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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I'll change it. Nobody complained before you.
  2. And windows limits to 1.5gb linux doesn't Enjoy the choice
  3. I thibk I said it sometwhere else but there is a patch for trampling I think
  4. Ticket 2577 is about archers shooting while moving (and some other stuff) It's nearly done and need proper tests
  5. AFAIK Yves is going to work on design after the SpiderMonkey merge. @leper Thanks.
  6. Right but artists are not here for that and don't decide this stuff like at all. Most if not all don't even touch the game at all except adding new actors. Which is not wasting time because that's why they are here that's what they do best and that's what they want to do. The last point is the philosophy here which sounds quite weird from the outside especially when you look at it from a company pov. But that's how it works. Also trampling has a patch. Was just not reviewed, accepted and commited yet because nobody had the time to do it.
  7. Not really, though if you have time you could edit the nsi file used to generate the installer.
  8. Hey, thanks for reporting and welcome to the forums, the issue has already been reported see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3866
  9. Stan`

    Render Dump

    It can be done though I don't think I'll have the time to make all those buildings...
  10. Stan`

    Render Dump

    It's the saxon church indeed I based it on osprey drawings It becomes bigger during the 10th and 11th century so I assumed it would be smaller before. I'd say Chapel ?
  11. Yeah we get that white window because it can't allocate enough memory, so it crashes, same goes for big screenshot, it need more memory so it fails, except in this case, it's handled.
  12. Yeah we can, actually I did not think people would hate the rice fields so much...
  13. Well could you try to draw something ? @Ayakashi
  14. Well we wanted it to be something specific to the chinese.
  15. And they likely will, see it's planned however not now
  16. Likely someone who wants to do it, but for now nobody has proposed himself. Maybe it's you ?
  17. What I'm offering you is a temporary solution that will fix your bug until someone makes a 64bit build of the game, WHICH is NOT gonna happen soon. =)
  18. @imperium @Prince-Moth I know what the mod look like since I made nearly all the buildings of it, and some textures too. I tried to make something similar to this. The problem with that thing, is what happen if you try to put it on uneven terrain.
  19. No that wouldn't change anything. Read carefully. You have 8GB R.A.M. 0 A.D. is only able to use 1.5GB/8GB on windows. Ticket's patch allows you to use 4GB/8GB of R.A.M. Hardly ever will you need more than 4GB of R.A.M to play 0 A.D.
  20. It's not gonna make it 64bit, it's only making the game able to use more than 1.5GB of ram (Up to 4GB) which will solve your out of memory problem.
  21. In your installation forlder, look at a file called public.zip, there should be all the files you need to edit in there.
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