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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I had another look, and the armature doesn't even match the one in the blend file :/ Did you export something else ? e.g. there is no ORG-Bovidae_spine1 bone
  2. Well it wasn't that bad before you changed the colors Moreover it seems like the other variations are the same meshes remapped ?
  3. @Itms I added it back https://0ad.mod.io/korean-language-pack
  4. Do you feel it makes icons harder to distinguish? that's my only concern
  5. Hey, thanks for keeping it up. Sorry to hear you injured yourself :/ Hope you get well soon With regards to the mesh, I'm not exactly sure what happens, but I'd try to avoid bones named like so <bone name="DEF-Bovidae_ReartLegTop_L.001"> especially when a bone is named <bone name="DEF-Bovidae_ReartLegTop_L"> I'll try to look in more details tomorrow. Also when opening your blend file it says it's missing a python file for the rigging ui, any addons I should have ?
  6. That's the least important i might have the other one elsewhere
  7. Fun fact. we have an onager...
  8. That also means Hyrule (I don't have the files anymore) and the Korean mod I made I have to reupload... great.
  9. If he used the atlas objects fortriggers you should be fine. If he didn't you might need to change some numbers (entity ids) but it should be easy.
  10. Hey there, Sorry I thought somebody had answered. It is because of some new animations unfortunately there is not much you can do except tear the mod apart and see if removing the offending files help :/
  11. This is really strange. Will try to ask @Itms about it if he didn't read the logs. Thx for the report.
  12. The engine added an experience trickle feature for A24 Not sure it's used yet. @Freagarach?
  13. See [font="sans-bold-18"]0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Multiplayer Lobby Terms of Use[/font] [font="sans-bold-14"]Document Date:[/font] 2018-10-13 [font="sans-bold-14"]By using the 0 A.D. Multiplayer Lobby, you agree to:[/font] 1. Only create one account per person on the service unless authorized by Wildfire Games. 2. Not impersonate other users of the service and only use your registered username in multiplayer matches. 3. Not post profanity, pejorative terms or pornographic content. 4. Not harass, harm, intimidate, discriminate, threaten, defame, cause damage to others or purposefully demean the worth of others using this service. 5. Not violate the privacy of others by disclosing personally identifiable information (for example real name, location, ID) or private details (for example social media or messenger account names) of others without their consent. 6. Not incite violence or promote illegal acts. 7. Not attempt to artificially adjust any user of the service's rating or any of the statistics which impact it. (Examples of this are, but are not limited to: cheating in ranked games, reverse engineering the service, and taking advantage of other users of the service.) 8. Not undermine the intended gameplay or purposefully gain unfair advantages in multiplayer matches (for example cheating, using exploits or bugs). 9. Not spam the service and not post large amounts of repetitive or unwanted messages. 10. Not use the service to promote specific goods, services, or products unless authorized by Wildfire Games. If a moderator deems your behavior to be inconsistent with these terms, your account may be restricted, suspended or terminated. From https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/b816c207b2a70ff3ef9158da54eff742e82c0c11/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/prelobby/common/terms/Terms_of_Use.txt
  14. Could but then you'd have some issues when tasking units to attack others Although it's not exclusive. @bb_ can tell you more
  15. See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/252
  16. I assume you built from a clean repository else I'd have suggested to run make clean and try again Pinging @Itms @irishninja and @wraitii
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