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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Im interested but im not sure if Millenium wants or can be in other Mod we have 3 and half mods in development. I need researched first, good researched.
  2. Hahaha the gray empires or invisible if we are counting the meshes.
  3. We need a Japanese faction, I think how many users wants see this one.
  4. Need props Stan or new texture. I feeling the same.
  5. Perrct , let's go if you need help with some little ( noises) an pop sounds, you don't be shy I can with them in Audition.
  6. I'm learning ever Aristeia was dependent from Idanwin's I was limited to create art, concept, research and promotional.
  7. its weird because I commit for every change, yesterday I didn't play only I added fortress and a axe, I get a error but I can't fix it.It's impossible get the mod in time, many art sets are not ready are missing chariot cavalry , the fortress need props, many uv error when I update Idanwin textures. I need help to done. For me is a maze each time I mod that, afortunatly you guys help me.
  8. i think the same.But each feature, are long wait, example things like bell was featured in last 15, formation( animations in 16) Walls in alpha 8, heal in Alfa 9 may be I'm wrong with some dates. I'm modder and is a lot of work, even doing a building is a work of many hours and days. Abilities nobody say a position with this, I want some blizzard gameplay without lost AOE style.
  9. Guys try to upload to as document desing. remember the post can be lost by time, documents don't.
  10. Nice. I'm not sure how niektb wants the look of the viking buildings but I like your concept.
  11. Do it, be are looking for concept artist,m I'm more visualizator and 2D 3D artist.
  12. I fling the problem was in need new texture for the new model.
  13. I uploaded in Props ,dae in Aristeia. sorry im busy learning about Uv mapping... thanks for the care.
  14. I know, I try to represent more premitive version, the buildings can have similarities, but not be the same.
  15. I try to do it first with a Building than a prop for a unit. this pluging works already in new version of blender and 0.ad? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/461 You think this can be move from Mod geneal forum.
  16. https://github.com/0ADMods/Ocelotlazohteotl @Trinketos tu mod ya tiene una repo. hacete una cuenta en git hub y yo te enseño a usarlo. @Trinketos I made you repo from the files you proportioned to me before, if you want I can show how use it. there is Trinketos Project, I create a Repo in our CoM Git Hub.
  17. corregime si me equivoco, pero los Zapotecas ¿no eran poderosos después de los Olmecas?
  18. And What you think about Zapotecs
  19. Now can be nice how create props and get in to the game. I know use blender to make weapons and edit props but I don't know how place in the game, the size, and position
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