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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. As far as mods goes nearly everything. As long as you do not touch c++ engine code. If you try to play with someone with a mod you don't have it will ask you to manually install it or use the integrated mod downloader.
  2. Thanks so much for your work
  3. Bubble commit is pretty awesome. Thanks for the fix I hope elexis can commit it
  4. Hello and welcome to the forums. You can only create one account per hour. There is a limit per IP Address.
  5. About the resolution, I'm sorry but there isn't much we can do. The minimum resolution is 1024x768, and a lot of people are pressing us to even drop that one. So I'm afraid your friend either has to find a bigger screen, or try to play with the scaling by editing a file called user.cfg in his appdata folder and add gui.scale=0.75 in there. About the lag, that's something we are working on but it's not trivial to fix, the more AI the more memory used.
  6. Hey @ChocolateLover Thanks for the report. That's the first time I see anything like this... > opengl32.dll!681b0b77() Unknown No symbols loaded. [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for opengl32.dll] Annotated Frame ntdll.dll!_KiUserCallbackDispatcher@12() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!_ZwQueryInformationProcess@20() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. kernel32.dll!_RegQueryValueExW@24() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. 90909090() Unknown Non-user code Are your drivers up to date ?
  7. Can you attach the files that were asked for in the message you just copy pasted ? @ChocolateLover
  8. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with
  9. I thought Xiongnu were in a better playing state that some of the factions we released
  10. People complaining of current trees having too many polygons. That's not gonna help haha. What's the game though ? I'd like to take a look at their assets.
  11. Okay then I don't know I'll try to investigate.
  12. Are you sure it doesn't call the archive builder to make the zip ? If it does well that's gonna be fun
  13. I also noticed a weird behavior. If you delete all the XML files and leave the XMB when you drag an drop on the executable it regenerates them... I hope it doesn't change other files as well. I hope it doesn't remove the .DELETED files. Need to check. While packaging I also noticed you need the textures.xml files spread across the folders else it breaks everything.
  14. Indeed it will be for part 2 which will cover the battle of Hastings in 1066 featuring Harold Godwinson and William the Conqueror.
  15. Short answer: No. If there is I am not aware. Long answer: There once was a mod called Rogue Republic that implemented some of those features long time ago before they switched away to another game engine. I remember @Radagast. made a mod with tanks. I also planned to make muskets for Milleniumad part II and also started a WW1 Mod. To get back on the topic on whether it is possible to do it. If you rebase #2577 in the state I left it and you create two entities one being the turret and the other being the body you can have tanks that can shoot while they are moving. Can't tell if they'll be able to attack planes though. For the sound and animations it should be possible to create the muzzle flashes with some tweaks on the animation side projectile will be fine though if you want to have some particle effect you might need to play with animation too (else if you give for instance a speed effect there will be something weird in the canon.) There is already projectile hit animation and sounds thanks to @Mate-86.
  16. @s0600204 Does it work in another way for pyromod files? @Itms I'm not sure the path are clearly stated in the wiki for anything else than windows.
  17. It will be for A24. If I manage to do it and get it reviewed. It's not a "thing" for now.
  18. @ffffffff but it's fixed by the icon right ?
  19. Haha found it http://www.eaglefonts.com/nal-huttese-ttf-97906.htm In case you have access. Else
  20. Depends on wraitii's availability. Could be soon.
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