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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Looking really nice, is the crane Accurate though ?
  2. Loyalty ? Will they become neutral after some time ?
  3. IIRC when your building is out of your influence zone it takes damage. =)
  4. Maybe I could ? What is needed ? Edit Made the Animation of the Cart Edit 2 : Also, It would be nice to have the same props as the corral for player color, you know the little tissue stuff on the fence.
  5. I was wondering... How did you guys make the AI ? Would be nice to look at replays of videogames like starcraft, Aoe, etc And reproduce the strategies used by users point per point.
  6. Thanks =) Well, a lot of things happened since I first logged in 2011. I've seen that thread, but I'd like to contribute even more, before my name gets written in the code. I'm not sure I've done all the registration process moreover. I only have the very old application.
  7. Looking nice with maxed out graphics. How did you made the falling water ?
  8. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Maybe this may change something http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Render/Cycles/Nodes/OSL
  9. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Oh sorry there you go Updated Blender File, XML, Prop, DAE Final.7z
  10. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    I'm glad you like it =) Edited my post.
  11. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Okay, now two things, Your texture is again not transparent. So I give mine which is also fixed. I'll move the props.Viking_struct.7z I'll also add The whole project. I think I'm done with it =) When I will have finished all the others project, I may be free for you again.Longhouse-Final.7z
  12. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Don't worry Niektb I'll fix it =) I'm nearly done. You are welcome.
  13. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    The campfire will have its own animation so I'll do it last =)
  14. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    I'm afraid it's been a long time. I'll try to fix the UV at least. Okay I'll make the props.
  15. Yeah I know, even in the eyecandy there are not much references... I'll start working on the fountains when I'm done with foundations because I need to improve my skills in marble texturing, and it's time hungry. Btw is that tissue a cloth modifier or something ? I've seen that long time ago in max, but never really used it. I agree although I'm not well placed to give advices
  16. Is that fountain water texture in the the seuleucid buildings or just for demonstration purposes ?
  17. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Fixed it. There is something wrong, looks like someone displaced it so the uv doesn't fit well (See last Image). So What would you see as prop ?
  18. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    The transparency is broken =S
  19. I can provide the XCF with all the layers if you'd like =)
  20. Cages, Skeletons, Moai, Gladiators, are done. Cages are not in the svn though. Unless if you meant the skeleton had to be a unit. Also seems the racks are done, i also made armor racks in the gladiator props.
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