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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey @LordStark Welcome to the forums. It seems you are hitting a little bug with AMD drivers and Vulkan detection. Fortunately there is a cure. It is likely because your laptop isn't using the correct GPU. See SwitchingToYourPCsDedicatedGPU – Wildfire Games. It is fixed in the development version. See also this thread: Callstack. > atioglxx.dll!5ef0788a() Unknown atioglxx.dll![Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for atioglxx.dll] Unknown atioglxx.dll!5e4ba822() Unknown atioglxx.dll!5e854f25() Unknown opengl32.dll!704bac54() Unknown pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::SetViewport(const SViewPort & vp) Line 1509 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::UpdateRenderer(int w, int h) Line 455 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) Line 417 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!psDisplayError(const wchar_t * __formal, unsigned int __formal) Line 366 C++
  2. I wonder if they could apply status effects to themselves, granting them an aura, or give a status effect to surrounding entities with a timer @wraitii @Freagarach not sure how hard that is, probably needs a new component to handle the cooldown.
  3. Hey @Vasilis Welcome to the forums. You can use the copy paste feature to that effect. Just place a few units select them, hit CTRL + C and then you'll be able to paste them.
  4. Some people have done for a while you need to pass an extra flag when updating workspaces.sh to make use of it
  5. Hey we try to write scripts to do those things, but sometimes we forget, you can also get in touch with us on IRC (Or me on Discord if you need help or assistance) Usually the breaking changes are here Alpha26 – Wildfire Games And the way to update is there PortA25ToA26 – Wildfire Games Get in touch I'd really like to have your campaign someday Also thorough testing and usage of triggers is definitely wanted. There is so much possible it would be a shame not to do it The tutorials could probably benefit from it as well.
  6. Hi(and welcome) As alre said, not really. Some videos might cover the basics but nothing extensive. Feel free to ask questions
  7. Hey, it's open source, so you can actually look at the stats yourself and suggest improvements Note sure what you mean by that.
  8. Feel free to make patches I remember Nescio fixing the dash stuff but maybe he used a longer dash for techs.
  9. Ideally we'd have some nifty way of opening trac tickets with those.
  10. Hello, My name is Stan` I'm the 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant project leader. We were recently made aware of the issue, and no one seems to have experienced it before. Does it do the same if you disable hyperthreading in the BIOS rather than with a kernel flag? We have a potential fix at: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4669 As mentioned there an ideal fix might be to use the SDL instead, to do that stuff. And the discussion thread is here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/81402-from-debian-assertion-failure-if-hyperthreading-smt-is-supported-but-disabled/ Best regards, Stanislas DOLCINI
  11. For that particular model, yes. Debian doesn't for instance.
  12. Might need an auto build C++ Try again tomorrow
  13. https://play0ad.com/summary-of-attendance-at-the-stunfest-2022/
  14. Thanks for the ticket. I had no idea putting slashes in folder was a thing...
  15. I've never heard of it before. Don't think that code checks for hyperthreading support :/ so likely no. Can you test ?
  16. Could be a simple patch to add options for water color might need to be on a per map basis.
  17. Would be nice if you could share some screenshots here It's alway nice to see assets in a different setting.
  18. @lukamas You can use them as long as you give credits to Wildfire games or the mods you took them from. :)
  19. What is the version of the game you are using ? (Visible in the main menu)
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