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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I meant this is ui icons but there are also ui cursors.
  2. Nice to see some other french people. welcome
  3. Sent an e-mail to the email above., will let you know if I get answers
  4. Translations are not pulled from mods currently. Transifex is only for the main game
  5. That's the french national institute of archeology. Yes, because rasterization is not allowed :/
  6. Why not, suggestions? ... :/ This can't be used as is, it has to be redone from scratch then
  7. I guess they were pretty good craftsmen So perfect sounds good. Nice it needs to tile though.
  8. Under what license are those things?
  9. Nice careful though the top one is a bit too high.
  10. Current version (under copyright) (bottom is player color) Original Recolorized: (under copyright) Original screenshot Ours:
  11. He needs to open his router ports and/or firewall.
  12. Well I don't have permission so we need to be on the safe side of things.
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