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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. You just have to enable the whole map option for the shadows. The main problem with the narrow FOV/far zoom approach is that sound effects are now no longer the correct volume. The emitters are "far away", so that there needs to be a custom sound schema for such an approach.
  2. What if they could batch-train chickens and peacocks as a replacement?
  3. You probably have to contribute knowing that your work can be used and remixed at-will.
  4. WFG is very conservative with its funds. Mostly warranted. The funds have to last as long as the project does and the last fundraiser was... a challenge. But there is an excess of funds, yes, and I'd like to see a portion of that go toward some art commissions. I believe there is a yearly report done on this.
  5. I have long hoped and advocated for WFG to commission an artist for Hero/Unit portraits, but nothing has been done.
  6. https://www.imagine.art/dashboard/tool/from-text The base game (Empires Ascendant; aka EA) versions of the graphics would not include AI art.
  7. Right, I made a local edit to say: "All Technologies −15% resource costs and research time."
  8. Technology. It could be reworded a little bit better though.
  9. The actual order of the buttons^ can be debated, as well as the wording. For instance, I could see the list reordered (and changed wording) to: Historical Background Cultures and Civilizations Gameplay Military Units Civilians Structures Heroes and Heroines Environments and Maps Glossary Possible Menu:
  10. I really enjoyed making this one: You can see @Freagarach's Gaia emblem there. BTW: The "Statistics" area will list the basic stats for the unit, similar to my "Template Viewer" mockup. I think the in-game Template Viewer could remove the "History" section and instead have a button to open the Game Library article. Save a little room on the Template Viewer.
  11. I honestly am having a really hard time with Gimp's UI, even with the Photoshop UI mod. The features just aren't the same. I pulled many of the assets directly from the game's art folders and also just cut things out of screenshots.
  12. Upper right hand corner, I put a little theme drop menu.
  13. Agreed, but a lot of people enjoy Dark themes, so I through gray and black in there for those people.
  14. Environments and Maps (plus Themes) I like the Beige and White themes myself.
  15. For me? An 11. For someone who has pre-existing skills, maybe a 5. As long as someone codes the framework, the rest of us can gleefully provide the content.
  16. Yes, something like this either in-game or offline (and linked in-game) would be ideal. Unfortunately, this is just a mockup.
  17. Some further mockuppery 1. Game logo. The words below the logo could change base on the title of the enabled mod. 2. Click a red button for the main category ("Structures" in this example). Some articles can be listed under multiple categories if they are relevant. 3. A Drop menu quickly slides down 4. And the category header slides out 5. Choosing an item from the Drop menu (3) changes the article's Graphic 6. And the text of the item shows here, complete with a scrollbar on the right. I've only shown the text for the Athenian Civic Center for illustrative purposes. 7. The articles can be cross referenced. We can add inline links to relevant articles (on click), or have tooltips (on hover). In this example, "Solon" is linked because it's the Athenian Catafalque (Relic). "Citizens" is linked to the article under "Civilians and Economics" category that tells about the concept of "Citizens" in the game. "Athens" links to the "Athenians" article under "Cultures and Civilizations." "Greek" links to the culture article. "Council" links to the "Council Chamber" structure article. "Democracy" links to the Athenian civ bonus article. And lastly, "ostracism" links to that technology's article. 8. Back button and a "Random Article" button, akin to Google's old "I'm feeling lucky" button. 5,6, and 7 could be blank until you choose an article from the drop menu (3), or there can be a generic article and graphic detailing what a "Structure" is. Audio: A cool idea I had would be to play the object's selection sound any time you clicked it from the drop menu. So, click the Civic Center article in the list, the Civic Center selection sound plays as the article loads. Click a Technology article, the tech completion sound is played. Click a Civilization's article, there can be either a short civ-specific intro sound, or in the article itself can have a little that plays music from the civ's json.
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