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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Saharan Oases 4p, my guy Because it's not a "graphics" setting if it affects the simulation.
  2. Thing is, the rotation isn't entirely visual, the obstruction (a square shape) is also rotated, which then affects the rotation of buildings which may snap to it. Miletus Peninsula is bausssss.
  3. Honestly, I thought it wasn't that interesting of a feature in AOE3 to make it a default behavior. The migration was always too subtle to notice before all the animals were hunted to extinction. If anything, in 0 A.D. I find it a bit annoying that herd animals tend to "average out" their pathing and end up all spaced apart across the map. I think they should wander, but stay within a certain distance from either each other, or from the coordinates they were placed.
  4. Large Metal mines already have 4 variations, for example, so then adding random rotation kinda takes it too far. I acknowledge it is a subtle thing, and the reflexive reply would be something along the lines of what you said, but sometimes I think there can be too much randomness for quick recognition. In the skirmish maps I make, I tend to not rotate the large mines (for just the reason I stated) and no one would complain about the lack of variation on the map.
  5. You want to look at the component files in binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components.
  6. I agree, especially about the last part. Simply building a trading post on the right slot was essentially the entire extent of trading and it was about as deep as a pizza box. Having biome-appropriate trading posts to trade with seems a lot more dynamic than the AOE3 method. BTW-in Alpha 25 there are Trading Posts on a few of the new skirmish maps by which you can test the concept.
  7. Suggestion: Mines should not be rotated randomly, to assist in visual recognition. Thoughts?
  8. All well-argued. I wonder then if an "International Trade Bonus" could be removed as a default feature and given to a civ as one of its Team Bonuses*. Persians and/or Carthaginians perhaps. *There's nothing to say that civs can't have more than 1 team bonus, though we shouldn't get too carried away. It could be a way to make (e.g. Athenians) more relevant in team games if they could have another bonus to fall back on if their primary bonus (e.g. based on a map having water) was not applicable. Perhaps a different discussion though.
  9. Agreed. Obama was a complete disappointment who bought into the national security state apparatus the moment he secured the Democratic nomination. His language started to "moderate" and I started to realize we weren't going to have a good time. He wasn't even subtle about his rhetorical shift. I guess it's "presidential" to adopt the "prevailing wisdom" of Washington. While Obama did a few good things, overall he just carried on carrying on what President Cheney started before him. Oddly enough, it was Centrist Centrist Biden who wanted to do the radical thing and pull out ASAP. I guess he actually had skin in the game (family members in the armed forces) while Obama and most of Congress did not.
  10. Reduced the number of trees again on India. The India tree species have a lot of wood in general, so a reduction in number of trees still gives players more available wood than other biomes.
  11. @maroder What's the link for your patch that adds the ability to determine resource counts in the biome files? I'll add it to the wish list.
  12. Can those folks who had criticisms of the India biome please install the mod and take a look? See if your main issues have been addressed. SVN compatible. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/0ad_terrains_overhaul If it looks good to you, then I'll move on to addressing some stuff with Nubia.
  13. Yeah, ranged units just don't have the unit AI yet to allow friendly fire to be a general thing. Ranged units would have to be 'smarter' to make it a thing. Though, DE has friendly fire with catapults.
  14. Well, I was just throwing together stuff that's already in the game. Otherwise I see a couple of solutions: Create a new set of "small" stone mines and a separate new set of "small" metal mines with an eye to making the sets look distinct. Get rid of sprinkling small mines all over the map in favor of using the larger, easier to distinguish, ones instead, just fewer of them.
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