have Forge techs make the appearance change and it was compromised that ranking should give the appearance change. Also, ranking was conceived as being much more important than it currently is.
  11. Some changes only make sense in a larger context, so cannot be made little by little.
  12. Yes, agreed. It's the "strong core, weak countryside" concept I'm talked about for a long time. The main argument against it is that it neuters the Mauryan worker elephant. It's not a good argument, since the Worker Elephant can help build, etc., but it's the argument nonetheless.
  13. Well, currently many folks already seem to believe there is already a little too much metal on the map. Also, "Spreading out" the mines too much adds diffusion of points of interest. Why fight over this tiny metal mine when there are 20 other tiny metal mines elsewhere?
  14. Yes, possibly the bug I mentioned. Will be fixed in next release if it's what I think it is.
  15. I don't like 3 resource costs. I try to stick to only 2 if possible.
  16. If it wasn't for C-S concept, I'd suggest: Melee Soldiers Food Metal Ranged Soldiers Wood Metal Exceptions: Scout Cavalry & Slingers (aka "Trash units") Food only Right. The stone and metal mines right up against the CC are weird. Numerous Skirmish maps fix this, but it remains in random maps.
  17. To make the links show up. Enjoy 0 A.D. pre-alpha!
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