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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. im agree with look italian. But still rare equipemnt may be Romanized troops in North Africa similar to Numidian "Legionnaire" isn't a Velite. The Helmet looks Romanized. The other is using Phrygian.
  2. But the rest of equipment don't look Roman, the interesting is whole equipment.
  3. I need finish some sound art tasks and may be can take it before the finish Sassanid houses.
  4. You are the boss you are the official and Im in my tablet I need downloads the files...
  5. Me, is little task I'm dealing with this in my little task to learn proper modelling. But i need a simple concept first.
  6. The textures can be made by me or another team member.
  7. Why not , are low poly?
  8. Yes in my country. But still very obscured in the darkness of history and a terrible jungle.
  9. https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/06/04/the-hypocrisy-of-the-blm-lockdown-breakers/
  10. Can you committee these. Motels should be more lighter color.
  11. you can make new Metal mines @borg-
  12. now this will be useful for me... Thank you Samulis.
  13. Make 3D asset to use as 2D texture like Ptolemies eagle can work for sculptures and 2D icons. Sounds effects, I'm alreafy working in these. Avatar for heroes, this takes a long time.
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