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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Well, you have to approach it as its own thing, almost a brand new game. Not in DE.
  2. Well, indeed. The very large range of ranged units is part of their OP.
  3. Yeah, that's kind of a problem of huge vision ranges, IMHO. DE is better in this regard.
  4. In DE, the map has interesting capturable items, such as Shrines, Cultural Artifacts, Pirate Docks, and Farmsteads. One can also build your Storehouses and Granaries in neutral territory, for what I call the "Strong Core/Weak Countryside" dynamic. I've slowly started adding things kinds of things to the base game's skirmish maps, but no one plays skirmish maps on the lobby, unfortunately. Yeah, base game's siege engines are kinda weird. Too much attack range, massive vision range, huuuuge Crush damage (like artillery shells).
  5. I like this for a spy unit for 0 A.D. But it would be a standard unit though.
  6. It would be really helpful if Wall snapping was extended to include shorelines and cliffs, and Gaia objects such as mines and trees. Snapping new walls/hubs to the ends of a segment so that you can repair the end of a wall would be helpful too. Also, walls snappable to Fortresses and also the ability to upgrade wall hubs to ballista towers, etc. to make them more interesting and defensive.
  7. Yeah, it's using the skeleton of a smaller object
  8. Right, a different sized boned object would need its own animations. Currently the engine can't scale animations.
  9. Yeah. We should scrub as many pre-Alpha 26 images as possible and push stuff like this: Keeping old stuff around for nostalgia doesn't help promote a modern game. The game itself is also bloated with about 50 maps which are sub par and a bunch of old sub par world assets too. If a tree looks bad, we need to delete it. If a map is bad, delete it. Old textures, delete or update. For nostalgia or access to the older assets, the old alpha releases are always available for archeologists.
  10. I love the chicken entry. lol. Good job connecting it historically to the game, whoever wrote it.
  11. In DE, the fish regeneration is 43% faster than in EA. Works well.
  12. Also, in all texts, make sure to use the proper quotation mark “Epilektoi” instead of the programmers quotation "Epilektoi" ” = good " = not good Sucks, because it's not on the standard QWERTY keyboard.
  13. Sometimes I watch 0 A.D. videos to put me to sleep...
  14. Age of Empires always seemed to have cultures, rather than dynasties or factions. So, these new civs don't seem to fit at all, in my mind.
  15. Not sure these new civs fit into the theme of Age of Empires.
  16. I just ain't got time to convince someone that default unitAI behaviors greatly affect gameplay.
  17. What UnitAI does by default has a huge effect on the game meta, else this poll would not exist. Another motivation for changing it was that the capture mechanic is confusing for new players.
  18. I was under the impression we wanted to reduce the capture-delete mechanic.
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