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Everything posted by auron2401

  1. What, so you don't enjoy AI Players Squealing in pain when they resign? Blaming their loss on some totally insignificant part of how Things went down, like there wasn't enough trees nearby or their starting food was sub-par? Well I guess I’ll just add you to the my of boring people then. I must admit it's getting quite long.
  2. It's from Computer players FeXoR. Whenever they perform a certain task (I.E Dying Splendidly) They send out flavour Text. To make them seem more alive than they really are.
  3. Personally i think we should just agree on what would be the most "agreeable" Default binds, and let anyone who wants to go make their own set be pleased with what they Are offered. The hotkeys menu (and i mean menu) Should be jam packed with options. Every single hotkey combo should be avaliable. If i want to build a house by holding CTRL + Shift + 9 + 8 i should be allowed, obliged, encouraged to do so. if i want to also build my houses by a bind on a seperate keyboard without changing the keybind Ingame, i should also be allowed. Especially if that bind is Entirely different. Trust me, from my time playing some games (one in particular is called urban terror. Keybind madness) I've learnt that there may be a small amount of people like that But darn they yell loud if they can't do 360 backflip noscopes by holding down more keys than they have fingers to do so, whilst moving their mouse around to aim. Seriously.
  4. Lovely video (if a bit stuttery), Very ROTMK-esque. (rise of the middle kingdom)
  5. zzips i don't idle in the lobby. I idle in IRC. So if you want to catch me to have a game with me, hop in there first. If i'm awake (and avaliable at my compooter) I'll be there. I would advise everyone else to do the same. Aparently you don't sleep either, stan. Anyway Tango, stop being Irate, please. If you want to poke me, do it with style. About the whole melee cav thing: I haven't really tried them out. I do know I've watched my Numidian Cav (I have a boner for Qarthage, Don't question me, just nod and agree) Destroy occasionally two-times-bigger forces of roman melee cav in the early game. Humans, mind you. Ai never masses melee cav in the beginning ever. I only really suggested a melee cav boost is so that skirmcav gets the anal-end-of-the-stick without being nerfed to nothingness See This for my opinion on Unnecessary nerfs.
  6. Romance of the three kingdoms is about the fall of han, not really about the han itself. Can't really imagine the criteria for 'heroes' if you were to pick 3 out of the romance of the three kingdoms, though. So many famous names, so many stereotypes... Would it be leaders(of the 3 kingdoms)? Liu Bei Cao Cao Sun Ce/Sun Quan? (Sun ce was called the 'little conqueror' and kind of set the groundworks for sun quan to work with) Or their greatest Strategists? Zhuge Liang Zhou Yu Sima Yi? Maybe the greatest warriors of the time? Which would be Guan Yu Lu Bu Zhao Yun? All those names are up for debate, mind. No. No Definitely Not. Too many famous so called 'heroes' to draw from.
  7. Hmm, hey could someone model obelix carrying a large boulder? The nostalgia factor would be IMMENSE.
  8. Alpha 17 is due in a few weeks http://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap You can track the progress via that.
  9. I think he means "Re-Downloading" (but it isn't really downloading) It into a new folder. / delete the old one and re-acquiring it. I haven't used tortoise in a long while though, so iuno how its done.
  10. Is there any way to make the (grass) simulate the terrain under it? I.e have it be a desert hill instead of a grass hill ontop of a desert? O.o
  11. The accuracy changes are NOT, Good. Trying to hunt with Ranged cav now is a joke. (it was great before) When i want my starting jav cav to hunt down my local deer, It's NOT Good design for him to spend 10 minutes attempting to hit an IDLE DEER. If you want to fix the jav-cav rushing. Do it ANOTHER way. Hate me, but being rushed is a player error, not a game error. (as much as i agree with the sentiment) Heres a good way to counter it. Give Melee cavalry an anti ranged-cav bonus. Make them run faster than they do currently. Or.. Replace ALL CAVALRY UNITS IN THE VILLAGE STAGE WITH MELEE CAV. Or more drastic yet, don't allow cavalry to be trained at the civ centre / village stage at all. The Units were FINE.
  12. Most of the changes over on SVN are fine, but not really useful or revolutionary Scrap that. Balance changes are... terrible. Why change the Numidian jav + numidian spear icons? These new ones are horrible, don't fit the general.. feel? of the carthaginian theme/icons set... and just don't look good at all.
  13. Well i've been thinking about this, and i think there should be some funny tie-ins to actual defeats in history. EG: When gauls defeat romans, the romans should be Offering to give them a huge bribe-off to leave them alone (like, how they survived brenus, tons of gold.) Or when Roman beats roman, Maybe something like.. Et tu brute`? (I know that's Shakespeare, but still)
  14. I thought we'd decided bartering and trade routes were to be the way we get resources? Like, out of thin air, instead of gathering it off trees/rocks etc.
  15. What's so right about the gold mine? It's so darn boring, and nobody ever makes models or skins to replace the darn thing.
  16. Maybe an iber-styled flag draped over the 'front' wall? player/team coloured ofc.
  17. Reading between the lines I’d say the pathfinder tried but failed to make a route. Not sure how though. AH, because it couldn't find the files required to do the pathfinding? Try re-compiling, maybe a change moved the path-finding changes to the pre-compiled location, and the game engine couldn't find them?
  18. As much as we would all like this, it's probably not good gameplay-wise. I mean, that would just give raiders MORE bonuses towards them. they already have shock and speed (assuming you are using cavalry to raid. Lol.) The ability to cause confusion would be devastating.
  19. You should try the SVN - Petra is significantly better than it is in alpha 16. Instructions to getting it here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  20. Not at the moment, they have to download it from here, move it into their maps folder, if they want to play it. But if everyone who wants to play it has the map - no problemo.
  21. I don't think he meant maximum possible pop cap I think he meant when you go into matches - it's at maximum by default (300), and this should be reduced to 100/150 so that anyone who just clicks play without altering game settings will be at 100/150.
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