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Everything posted by GunChleoc

  1. "long" means "ship" in modern Gaelic, it doesn't mean "long" at all. https://www.faclair.com/ViewDictionaryEntry.aspx?ID=A858113212698B01A9F8DEBFFB9A809A I expect it's the same for Gaulish.
  2. Maybe just link it up from the wiki for now? There is more stuff in that thread than the initial table, including some discussions and more languages.
  3. No worries, another patch can always bee made. There's translations in There are still some gaps, but I don't know enough about these languages to fill them. I once got 2 hours of modern Welsh lesson, which is not enough to be able to reconstruct common Brythonic, and I can't afford the time to learn. ETA: Found something interesting for "Druid" in our cognates database: http://www2.smo.uhi.ac.uk/teanga/bunadas/f.php?f=1042 Oldest British from there is do-are-wid
  4. The only thing I know about Gaulish is that it is Mainland Celtic as opposed to Insular Celtic (Brythonic, Goidelic). It might have influenced Breton though, because it's strikingly different from modern Welsh and Cornish. I'd be fine with either druid or druis I guess, although the -d seems to be more common across the languages. Keep in mind that Breton is Insular Celtic - people fled from Britain to Brittany and took their language with them. For the Bretons, unless we find a source for Brythonic, we could use drewydh/drewydd, plural drewydhyon/drewyddon as a base line. The der- in Welsh looks like an innovation, and dh/dd looks like mostly spelling differences to me, or a slight shift in the consonant. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Welsh, modern -ewydd, is -ouid in old Welsh, which would give us drouid. Unfortunately, there's nothing usable on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Brittonic for this word. Also, take anything I say with a grain of salt, since I don't have any knowledge about these languages per se except what similarity I can find to modern Scottish Gaelic + some general linguistic training.
  5. For the Britons, I did not find an old Brythonic or old Welsh dictionary, so this is the best I could find: Brythonic: Cornish: drewydh n.m drewydhyon Welsh: derwydd eg derwyddon Breton: drouiz Using Brythonic would be better than using Goidelic, but just for reference: druí Note the accent on the i, it's very important for vowel length. The "druid" form does not seem to be the nominative singular, so we shouldn't use it. Looks like "druídh" is the nominative plural - from eDIL: dá n-iccad a.¤ oendrúad if the skill of any druid were of avail ¤druí druidess; female skilled in magic arts: tri ferdruid ┐ tri bandrúid, TBC-LL¹ 2402 = dī (leg. tri) drúid insin ┐ a teóra mná, TBC-I¹ 1767. bandrai ┐ bancumachtach mē, ZCP xii 252.14 . a mhaca na bandrúagh = of the sorceress, Isaiah lvii 3. tangadar druídh baidsidhe in meic i ngeintliucht. Gur chansat an mbaithis ngeintlidhe forin mac beg ' druids came to baptize the boy into paganism. They chanted the pagan baptism over the little boy', ro-lá conflicht ros conaig (MSS. rusconaigh, ros conuigh) | risna druídib díthoraid 'contended with the barren druids and overcame them'
  6. If you do that with Windows 10, make sure it has plenty of disk space. If Windows Upgrade decides that it wants more disk space, it will not recognize your Linux and mercilessly grab whatever it wants, destroying your Linux partition in the process. Luckily, I had a backup of all my important files on Linux... I now run a Linux as my base system and use Virtualbox for Windows. This also means that I get access to both at the same time if I need it.
  7. Optimally, they would be sorted by translated name. The problem here is though that lexical sorting depends on the locale, e.g. AFAIK German has a different sort order for "ö" than Swedish does, and sorting by code point won't do the job. The ICU library might have an implementation for correct lexical sorting, but I haven't looked into this yet. The workaround I used for sorting the language names in Widelands is to have a "display name" and a "sorting name" for each entry. I think Battle for Wesnoth uses this trick too.
  8. Drive-by comment by anal-retentive proofreader: quadraped -> quadruped. Animations look great to this layperson
  9. I guess for the images it won't matter much, since the license is CC0. Pick whichever has the better search function? It just came to mind since they also have scans of old books and thinks like that, so my brain associated archive.org with the subject matter.
  10. If you cn find the time, how about uploading them to https://archive.org/details/image ?
  11. They even made it into what is now the south of Scotland, but didn't manage to hold it for long. There's a second wall running just north of Glasgow https://www.antoninewall.org/
  12. Merci for passing that on I have been around the block a few times now, so I'm used to using Git. I was really impressed by his guides for the less technologically adept though.
  13. Thanks for that rabbit hole. It's now 47
  14. Some people synchronize their bookmarks across devices, so they could get the link with their phone and use it on their desktop later. It might be convenient for them not to have to type the link. People are lazy
  15. I'd make the weblinks lowercase to make them easier to read.
  16. Please stop shouting and post the actual error message so that we can help you find the problem.
  17. @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates Some of the discussion in this thread might be interesting for your upcoming voice recordings
  18. If it doesn't get the exact same brain washing on all computers, it will start doing different things or each client, so the game start will not be the same for all players any more.
  19. Me too. I have never done this before and I have a backlog longer than my arm, so I won't be able to help any time soon
  20. How about allowing players so save/load whole sets of options?
  21. Transifex doesn't have a locale for Ancient Greek defined, but I have found them very approachable, so I could request one for you. We will need to supply the plural form rules and the ISO language code. This is what the plural form rules look like for Modern Greek: https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html#el This is what I have found for the ISO language code: grc Greek, Ancient (to 1453) https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry
  22. Thanks for posting, Lion. I have added it to a playlist in the Widelands channel. BTW we could use some more subscriptions so that we can get a decent link for the Widelands channel. We're 30 subscriptions short.
  23. Both multiplayer (internet or LAN) and singleplayer. We also have some tutorials, campaigns and scenarios.
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