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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Can you post the errors? Also which version of the game (take a screen of the main menu) and which os you are on.
  2. And they will be credited. Although most of them are already in the credits.
  3. Here is an improved version of the first post, with better icons by me and @wowgetoffyourcellphone han_china.pyromod Nerfed heavily the minister from 10% to 2% I think I can live with being able to batch all minister at once giving you a bonus. Nobody is contesting that. Initially it didn't happen because it was the best quality mod we had around. Now that there are plenty other mods it's no longer. Else it would have been included long ago. "None" is a plain lie. I've fixed a lot of issues reported by @wolflance and @Ayakashi over the years. Not all sure. I've also fixed some minor things like the market's well. But I've been busy doing everything else. Why can't that be part of not perfect?
  4. For the current unit animations https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/meshes and animations/skeletal/biped_meshes_and_animations.zip For the plugin
  5. China was the first to mass produce things so in theory they could have had such cavalry. Not the chinese variants which are the precursor, and are really different from say the gastaphrete. Feel free to suggest stats change for the ministers / make a PR.
  6. Something needs to be done about that and the lobby, but I don't know what;
  7. There is... me. That assumes we have the resources to make it perfect, which we don't.
  8. It won't delay things because that's the art department mostly if the balancing is somewhat okay.
  9. He doesn't have the right to. One account per person unless otherwise authorized.
  10. I am unable to contact user1 currently. Has anyone seen him active lately?
  11. Yeah, but admit it took a fair deal of investment from you and everyone in the team, @The Undying Nephalim @Exodarion can tell you Hyrule still hasn't recovered from it. We spent dozens of hours fixing stuff. A24 also took two years. If it's just using other assets you don't need artists for it, it's just XML. I've worked on new roman CC but never found anything good enough. Did we even agree on the layout? Wall towers is because they have windows right ? Given it's the same team that maintain both, and that currently I'm the only artist left active, I don't see the difference...
  12. Really depends on what. Renaming 200 files and breaking all mods yeah Changing a 3D model or a texture to a better one not really.
  13. I don't think any civ had perfect art before they made it in the game. According to some people the Mauryas are not really accurate, and we need to redo all the kushites roofs. Some civs had placeholder buildings, so didn't even have a full roster. Find me someone that can do that and sure. I see no one around able to make one.
  14. By computing the slope. eg. if the slope is too steep then your terrain is impassable I believe there are a bunch of functions in the rmgen code to tell you that. See binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/jebel_barkal.js#L347 You can also do const heightmapHellas = convertHeightmap1Dto2D(Engine.LoadHeightmapImage("maps/random/hellas.png")); As a general note you can look at how other maps are made https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/f314b5b9d2be852a4d25f4b9ef40ab4acf4f2002/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/belgian_uplands.js
  15. No and honestly unless you find someone to fix them I don't think they will. @wowgetoffyourcellphone ?
  16. They weren't included in A24 for various reasons but I think it's time for A25 even if they are not 100% perfect. There will be more incentive to make them better if they are in the game than if they aren't It might attract artists that are into asian civilizations. It might also attract historian interested in such civs. There is no way it will be ever be balanced properly as a mod. It's cool civ, it's long due. I worked a lot on it too and so did a lot of people. It also breaks the thirteen number of civs :p
  17. @Yekaterina translations should be better in those.
  18. Sounds good. If you create an account there you should be able to edit the page. Don't worry too much. You need to go very far before I'm gonna get mad
  19. Hi, Not it's not possible as the game is deterministic to require less network usage, so everyone has to compute the game state. Which means the slowest will slow everything...
  20. It's another good example on how you don't need to have the art to make gameplay changes
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