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Everything posted by auron2401

  1. I'm not sure that even post marian reform units had black troops, they were still either italian latin or roman, the reform just opened up to anyone who was a member of the "capite sensi" (or headcount/those counted by the head). However, when auxiliaries came into play (when they ran out of men from italy/latium/rome) black troops aren't that unlikely.
  2. I understand that "wasted time is wasted" (my philosophy, thief!) But sometimes, Time is of the essence, you need 20 spearmen NOW, and then you need to train the last 80, because 20 will hold off the enemy cav rush. It's situational, don't just say "ITS A BAD THING DON'T DO IT EVER EVER", generally i agree with you, but i find that a small batch before a big batch if i need troops IMMEDIATELY is good. Just saying.
  3. Would have to cost a lot more than just 1000 food, for something so benificiery. Maybe: Trade agreement (sounds better) Cost: 3000 metals, 4000 wood, 1000 stone, 4000 food 75% Bonus income from merchants, 125% bonus trade income from merchantmen, -25% Harvest rate Cost is basically, a "don't research me too late, buddy, or face the consequences" mind you, just a -25% harvest rate wouldn't deter me, if i got just 25% trade income boost, i use trade, ALOT. (almost always, in fact)
  4. Problem is, Most of your suggestions is where we had most of our problems last time. Too many overlapping counters. Swordsmen and archers are good example. The counter circle NEEDS to be a circle, you can't have units countering each other, it just results in broken gameplay, and weird balance issues. Generally it should be ranged>infantry>Cavalry>ranged With little variations inbetween. It won't work, there's too many different civs and differering units for differing civs, so factions with poor spearmen will get rekt by civs with great cavalry, so on so forth. Soft counters is the only way to make so many different factions balanced, hard counters work in games like starcraft (which, don't do it, because there's too many different units to have a great circle of balance)
  5. Carthaginians are definately my go-to. But i mostly play random, i think.
  6. i agree, but, the jump from 0.33 to 0.66, while is a double, at this point if you're beating the ai, you've got a significant hold over them already, which significantly decreases the bonus in and of itself.
  7. after an hour of playing, or just an hour with the game running itself?
  8. They aren't functional though. At least not really. Edit: Skirmish also sort of works, it makes your units spread out on first click, but if you click again they will all head for the exact same point and sort of.. circle jerk, as they do. Poor things, all want to sit on that rock.
  9. No he's right, you would have to deselect 2 houses in order to train any.
  10. You're hiding something behind the mountain peak. I know it.
  11. You forget the meaning of barbarian It means "Not greek". or "Doesn't speak greek". So those civilisations were most certainly barbaric. Maybe the gaul tribes with greek contact (the ones who lived in provence in particular, forget their names) Weren't "Barbarians", but i think my point is made. lol.
  12. if citizen soliders can't gather, how does pacifism come in?!
  13. Oh.. yeah. *facepalm* And i think you could make structures build slower in neutral territory, would affect everything though. (including outposts)
  14. Wizards are never late. Nor, are they early. They arrive EXACTLY when they mean to.
  15. Some Feature Suggestions Enable Buildings like Storehouses and farmhouses to be built in neutral territory. Maybe for balance, making them build 50% faster would be okay. Allow soldiers to build, Acting as a half-way solution between citizen-soldiers and normal RTS Soldiers.
  16. OMG. Someone else who understands time is a resource!
  17. I imagine pathfinding will be the topic of the next developer report. Hopefully.
  18. I wouldn't mind a germanic faction after the pasturing is implemented.
  19. Oh Dear. Here we go again. New guy with entitlement issues. Guess i'll try to answer some of your Code inefficiency is being worked on. It's been said many times before: This game is In seriously early alpha, and being worked on by part time community members. Please Don't act all high and mighty about this issue, unless you intend to assist with it. --- What's wrong with the in-game mechanics? I mean, a part from a lack of consistency (I.e build-times + recruitment-times are on different wavelengths) There isn't any big problem... What's wrong with farming? Bad balance is a side effect of trying new things, I'll also throw the alpha card in, and not that many competitive players to help with balance card into the mix. "Scythes surprise balance changes"... Good god don't even get me started. If Several months is too sudden, Development will take.. hundreds of years just to get the balance right without people going "WHY DID YOU CHANGE SO MUCH SO FAST". If you want to have some influence on balance changes, download the SVN and give some constructive advices. ---- Please at the very least Download alpha 16 and compare the two, before you make comments on the changes themselves. Technologies are VERY DIFFERENT. Before: They were Useless Technologies which were coined together, EG: +2 pop per house, or +25 health to your ladies. Now they are: Expensive, (and NOT USELESS) But you can get every tech. makes more sense this way. You seem to have made no effort to research, but all the effort to complain. Go home, you're drunk.
  20. *Puts on tinfoil hat* Age of empires 2 conquerors remake confirmed?!
  21. Loving it so far! Loving your plans to make carthage a naval power again! ...apart from the Naval UN Power they are now. Euch. Willing to help with balance testing if possible! ESPECIALLY With Carthage.
  22. You only make ranged cav?! Can i play persians against you?!
  23. As i mentioned, changing the water system would effectively enable this.
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