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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Sherdesh: The Royal guard of the Pharaoh.
  2. yeah but are Lation , Classical or Vulgate or Ecclesial( Catholic Church)?
  3. Heaphestion you can do some props like Nemes wear, Egyptian Pharaoh Helmets and Props, and I need change the shape of an Chariot. more egyptian than mauryan or britain.. and I want add new Cavalry (Berebers Camel Raider- spear and sword ) now an update.
  4. You know pronounce Classical Latin?
  5. I need know that, haven't the proportion, or coordinates and other issues, I fear the wiki data base don't be updated.
  6. Only I try to change the shape of Hele_hood.dae and save! then I open the file as text but I can find diffuse. So I'm not sure I'm doing.
  7. Somebody can add this to a document , I'm very bust Y withb Egyptians
  8. even I'm not sure what I'm doing some times hahaha, I'm not very familiar with this methods but I try to doing your suggestion the next time.
  9. Soon, they are testing the release , if you see they are editing the process release, that means approximate to days or a week.
  10. sorry if, revive this post, but i want to add a prop, i was export to collada, then i was edit the xml actor file, but didn't work.
  11. Hmmm we need walkable entities.
  12. Hmmm, I saw that line before and was one of few that I didn't understood.
  13. Some body know how change the class to a unit, our spearman have swordman soul.
  14. New names: Hence, around the end of the Second Intermediate Period, we find the introduction to Egypt of the Horse and Chariot (wrrt, or mrkbt), which may have spelt the end of the Hyksos occupation and the beginning of the prosperous New Kingdom. In fact, the chariot would be absorbed into the royal regalia, becoming as powerful a symbol of domination as the Predynastic mace. Read more: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/weapons.htm#ixzz31SRYl6zH The Blue Crown - Khepresh (War Crown - hprs). One of the most common crowns found in Ancient Egypt, it can be first found from the Second Intermediate Period worn by Amenhotep III. New Kindom Pharaohs are often shown wearing it in battle, but it was also frequently worn in ceremonies. It was a blue helmet like crown adorned with golden sun discs, and like many Egyptain crowns, had a uraeus and vulture on the brow. The Nemes Crown or Headress (nws). This was a striped cloth headress worn almost exclusively by the king in representations. The most famous example can be seen on Tutankhamun's golden mask. The brow was decorated with the uraeus Wadjet and the vulture Nekhbet. It was associated with Re-Khepri at Sunrise and also with Horus, who bestowed it upon Osiris in order to bring about his rebirth.
  15. I'm worried for missing props, like Faraon blue helmet, war chariot chapel and two handed axe.
  16. MenĂº in spanish. Is not very noticia le for me., guys I need help, the user interface is very confuse to modding, the names are not clear and are very old files there.
  17. I Added Nubian Cav Skirmisher I Add Mauryan Infantry template, that can be converted into Royal Guards of the Pharaoh.
  18. i commited fixed , but i need retextured all. and adding props
  19. and that why I want spies,Assasins, saboteurs, traps and unconventional warfare: Guerrilla Warfare. black Operations.
  20. nice can add some propops download Aristeia as Zip from https://github.com/0ADMods/Aristeia make a user if is required.
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