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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. We might also look into improving the current game faces using those
  2. You're welcome. Anything else I can help you with ?
  3. Try to remove the VS2015 folder and regenerate it again
  4. Hello and welcome! You should not have spaces in your path in order to be able to compile the game. I assume you put it into a folder called 0 A.D. hence why the path is truncated. As for SVN your clone url is incorrect it should end at trunk. Happy building
  5. Well if it fixes an art but I'll have them. I'd like to understand why we need relax back instead of ready though
  6. If you use the git repo run git diff -U5000 > file.diff and if you use the svn repo run svn diff -x -U5000 > file.diff Then upload the diff in the link @asterix gave above
  7. Thanks for the Pull Request, unfortunately that's not how we receive patches currently in the main game...
  8. Would be nice if you could post more screenshots
  9. autociv_patchApplyN(GuiInterface.prototype, "ScriptCall", function (target, that, args) { let [player, name, vargs] = args; return name in prodmod_exposedFunctions ? that[name](player, vargs) : target.apply(that, args); }) Did you forget to declare it somewhere? Can't call it without defining it eg with function keyword?
  10. I suspect the out of memory is responsible for the other error but just in case pinging @wraitii
  11. We sure do It really depends on what you can do
  12. Yeah because you need to do more roundtrips. Instead of sending the whole thing at once, you send it prop by prop
  13. The problem is with GPUs. The game already has a lot of draw calls (the fewer the better). So say you have a wall with 1 mesh with four draw calls you have say, 20 posts in that wall and you make a prop for each one of them you'll have 20 * 4 = 80 draw calls instead of 4. Two walls 160 instead of 8. There are probably ways to optimize this, but currently we do not have such code. EDIT: Textures don't affect drawcalls it seems.
  14. Hey in the game option try disabling GLSL and postprocessing
  15. Problem is using too many props is bad for performance.
  16. Well technically if each beam of palissade was a prop, it would adapt to terrain ^^
  17. Or the walls are not in the correct rotation
  18. I guess fixing the pickaxes migth have been easier But yeah it will need some thinking. Also I notice you are using A23B horses, which are different from A24 horses, and that might play against you : S Another solution would be to reverse the horses
  19. Mmmh, I'm not sure this is a good idea, also you forgot to remove the windows... Maybe you could raise the second floor?
  20. That's because I did not reuse the same armature when making the Han Chariot, for importing such an armature was broken then. I should have the file somewhere. The reason it never really showed up is because I was told chariots were out of phase and as such should only be an eyecandy unit.
  21. Well it would require a special type of simulation scripts and probably some engine changes but technically it's doable There would be a lot of GUI work
  22. Indeed. Well I guess that why super sampling is so popular. Unfortunately, I can't really use such high resolution textures for that purpose or @vladislavbelov will yell at me
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