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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Yeah, I noticed. I chose that one because the faces and hair were distinct from the others
  2. All civs: "Siege Rations": A late-game City Phase boost to unit health. All units +10% health. Cost: 2000 food. Building: Farmstead.
  3. "Iron Smelting": Large mounds of iron slag were found at Kushite settlement sites, indicating an advance iron working industry. Allies +10% metal gathering rate.
  4. I did not play the map. I'm not on my gaming rig, so I only looked at it in Atlas. I think the Maritime Pines are a good stand-in for the Aleppos and look nice in Mediterranean setting: The hills above the Aegean Sea are often covered in "scrub" bushes as well. Like this: The good thing about bushes is that they don't block building construction.
  5. Took a look at it. Good for a first try! Some thoughts, if you don't mind: Lighting, Environment, etc: Don't forget to add fog, play with the lighting settings (a lot of the current skirmish maps have good settings), turn on the HDR post-effect and play with the contrast, etc. Right now, without these things the world looks flat. Mess around with water colors and sky boxes to make a nice looking ocean. Terrain textures: Add some variation to the grass textures you're using. Since you're using the Aegean terrains, stick with that biome but variate the grass textures a bit. Also, don't forget forest floor textures under the treed areas. Which brings me too: Trees feel too spread out. Remember the course of the game requires the player to place buildings, expand, etc. When you're creating maps, always think about how it will play. So, clump the trees together and create groves and forests that the player has to expand to and exploit. And I personally wouldn't use the Aleppo Pines--they're not as well made as some other tree types. Also, use bushes around the edges of groves and forests. Have fun with eyecandy. Place a bunch of small stones around mines. Maybe even make cool open pit quarries, etc. Keep at it, or apply these things to your next map! Have fun world building!
  6. You know this how? You know this how? My guess is you'd take steps to make these mods bypass this check then? Curious.
  7. Not a game that allows some to install cheat mods. Yeah, I'm using the word. The solution is to remove the disable checks feature from the base game. This would ensure that all players in a match have the same mods installed and enabled. @Atrik @seeh et al. If people would like to see macros and other GUI/input features in the base game, then those people should submit patches: https://code.wildfiregames.com/differential/diff/create/
  8. Officially the feature is currently only-snap to wall towers. If it doesn't work then it's a one-off bug or, and this can be fixed too, the adjacent wall on the other side of the tower sticks to far into the tower and it's the overlapping obstructions which prevent you from setting a new wall.
  9. I mean, it's one of the last major quality of life issues with the game. I definitely give a shite if you'd like to pick it back up. EDIT: Hmm, I looked at the patch and it's not exactly what we need for walls, I think. What walls need is for wall segments to be able to be snapped to with new walls, not just wall towers. Currently you can only replace wall segments by snapping the new wall to a wall tower and stretch it to the next available tower. You cannot currently snap the new wall to the end of a segment to make a new tower and stretch from there. This is what we need. Building spawning new foundations when destroyed is an interesting feature to potentially explore, but for walls I think we need what I've described above, which is something different.
  10. Not yet implemented. There was a patch, but I'm not sure about the chosen implementation. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1190
  11. 0 A.D. is in serious trouble. Full stop, these mods are killing the game. @guerringuerrin is right, in that folks with skills to actually help with developing the core game would rather use that time and effort making what essentially amounts to cheating tools in order to destroy the PvP aspect of 0 A.D. for short term LoLz. Once multiplayer has been turned over to the cheaters and spammers and botters, it's a sure sign of the game's death.
  12. Hi there. I could take a look at the files if you wish. @Stan` is on vacation.
  13. The differences between a skirmish map and a scenario, is that a skirmish allows the players to choose their civs and the host to choose all kinds of settings, while a scenario is basically locked to what the designer has decided, creating a specific scenario or story
  14. I think it will take top players to work with AI programmers to make worthy AIs. That, or top players becoming AI programmers.
  15. Watch spelling: calvary -> cavalry Xenaphon -> Xenophon "However" is used thrice in a row. Calvary for a long time was a weak spot in Sparta’s military. For the longest time their only force was the hippeus, a force of 300 mounted infantry who would guard the kings and perform in religious ceremonies. However, in 424 BC the Spartans started putting those deemed unfit to fight on horses to ride as scouts. However the amount of Spartans who were calvary only ever amounted to only 60 per mora(Xenaphon wrote that a mora contained around 6,00 men). However, Sparta did bolster their ranks with mercenaries.
  16. I think it could go both ways. Random AI name or choose a specific name to battle against.
  17. If you run the simulation in atlas the changed resource amounts should work
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