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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Bollocks. Any withdrawal from Afghanistan would have been a "disaster" since the entire country is a disaster. It's been clear for years now that all the U.S. was doing was propping up yet another corrupt unpopular government against a local insurgency. The Afghan government was a complete disaster itself. A completely biased view of the political landscape. "Some people say..." Likely they would prefer Biden to Trump or Dubya. You're right though, Biden is no Obama.
  2. Stone Quarries and Metal Mine Shafts really should be considered (maybe A27). My proposal is elsewhere in the forum.
  3. I like the way Hyrule: Conquest does it better, as it shows you details of each hero as you select them and then you click a button to choose. I don't have the skills to make anything like that though. Yes, this is intended. You can use your hero at the start to boost your econ or go scouting or any number of things. Yes, I would like to background pause the match until the heroes are chosen, but again I will need help with that. The mod currently is in a lot of flux. Ima wait to worry about translations until it's more stable.
  4. If the bush was an obstacle, the building preview would turn red, as it does for any obstacle.
  5. To make it "feature complete" from a player interface pov, it would be nice if the bush turned red when the player waves the building preview over it, to tell the player it will be destroyed.
  6. Not really, since you can only build in ur own territory and the bush isn’t destroyed until you start construction (simply placing a foundation doesn't destroy the bush).
  7. I've made bushes passable and destructible by buildings. They don't block pathfinding or construction. Used a mixin: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity> <Obstruction> <BlockMovement>false</BlockMovement> <BlockPathfinding>false</BlockPathfinding> <BlockFoundation>false</BlockFoundation> <BlockConstruction>false</BlockConstruction> <DeleteUponConstruction>true</DeleteUponConstruction> </Obstruction> <StatusBars> <HeightOffset>8</HeightOffset> </StatusBars> </Entity> This prevents bushes in your base from blocking you from constructing buildings, which was a huge problem for India and other biomes that heavily use bushes.
  8. Ideally, there should be garrison and projectile prop points for all buildings. You never know if the base game or mod wants to add garrison or shooting ability to any type of building.
  9. Each captured horse benefits your cavalry. Garrison them into a Corral or Stable to keep them safe. Hover over their portrait to see the exact benefit! I found it weird that horses were treated the same as deer or sheep. Should definitely look into adding this to the base game.
  10. Improved Stone Mines for India, and you can definitely see fewer grass sprites. We need new models for the "small" Metal mines that pair with the new metal mines added in A25, as the current "small" metal mines re-use the small stone mine models. @Stan`
  11. Extended from this thread: Github Repo: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/0ad_terrains_overhaul @maroder, myself, and others are looking to build upon the biome and map work we did for Alpha 25. We will post discussion and progress reports in this thread. We will also entertain suggestions, bug reports, and criticism here. First thing Maroder is working on is improving Gulf of Bothnia random map. First thing I am working on is improving the India biome. I'm making wider spaces to build and removing the obscene amount of grass props. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to improving the existing new biomes from A25, I'd like to add a few more for A26: Hispania-North Africa Italia Persia ------------------------------------------------------------------- We would also like to work with the team to extend and expand the biome code to allow for more flexibility and interesting maps. Wishlist. Note: Not all random maps are required to use all options available in the biome files: Additional Gaia options fish1 fish2 treasure1 treasure2 treasure3 bushForest1 So, these are bushes, plants, and saplings that line the edges of forests. This is crucial to make forests look natural. bushForest2 dangerousHuntableAnimal Boars, etc. riverineShoreAnimal1 Crocodiles, Hippos, etc. riverineShoreAnimal2 dangerousAnimal1 Tigers, Lions, Wolves dangerousAnimal2 Additional Decoratives bird1 bird2 oceanAnimal1 sharks, etc. oceanAnimal2 dolphins or Portuguese man o' wars, etc. rockShore cloud1 dust1 Sand storms, etc. dust2 Resource Counts. Allow biomes more fine-tuned control over various resources. Patch: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3995
  12. Maybe it was in German, but you read it in English. Jk
  13. I said civ, because "2 players playing the same player" sounded awkward, if accurate. But basically, it would be 2 separate people playing as 1 player in game, sharing responsibility. It's called coop or co-op mode in other games. It could be as simple as just allowing multiple people to choose (or be assigned) the same player in match setup.
  14. Probably a simple template fix. Might have accidentally left out the SelectionGroup line in the light warship's template. Here I am stumped. I have never run across something like this before. @Stan`? @Freagarach @s0600204?
  15. Champions are supposed to be the most experienced troops you have. That's what distinguishes them from Citizen Soldiers.
  16. I really don't know who pissed in your Wheaties. Maybe you were just born this way. I can see this point. Though, isn't there supposed to be a detriment to your eco with rushing? The game is very fast paced already (folks have said rushing is now super viable with A25), and with a successful raid not only have you harmed your enemy's econ, but you've gained a bunch of free resource with which to keep the snowball rolling.
  17. It would be neat to have an "apprentice mode" where another player can help a less-skilled player for a period of time. Also, it would be nice to have "co-op mode" where two players can control the same civ for the duration of a match.
  18. What I mean is, it's such a passive benefit that is not very obvious. In other games you see some kind of UI notification when you gain loot, either with a number flash, a text notification, an animation, something. Loot in 0 A.D. is very sub-surface. In BFME2 you had to physically move your soldiers to go grab loot as it was dropped from a loot-bearing structure that was destroyed. In 0 A.D., you have to go digging into a layer or two of the UI to find it and even then you don't really notice it's happening. There's just this snowball effect that rolls under the surface.
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