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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Not if you consider -500 B.C. -1 B.C. as one timeframe. Anyway it's all pointless now. I'd be glad to have the civs for 0 A.D: Empires Besieged
  2. Probably because they didn't expect it to take that much time. Also to better represent factions not to miw too much evolutions. But as I said to someone we can work on part 2 civ now. I just have no one to do it.
  3. Hey thanks for the thorough feedback! And welcome to the forums. @Langbart did we fix it ? Should be better in the next version @wraitii made some fixes. They do not have an animation yet. @JCWasmx86
  4. Currently they inherit the builder mixin. Think of mixins as partial templates. You can remove elements from the queue by writing -building Or you can change the inheritance to not have to do that.
  5. You can but you need to release the source code if you change the engine, or point to us if you don't, and give appropriate credit.
  6. If the models have different textures, they need to be separate objects and separate DAEs. Then referenced in the actor file as props. Maybe this will help -> [TUTO] Pyrogenis Propping System - Part 1 - Adding Prop Points in Blender - YouTube
  7. It's not a bug then it's not translated because the mod doesn't provide translations.
  8. Are you playing Delenda Est? Search · Signal fires (github.com) No result in public mod Search · Signal fires (github.com)
  9. From this thread https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253452348?answerId=256483794022#256483794022 Maybe removing readding the wifi could help. Could you try ethernet ?
  10. I managed to do it so it depends. Are you using the default version or the M1 version of the game ?
  11. That means you're losing connection. Could be your mac overheating
  12. This is not a proper comment. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/xml/xml_comments.htm
  13. I mean that your mod relies on translations that are inside the public mod. So if you change the four occurences of the string in that file (see the url for the path of that file) the game engine will no longer be able to match the strings and the translations. So it will default to english and whatever you put there.
  14. Unfortunately it is "hardcoded" here https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/aaf6271b47686a17b9b995b7cf83064e1234a02b/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/selection_panels.js#L1142 You can mod that file, but keep in mind it will break all the translations of your mod. As it is required to be translated. It could be expanded in the future. cc @Freagarach
  15. You can create another actor that uses the sword animation and props (props are the tools and weapons carried by the unit) See XML.Actor – Wildfire Games
  16. It's up to you guys I'm planning to release a RC soonish, I am waiting for one or two bugs to be fixed first. I'll advertise the RCs on the forums
  17. @Dunedan @user1 are the ones you should ask about this.
  18. While it is true that there are not many units looking like knights in the main game, there is actually a mod covering 500 A.D. - 1000 A.D. that might be of some interest to you. The mod is called Millenniumad Millennium A.D. mod - Mod DB The latest development version can be found at https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad
  19. Hey, See my answer in the other thread for the crash. Easy, you copy the XML file containing the stats in your mod, usually in simulation/templates/units and you change/overwrite the cost component e.g for all cavalry_swordmen template_unit_cavalry_melee_swordsman.xml in ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates – Wildfire Games Change this part 15 <Cost> 16 <Resources> 17 <wood>40</wood> 18 <metal>10</metal> 19 </Resources> 20 </Cost> You can add stone and food too. template_unit_cavalry.xml in ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates – Wildfire Games 21 <Cost> 22 <BuildTime>15</BuildTime> 23 <Resources> 24 <food>100</food> 25 </Resources> 26 </Cost> Change the BuildTime part This a bit trickier, but you can use the upgrade feature to change an entity to a different unit. See defense_tower.xml in ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/han – Wildfire Games 14 <Upgrade> 15 <GreatArcheryTower> 16 <Entity>structures/{civ}/defense_tower_great</Entity> 17 <Tooltip>This tower has greater range, greater attack, greater health, and is twice as difficult to capture.</Tooltip> 18 <RequiredTechnology>phase_city</RequiredTechnology> 19 <Cost> 20 <stone>200</stone> 21 </Cost> 22 <Time>40</Time> 23 <Variant>upgrading</Variant> 24 </GreatArcheryTower> 25 </Upgrade> You can have multiple upgrades and the name is arbitrary. The upgrades will be exclusive. Pyrogenesis (The engine) has an experience system that works through promotion, from base to advanced to elite, and you could wait till the unit has reached elite experience to enable the upgrade _b units are base they promote to _a units are advanced they promote to _e units are elite
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