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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I don't know, marble texture was that way, and I'm not really proud of the uv ^^
  2. Glad you like it, if you give me other references, I can make some more, and optimize the empty space of the actual texture
  3. Tested Animation, not sure if exportable though
  4. Hey Lion, tell me do you have any references for fountains ?
  5. Better ? The red line is just to compair the wood logs. I rounded the windows, the wall and made the renforcements more fortress like.
  6. Okay, I'm going to fix it What do you mean by adding more texels ?
  7. Yup I did, worked for PoisonCourtesan aka the Athenian. Why ? Please call me Stan Made Some Props
  8. I'm wondering. Isometric, or perspective ?
  9. Fixed the roof. also some details addition. Thanks for feedback
  10. An attempt to make the charred tree of the EyeCandy Thread
  11. Links for tutorials will be really help for me... Image doesn't show up You can use noelshack.
  12. I think its a bit big Zip it =)
  13. Yes this guy is awesome Nevertheless, with the current state of the building i can't do something like that ^^
  14. Launched the game to have an idea, and moved the rotative thing.
  15. I totally understand . The guy "AndyMoszejevsky" seems to be historian, maybe he says interesting stuff. http://gehennum.wikidot.com/helmet Oh check out the links in the first post http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?549018-PTOLEMAIC-EGYPT-units-roster
  16. It's not intended, just my personnal touch, until it is finished. Though, here (it's in french sorry) http://www.arbre-celtique.com/approfondissements/symbolisme/animaux.php it says for the owl : It is the light of druidic knowledge they are some medieval texts talking about people in the Antiquity, one of them is turned into an owl. But, since it's written one thousands years after....
  17. Indeed. The chin is not the same as the one from the sketch. Is it intended ?
  18. Maybe this topic can help you : http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?557710-Please-more-high-poly-3D-units
  19. Hi, I'm working on 3Dsmax 9 (Windows 8 64bits). I may be able to find some tutorials for you. I used mudbox only once so I can't help you on that, you don't really need it unless you have a wacom table and know exactly what you're doing. 3dsmax soft selection and paint deformations tools will do the trick. On this forums you have the bbcode for importing images and the spoiler, try to use it, that's more convenient You could smooth the helmet, did you import the head from the assets or made your own ? also another guy seems to be working on this here : My interpretation of the helmet worn on the soldier to the left of the man carrying the horn on the Nile mosaic. Some sort of kettle hat shown on the Sidon Stelai The Thracian Cap from references Successor Officer Helmet from reference You should use this to find a task : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17730 Regards Stan
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