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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. About the recording part best is dedicated card as it doesn't consume more power so you can play without any performance drop. Else I think obs and Nvidia shadow play are nice.
  2. If someone updates that branch a bit it should still somewhat work on android. Now it's not made for it specifically. @jonbaer I have a mavericks somewhere but I can't test graphics on there ( because reasons :P) I know how to handle macs though. Also I'm trying to get my hand on a 2012 Mac tower for free but it's not done yet. I actually wanted to by one but since I fix them for students this year (I made a computer help society) that kinda disappointed the great thoughts I had about them...
  3. @Servo If you are still interested to open the terminal you just have to open Spotlight and type terminal there. Then you will have to copy paste the SVN line in there.
  4. Might be AI performance.
  5. @zhaoxiaokai Hello and welcome to the forums. Your error seems pretty strange, because you are on Windows. Did you compile the game yourself ?
  6. I think this is just miscommunication, with old grudges and unsaid stuff. The mod will work yes, but I guess the point was about having to adapt to a cleanup change that might have broken some templates, which you would have to find, And I remember delenda est having a lot of templates because of added civs. So I think it's more about having something to change that you expected not to have to than actually the change itself.
  7. What did you do on Safari ? Except here we want to debug a Mac problem so using Windows is counterproductive
  8. @Servo Oh ! Not sure if I was clear, but you have to open the macOS terminal and type the following line in it svn co https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ 0ad
  9. No you shouldn't have to. What's tigris.org ?
  10. Ah yeah that's what I thought...
  11. I'm not sure. Maybe @leper or @Itms have more insight.
  12. You basically just need to follow the instructions on trac.wildfiregames.com we can help you along the way No need to buy anything though.
  13. If the mod is packaged correctly it should work on every platform
  14. Well If you modded barracks to recruit bears then you own bears. And since units can't attack themselves that's why it doesn't work.
  15. @Lion.KanzenAre the current ones in the game, or in DE not enough ?
  16. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Maybe as the owner of a mod you could commission them on websites like Artstation, and if they are good they could be included in the main game, like the last big Art commit in the previous alpha. (Though this time it would be splitted so @elexis won't cringe trying to estimate the range of the changes).
  17. No sadly MacOs is like Linux there are too many variants (in versions) to make autobuilds worth it. So I'm afraid you'll have to install X-Code and build it from source.
  18. Since the last trac update, trac displays names instead of usernames.
  19. I think that's because we have a too small coverage. Because me @wowgetoffyourcellphone @kali_ @Skhorn @Tiber7 @shieldwolf23 @Hannibal_Barca could have participated in that. That gives interesting challenge but if we could gather social media coverage it would be way more fun. @daker
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