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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I was thinking scouting could look more like this or maybe reuse cartography.png
  2. Yeah it's better, still not as good if they were moved to the 2nd row
  3. Another vote for allowing the placement of tech icons. Imagine if the unit-specific upgrades were positioned directly below the relevant unit icon.
  4. @kody It should work now. @Stan` fixed it.
  5. Trees shouldn't placing buildings and walls. See: Delenda Est.
  6. Yes, I'd like to see more distinctive play from the Defensive/Balanced/Aggressive AI levels, for sure. Secondarily, it'd be cool to have the AI player names have an associated behavior. So, the Miltiades AI having a greater chance of being Aggressive than the Hippias AI, for example. I agree. Some work needs to be done to make walls fun and viable.
  7. Also, keep in mind when these numbers were made up (probably by me at some point), unit collisions were a loot larger than they are now. Which is why I fully support looking into deciding on new numbers. One thing to keep in mind is as others have mentioned that there are gameplay concerns where you probably don't want a player to be able to throw 100 gatherers at a mine and get 3000 metal in 2 minutes flat or other such scenarios. But yeah, some new gatherer numbers for A27 community mod could be what the doctor ordered.
  8. In the game or in the mod? EDIT: Only the one stone template, temperate_large_02, has 48 gatherers. I think because its oblong shape. I personally think all "small" ores and rocks should be 10 gatherers and all "large" ones 30.
  9. Been working on a Corinthian Isthmus skirmish map update: First for Delenda Est, then I'll despecialize it (take out the Mercenary Camps, primarily) for Empires Ascendant. You'll have to contend with Pirate Ships, Brigands, and angry Farmers who will try to stop you from taking their rich farmlands.
  10. It wouldn't be bad at some point to add buildable decorative items, perhaps in a tab in the construction UI so they don't clutter up the panel with the standard building icons (cluttering up this panel would harm ladder players). Perhaps this decorative tab can be turned off and on by the game host in match setup. If the host wants to allow a more languid pace of the game for players to make nice cities, then they can enable it. If they prefer a fast-paced or ladder game, then they'd leave it disabled.
  11. Add enough vision to cover most scenarios.
  12. Such a ridiculous outlier will have to be dealt with if it occurs. Design for what is likely.
  13. I mean, this is the obvious solution, isn't it?
  14. I agree this is pretty annoying. Perhaps something for A28 community mod.
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