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Everything posted by auron2401

  1. You can actually get more territory faster, it's just significantly harder to hold without civ centres. ;/ Mind, they do get an awesome elephant+pikeman combination. Maybe if Civ centres were built a bit more like settlements in AoM it might be more viable? (i know it was actually originally planned but called off somewhere, but i think it would be a great combination with territory would be great - more field battles. :3) But yeah, Seleucids is basically: we need moar art We need moar ideas to make them unique-er, And thats' basically it.
  2. Having the whole carolingian logo could freak out history nerds (or anyone who's played CK2 Old gods. XD) The karlings kind of ruled over france and germany. Sure they hated each other, but they were still the same.. 'dynasty'. IS there.. ANYTHING.. more unique to the frankish Karlings? SO as to determine which karling is which when they are warring against each other? Also, those 'axethrowers' could be melee as well? I mean Franciscas are actually decent to swing around as well as fling around. Franciscas CAN be thrown, and you really cant kill with them, so they would primarily be a melee weapon and you would only be thrown if you had a need to (eg to fight against an archer you were charging against) Watching that video, it seems they would be probably even used them for morale purposes. Good arguments have been made for the use of them as a bouncy weapon. I would like a demonstration though. XD
  3. Playing the game at 1.25x speeds up Everything, So your question is stupid and pointless. It assumes that game speed only affects movement speed. Which is the ONLY thing which has been increased. unless you count the research which makes everything harvest faster but that costs.
  4. Not even paid devs would want to help after such an outburst.
  5. Sad but true. everyone seems desperate to use spartans and romans.
  6. Well as they are a planned research - yes. Marian Reforms: turns all infantry into Legionaries, Whom are unable to gather, or build (excepting of course, the entrenched camp).
  7. Or any map with small creeks on it.. ;3 Now all we need is suicide uruks. ;3
  8. Quintilis! The FIFTH month of the year until it was later renamed in honor of GAIVS JVLIVS CAESAR!, JULY! Im not certain, but i think that as the roman calender has changed quite often, it should extend into modern day august.
  9. Impossible. Converting units isn’t in the game (yet!) There is a mod for it though.
  10. So awesome! Do they lie down?! do they clean themselves?! Do they play with their food?
  11. Yikes, no wonder i couldn't find any references.
  12. Found this really funny bug whilst playing around with height map, maps. If you can place your civ centre in a position where the territory lines are over an edge, this happens.
  13. Siege weapons should consume more space on boats than other units. Eg: siege rams, 5, catapults, 10. So quintrireme factions dont get a big bad bonus at naval combat. Quintriremes really should be BIG triremes, not "siege ships" (else this could imbalance other factions)
  14. I think prodigal has a great thought going. I wouldn't mind buying slaves from a global pool. But i would like to add that you can only buy 5 at a time. and you need to wait 30 seconds in order to re-buy them. (to make it so one side cant just have them all, :3) They should have mining bonuses, nothing else. Slaves were mostly used for 2 things: farming, and mining. as it is, farming is the female bonus so we can't have it on a unit which would render them obsolete. It may not be a good idea, but if morale is implemented, how about also adding a constant decline in morale unless there are soldiers near by, and it would reduce if ENEMY soldiers are near by (chain breaking, freeing the slaves by force of arms) So you would need to keep them in big palisade pens in order for them to be not rebelling every 5 seconds. Thoughts?
  15. Moving on. I just sent this message to scythe but I think a more public opinion may help flesh it out. :3 Thoughts?
  16. And we won't get a large competitive scene if there are too many complicated mechanics like this which require thought to figure out. We have enough resources to worry about without needing to add in a "luxury" resource. Especially one which cannot be actually gathered. It's almost like EXP in AOE3 except not really, twice as annoying, and not as well thought out (no offence, i just mean if something isn't in the game design at the start, it's not worth adding it later. it will take much longer to balance and implement than if it was planned addition)
  17. Did you check if all players were using the latest version? That's most of the problems in a hat. Recompiling also helps.
  18. From the GIT? https://github.com/0ADMods/han_china Links help buddo.
  19. Similar, not entirely the same. It's taller and it doesn't have tons of spikes coming out of it. Lions one seems more like an object built by a group of highly skilled carpenters, not by a bunch of soldiers trying to put wood together with ladders in order to scale a wall Siege engines are built for the siege, not before the siege. all these representations of perfect structural objects are silly. ;/
  20. That siege tower looks kind of hard to model How about this?
  21. Theres' a research that upgrades the ranks (of all?) of your troops, yes?He's saying that the game crashes or freezes whenever he does research it. i think.
  22. Hey, he fixed the last problem with water, give him some time! At least you arent having THIS.
  23. You can lock it and let it be buried into the depths of time? (readable if anyone wants to though..?) Or you can make a new forum called "Archives Of Ye Olde Past" (or something similar) lock threads and put them there for.. "Safe keeping", but publicly accessible? *shrug* i haven't been involved in actually running forums in quite a long time.
  24. Try adding resources to the starting positions and see if ai efficiency goes up? Looking at the picture (zoomed in, ofc) It doesnt like you have many chickens, berries, scattered trees in either location. that can send AI out of whack.
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