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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The most wanted feature is a new phase tech icon. ok
  2. I have no idea what you mean. I feel like people just love to propose outrageous stuff for the game without thinking it through. Most semiautomatic firearms don't even fire 4 times per second.
  3. 4 shots (arrows, javelins, slings) per second is just not gonna happen. I get what you mean about units dying too quickly, but this is hardly a good solution.
  4. I have seen this bug. Is it territory that has already been explored? Sometimes the game won't let me place walls even in already explored areas. I have to go explore it twice. @Freagarach @Stan`
  5. I've tried it and it is very nice. Perhaps can be added to the base game.
  6. I guess you're thinking of more "army formations" rather than battalions of like-units. In that case, yeah, one could imagine some army formations that do some of the following: Could have any number of formation options shown dynamically depending on the composition of the selection.
  7. No offense, but that is a lot of words to say "I dunno bout dis. we can make it gud tho" Wedge isn't a tactic, it's a formation. You don't click it and then cavalry automatically pwnz0r the field. You click it to put your cav into an formation that gives them some kind of stat buff for the tactic or maneuver you want to perform. You still have to command the maneuver.
  8. Someone streams a good looking map. My god, it's beautiful.
  9. I think there are ways to give the feel and approximation of battle tactics without needing to turn the game into a Rome:Total War clone. On the "extreme" end, there are Battle for Middle Earth-style battalions, which I favor, but on the other end, there are stats, auras, formation control, PreferredClasses, etc., which don't remove the mosh pit completely, but gives a sense of tactical control. While I prefer the former, I've implemented the latter in some ways in my Delenda Est mod. Check out in DE how hoplites and pikemen boost each other, and how the Wedge formation helps cavalry. Minor changes for sure, but can incentivize more tactical unit usage.
  10. Right, but a lot of these buildings are just abstractions anyway, so "Castra Auxiliorum" could work in the game's context.
  11. Unless someone is a true believer in a concept, it's difficult to put in the effort to make a mod for it. Not that making mods is difficult, but the motivation isn't there. You're better off taking some time learning how to mod, then make a mod to show off your concept.
  12. I'm horrified. Will we go back to machine gun Scythian Archers? Let's just reduce damage of ranged units. Ranged units should be the support units, not the primary damage-dealer anyway. We've had a dozen discussions on this already and the concept is broadly supported, just no one has bothered to make patches because it changes the meta (lol).
  13. I wonder how complete this tumulus is: How much does this look like how it originally did? Looks a lot like the Kurgans of steppe tradition. Though, many cultures had such a tradition.
  14. Try a playthru of the Miletus Peninsula skirmish map and see if you like the capturable map elements.
  15. My point was, that Seuthopolis and Persepolis both seem like the central administrative centers of a city rather than entire cities in themselves. Though it seems like Seuthopolis had more of the trappings of a city (marketplace, etc.) than Persepolis did.
  16. You already have 10000 trees, elevation, rocks, waterways, and territory doing that
  17. I think I will use most of the buildings you have modeled. I am re-mapping them to my new texture. This takes me a lot of time, as I am a perfectionist.
  18. They are only mixed together for now, until I can complete each one's UV mapping to my new texture. Although, I think I will keep the Norse Storehouse and Farmstead models, which are really nice.
  19. Because it is. lol. The uv map just needs fixed, is all. Probably added geometry to allow for the texture area provided.
  20. Suethopolis seemed more akin to an administrative center such as Persepolis than an actual city or town. Fair?
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