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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Is it a laptop that you have ? (Multiple Graphic Cards ?) If so make sure it's running on the correct one.
  2. Well I want to make sure you are seeing what I think you are, can you press F2 when in game ? There will be a screenshot in your documents/my games/0ad/screenshots folder. Alternatively you can use your phone to take a picture. You should probably create a new thread for it
  3. For now none. It was decided that 12 whas a good number. If you want more factions have a look at mods.
  4. Can you tell us about it ? Screenshots would help. Afaik 0ad ignores color profiles.
  5. Yeah it's inspired from this But as always texture in atlas can be used in different ways. Could totally be an underwater texture.
  6. A new texture I made today, I really like it so I wanted to share will commit it soon.
  7. Looks nice ! I uploaded it to my post Alpine Settlement 0,1.zip
  8. Make the bridge, yes, allow units to cross it, no. Though I have plans for a draw bridge for boats.
  9. About your suggestion to move the building to the right side, what benefits would come to it ?
  10. Stan`


    Then you'd run into the interface too big for small resolutions like problems I guess.
  11. Stan`


    Why would you want to disable it anyway ? It's used to debug the game, and has the nice option to allow you to re-simulate.
  12. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Is that casual enough http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21?version=49 ?
  13. How did you come across 0 A.D.? Googling the web for free R.T.S. At that time it wouldn't even open on my computer. Also I wanted to contribute 3D art to the game. What motivates you to play 0 A.D. ? My motivation is to contribute to the game to offer as much fun to people who will play with my assets as I did making them and playing RTS games Is there anything you want from any part of the 0 A.D. community and feel you're not getting? If so, why? Maybe more vision, I mean there are some tickets on trac that have been waiting for design decisions for Years. Maybe a little bit more activity on the art side though I know most artists are busy. Is there any more information you'd like to add? Not really. What is your age, gender, and location? 22, male, France.
  14. Yeah it's only using one core and the game is CPU intensive so nothing to worry about =)
  15. Fog of war: black thing covering the unexplored areas of the map you are playing on ATM : At the moment
  16. Hey Folks, As some of you may know I have been working for quite some time to add props to Atlas in order to make scenarios and maps more interesting visually and game-play wise. This includes, new textures, new props, some new buildings, new eyecandy, fences, ferns, dead trees... etc (More details here): EDIT : If I forgot any mapmaker tell me so I can tag them. EDIT 2 : If you guys want to contribute to that repo, feel free to do so. I tried to gather all @idanwin and i'll try for @Micket's work, and maybe @Leyto in a near future if he continues with such quality work
  17. Looks cool =D Indeed there is something wrong with the horns, and I think there is a seam in the rear leg, are you planning to have alpha transparency ? Btw since you are pretty good at it, can you consider recording your process / making a tutorial ?
  18. Well first, this isn't the crannog, we are talking about. This is : Then, since it's a CC, and a Dock I did something similar to the military settlement (barracks + dock)
  19. Crannog, to keep it in the way of military settlement and cc
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