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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Then maybe I'll continue this another day. Its too late at night for now. I don't know what wrong with me, and organical looking things. I've had this problem before, on Talesworld Forum. The guy told me to learn how to draw, to model, and to texture, and that was it. Nothing productive. About Skills ? I don't think I have any compaired to the guys of your team
  2. I give up, I'm too dumb to do this model, been playing around with vertices, started from scratch, tried removing edges, tried doing the same topology as Micket, and that still sucks. Its even worse than the guy i showed you. This is getting me angry, And i never get angry. Take Micket's
  3. I will fix the Ngons stuff, i didn't notice, I try to keep quads as much as possible but sometimes, with the chamfer i don't see. I can't really reduce the number of polys of the helmets so I hope you're talking about the swords... It will be single eyecandy. Just keep everything here not to make too many posts and/or topics.
  4. Agreed. I don't think he needs one for home purposes but anyway its his choice =)
  5. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Oh okay stuck at my school for two more hours, so i could start working on something
  6. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    What time is it where you live ? Just to get an idea. Here its 17h48.
  7. I built one not so long ago : I7 3770, HD7950, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Drive,ROG MAXIMUS V GENE. (1217e) Thing is if you want to build a new rig keep in mind that the 780 cost around 600€ That would be the most expensive part, Also think about the power supply and the case. Its not that hard to build it yourself nowadays, Everything just clips. Also you might want to use a Quadro or a firePro for your rendering needs, that will be better. I have been doing 3D on a netbook, didn't prevent me from doing anything, so having the best technology time offers, will be only good for gaming at high settings.
  8. Would this be considered as reference for a Germanic Tribe ? If they are to be implemented in the game ?
  9. It would be something that tells which player of the lobby has the most victories, (ie 200 in 1v1 50 in 2v2 etc)
  10. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Since vikings were merchants, and pillagers but that was not their main occupations, it would be nice to developp their nomadic instincts. So even if there'is a long house in the main territory having a cart to store temporary ressources would be nice. If the cart get destroyed a treasure appears,
  11. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Maybe a mobile unit like a cart, like aom
  12. I'd like to help, i also love programming as much as 3D modelling, but unfortunately didn't spend enough time to do what I want. Could you be more specific ? I'm not a complete newbie, nor am I an expert X)
  13. Should I understand that I'm... good ? If so I'll be glad to help
  14. Okay I will try to find some references for that.
  15. Could do that. I made them because I wanted to do something X)
  16. Gonna fix the nose and round those edges.
  17. Okay will fix this, probably this afternoon.
  18. Will do that next time ==[EYECANDY][TASK]== for Example. I needed some practise on armors too, that's why I did them, also, would be nice to have them, since there are armor props to make, because it would be nice for a scenario. Sorry bout the texture, didn't have time to make one from scratch, can't get that wavy feel.
  19. I understand, Anyway i was not planning to make anything organic for the moment, because I'm not able to(See the moai for example). That being said, If I make something in Max, I could export it to OBJ in quads and get it in blender for the team. Quite tricky, but a time saver, since I don't understand at all the blender interface.
  20. I guess the problem is dependencies. It wouldn't be too hard to convert the visual studio project to eclipse, even to make a makefile, but the problem would be to get all the libraries given by visual studio to eclipse.
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