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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. More Greeks, no thank you. Actually is a non playable faction.
  2. http://aom.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=st&fn=19&tn=29300&st=5 Here is a mod based in Natives civilization ( precolombian empires)
  3. http://www.digilibraries.com/html_ebooks/109833/14400/www.digilibraries.com@14400@14400-h@14400-h-1.htm Here are large illustrative of archeological reconstruction.
  4. The Migdol Stronghold trains Chariots, Camelry, and War Elephants. It also fires arrows at enemy units, and can be used to garrison units Migdol, or migdal, is a Hebrew word (מגדּלה מגדּל, מגדּל מגדּול) which means either a tower (from its size or height), an elevated stage (a rostrum or pulpit), or a raised bed (within a river). Physically, it can mean fortified land, i.e. a walled city or castle; or elevated land, as in a raised bed, like a platform, possibly a lookout. The term for a border fort is similar, mekter, in Egyptian. Figuratively, "tower" has connotations of proud authority. Joshua referred to Migdal-Gad, tower of Gad, one of the fortified cities of Judah, and also to Migdal-El, tower of God, one of the fortified towns of Naphtali (Joshua 19.38); and the city of origin of Mary Magdelene [Magdala] (Matthew 27:56; Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2; John 20:18). Jeremiah referred to a "Migdol" in Egypt, (Jeremiah 44:1) an island in the Nile, and Ezekiel referred to the Migdol of Syene, in Upper Egypt, in the context of the seat of government. The letters of uta refer to a "Magdalu in Egypt" which Albright identified with Jeremiah's Migdol.[1] The Book of Exodus records that the children of Israel encamped at Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the Red Sea, before their historic crossing. Migdal Ha'emek is a large hill surrounded by the Kishon river, west of Nazareth.
  5. Vacation. Several months out.

  6. My eyes, is very hard contrast, try to use some thing like fb pallette or Mac OS. Pallette . Try to use neutral like gray, very light,with black. The hard contrast is good for logos not for read. Green and red are contrast , more contrast more hard to read and painful for the sight. Check the link, in english is called contrast vibration. http://www.writer2001.com/colwebcontrast.htm
  7. I try be intermediate for Spanish speaker with questiion that I can answer, or troubleshooting , etc.
  8. You guys perform an early rush, the walls can be placed until 2 phase. And if are not completed try to ignore them, the towers can be more letal but now in new A16 only range unit have the boost of extra fire.
  9. Gaia is the same in mane languages.
  10. i know I was study media, I know about artistic freedom with costumes, hair cut style, and with the facts.The facts can follow a storyline based in a drama, without drama no nobodies see the show.
  11. What you test Chinese? Curiosity, nice catch.
  12. Spartan Flutist to get more morale to troops
  13. yeah that hair cuts style XD. but im talking about Weapons and Shields, may be buildings. Obviously the story plot isn't because like HBO Rome need have drama a an structure argumentative
  14. I have lag to.What kind of match setting you play regularly? 1v1 300 pop max I haven't lag in my SVN ( developer version) 1v1v1(3 free for all) 300 pop max is very laggy specially with new AI Petra. So I setting 1v1v1 with 150 max population.
  15. Is very nice serie that Vikings , I'm not sure how accurate is but have nice cut.
  16. Ate menses is back check our council of modder, now all mods are togheter. Sorry for the topic off.
  17. Don't forget load screenshots about your layout and your interface progress. ( for promotion reasons of course )
  18. Outside of Latinamerica Nobody knows about Taringa. XD. Even is blocked in many servers in USA. check the mod section. you can do that there.
  19. I want this one official, if they don't want ,yeah make the mod.In order have many option for main game I want a complete pack of mod for main game, some like "0A.D extended edition" Full pack mods Options Extras Even using ideas from other mods like conversion, like water aura bonus, etc. Many of my ideas is from my oldest topic. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15172 Abilities and spies( special units) are not included in that list yet.
  20. for the main game? I want thst for main game if the devs don't hsve any problem with that.
  21. Here I post a top of abilities suggested: Throw Pillum/Plumbatae / Axe Elephant special attack Cavalry Charging( all) Archer fire arrows Battlecry and morale related Poison weapons( Mauryan Maiden) Conversion(mods)
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