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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. That was my immediate thought as well, that priests can still affect a team game. But let's be honest, how many priests would it take to actually affect a team game? Then again, you could also ask how many spearmen does it take to affect a team game? It's certainly a rabbit hole one could dive into, but at the end of the day a line has to be drawn somewhere. I would make priests ConquestCritical though.
  2. Conquest is kill all "ConquestCritical" units and buildings. ConquestCritical units and buildings are essentially those that can attack and thus alter the course of the game.
  3. Indeed. Many of humanity's greatest cities will be inundated, but a 1% increase in carbon taxes is fought against tooth and nail. smh
  4. Bro, there's no need to get upset! People just want to see your hard work make it into the game so it can be enjoyed.
  5. I agree this is the solution. Force capital to stop offloading their filth onto the heap of "externality." There are no "externalities" except on a capitalist's balance sheet. It's time to force it onto their balance sheet.
  6. The report will tell us we are on track for a 'worst case' scenario and that we will not turn this around in time. The only thing we can possibly do is try to mitigate the worst effects. But in the end, what will happen is that the rich northern countries, specifically the richest people within those countries, will attempt to wall off the rest of the world's suffering while continuing their lavish lifestyles financed through rampant capitalism and resource depletion. Essentially, the ostrich sticks its head in the sand while the hyena of climate change eats it alive anus-first.
  7. It can definitely be tweaked for A26. I'm not very happy with it.
  8. I had the notion to have soldiers build ships on the shoreline, like how in DE soldiers build catapults (instead of "training" them from an Arsenal).
  9. Got this with both DE and EA. Create a formation of troops (hoplites in this instance). The default close order formation works. Now task these dudes to gather a treasure. They won't move (glitched out; perhaps a known problem?). Then task them to capture a building. Voila. That error is generated and they still do not move. Can anyone else reproduce? I can reproduce it very easily and consistently.
  10. I think doing anything more than a citizen/slave dichotomy would be pushing it for an RTS. Delenda Est has citizens (or peasants, depending on the civ; many cultures didn't have a "citizen" concept at all), which can gather, but are good at building, and then has slaves, which can only gather (and can be captured). Slaves are unlocked when you build a Market in P2.
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