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  1. Missing a few years ago and old players. Our time was spent having fun, without personal attacks or anything like that. I've been online since the first lobby, where there were a maximum of 10 players, and I've been present in all subsequent versions, and I can say with certainty that this is the worst generation of players 0 AD. You've managed to divide a super small community into small groups that hate each other. Moderation was never necessary for things to go according to the rules, the fact now is that most of you are rude and can't follow the minimum required conduct. Anyway... I won't go on here, I don't usually share this type of topic, but I thought it was necessary this time. Hugs to everyone and a great year ahead.
    9 points
  2. Welp physical violence threats is probably were this should end. Locking this thread.
    2 points
  3. Stop acting like this. It is immature and you are not giving a good image of yourself.
    2 points
  4. You seem to have a very aggressive personality... Just to clarify, I do not wish that you would be "expelled" or "kicked out" I dont even have a problem with you. Bur maybe think about what you write before you send it a bit more. For example, what was the purpose of your first message in this thread? Who could benefit from what you wrote? You were just toxic and destructive (as opposed to constructive). Also, did you just try to threaten me? Because I pointed out your hypocrisy regarding good manners? That will surely convince everyone of your values...
    2 points
  5. A quickload/save option for mapsettings would be nice. Most games are the 4v4 mainland with mapsize medium. But when you switch for a 1v1 you might forget to set the size to a smaller one. Or a popular mode is ambush with nomad and 4 min. of ceasefire, where the host might forget to enable ceasefire and the players decide to just continue and this results in chaos. If you can save e.g. 5 favorite types these mistakes can be prevented and some time can be saved during the setup.
    2 points
  6. Not a very nice comment @Lion.Kanzen... Sad to see you go, wang_wei. I remember some very fun games with you. But, well, if 0ad does not bring you joy right now, makes sense that you dont want to spend your time here... Maybe check in from time to time, to see if 0ad evolved in a direction you like? Anyways, wish you the best!
    2 points
  7. The game is theoretically separate. I was thinking about the needs of the competitive and the casual. Mostly the competitive is represented sitting in the multiplayer. The other is the single player where I would like to have more gameplay options. But they always say no because it isn't popular in the competitive. I wish there were more options in the single player. What I don't know is that it's how technically possible. Or easy. I leave it for very long-term thinking. They are also 2 types of audience.
    1 point
  8. Good point! Noticed that there are indeed two different ways to play the game!
    1 point
  9. Also, find time. We miss you during the nightly games
    1 point
  10. Lets also reverse all changes from the last 5 alphas, so it’s pure like you want it
    1 point
  11. Well, I love seeing pros play on different maps, but in the end, the people that actually play should decide what map they want to play on Maybe a quick vote for the players in the game lobby before each game?
    1 point
  12. Mods: @Dunedan @Norse_Harold @Stan` @s0600204 This is ridiculous. He’s spamming a thread to just threaten and insult others that are acting in good faith. Literally no one has been able to have a real discussion on the forum for weeks because of this one user. You want to show that you enforce the rules fairly? Ban the user that is literally threatening physical crimes
    1 point
  13. Alternatively saving profiles could be integrated in the game, so where you pick your settings you would have the possibility to create, save & load profiles.
    1 point
  14. It just so happens that I visit the telegram channel that I administer more often.
    1 point
  15. Hey I did a reasonable chunk of the A25-A26 porting for the mod I've added you on Discord. Ping me if you need help. There are some migration scripts here https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/Stan/pyrogenesis-migration-scripts
    1 point
  16. In my opinion, it's okay to pare back the basic gameplay to the more "standard" RTS style, but I would design each civ to have at least 1 major difference or special feature from the standard. It's a fantasy game, so you have a little more leeway on experimenting with the design and players will expect a little more variation because of that.
    1 point
  17. Hey folks, it has been a while since I've been back on these forums but I wanted to say hello! I hope there are still some of you that like this mod because there is a team of us who want to pick up where project left off. The original creator, Undying Nephalim, has put aside the mod to pursue other projects but some of us that helped him before and over the years are trying to bring it back in a revamp we call, Hyrule Conquest: Reborn. If there is any interest on the forums or anyone that is more familiar with the 0AD system and modding that would be interested in helping out, please contact me. Some of our objectives & goals with Hyrule Conquest: Reborn are: Return to the games roots with a more Age of Empires and traditional RTS playstyle. Harken back to some of the original faction designs Balance, fine tune, and rework mechanics and factions from the version of the game we are using. Potentially reverse engineer some of the newer factions to make them fit the older game design (Sheikah, Zola, etc) Create more maps for single and multiplayer skirmishes based off of areas of the Hyrule Conquest world Eventually have a functioning, written and proper story campaign. Again, if you are interested in helping, please let us know! We will post updates in the future Currently we have a working version of the submod but it only works on 0AD version XXV, hopefully we can port it over to XXVI in the future!
    1 point
  18. Nah it's only extracted manually. Same for the website. The numbers I gave elsewhere are still accurate. About 1500 players play the game every day. Some still play A23 Maybe @vladislavbelov will have time to update the site after the release.
    1 point
  19. I suggest looking into a replay so you can see what your enemy has and does and no guesswork is required.
    1 point
  20. Thank you everyone, I'll try to notice if those explanations seems realistic
    1 point
  21. What I didn't really appreciate was the mod team killing political discussions, where no other mod action was required and I wasn't aware of any breach of TOS; they quietly killed one of my threads without giving any explanation whatsoever.
    1 point
  22. May be I should go to gym and get in shape to play OP in 0AD like you.
    1 point
  23. Should we do it again? @MarcusAureliu#s Sunday "pro" team games! 19:00 - 22:00 UTC. Christmas-special 24 has still 10 unpublished maps, that could be integrated one each Sunday to spice things up a bit.
    1 point
  24. Humble suggestion to improve the 0AD homepage: Wouldn't it be useful to update the revision log on the 0AD homepage (at least once a month- while nightly built, so potentially manually mentioning the major changes in SVN) ? Currently it still looks like development has stalled - which is not true at all. You know: "do good stuff and talk about it"
    1 point
  25. As we approach the New Year, I want to thank all the developers, designers and everyone else who made this great game and continue to improve it.
    1 point
  26. let´s put it on the linktree since the french also got their own discord mentioned https://linktr.ee/wildfire_games
    1 point
  27. 1. Download and install TortoiseSVN Dowlnoadpage https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Standard setting during install will work After finishing installation create a new folder in your Userdirectory. It should be located in "C:\users\username" . I called my directory "0adsvn" Then right click on the new created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." In the Checkout mask just enter the URL of repository: "http://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk" Then click on "OK" Now it starts downloading the 0ad Nightly version. Depending on your Inet speed this will take 20-45 minutes and needs around 14GB free HardDisk Space After the checkout is complete, you can start the SVN game from the "pyrogenesis.exe" binary wich is located in your created folder under \binaries\system\ I created a shortcut for this and placed it on my desktop. Dont forget to updated your 0ad SVN copy every time you going to play in svn. This can easily be done by right click on your 0adsvn directory and choosing "SVN Update" Have fun
    1 point
  28. This man was the one who inspired AoE.
    1 point
  29. The UI, the aesthetics, everything looks incredible. I love the leader (hero) selection graphics, Hell, all the graphics. Everything looks very very well put together. Color grading. Graphical cohesion. This is a benchmark for UI and in-game aesthetics moving forward.
    1 point
  30. @Rahmsauce: I have been enjoying 0. A.D for quite a while (I played it for many years but only recently played under this alias and more actively/consistently in the community). Previously I have played some open source games among Xonotics, which have an amazing competitive platform for their players. I am kind of a techie and think it would be a great-to-have thing for 0. A.D as well. I imagine (as a minimum for launch): - a list of the players and their ranking / statistics such as captured by the Ranking bot - a list of game stats of previous games (who played with whom) - a possibility to upload / hyperlink recaps from aforementioned games There may be more things that are amazing (such as: lobby-preview, queue-for-join, matchmaking) but they are more complicated and outside of the reach what can be done in a simple manner in few hours of work. I would love such a platform so I can more easily find replays which allows me (and other newcomers) to become better in the game. I have studied the source code of the lobby and know that is done in XMPP (with custom stanzas). This however is a bit sub-optimal because it would require extensive polling from the lobby server to get accurate stats. I am hoping that there is a way to retrieve a read-only copy of the rating data set somehow (let me know!). Please give me some feedback on whether this would be appreciated in the 0. A.D community, and if it is, whom I would need to talk to to make it happen! All the best, Rahmsauce
    1 point
  31. These are all great ideas but 0AD needs more players to make these more practical. Especially it needs a very strong competitive scene to make the leagues active.
    1 point
  32. i love you developers , language mod is super much easy in new version!
    1 point
  33. Good job! This instruction is a bit more explicit than the http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions which should IMO be improved and simplified for non-developers (as that doesn't state how to use tortoise svn and it appears TLDR to most players). (Maybe even a new wiki page).
    1 point
  34. wang_wei here. After 10 years or so its time to quit this game. I got muted for no reason after lyx said some ironic thing about Greece/Greeks. This game is dying, only losers playing it cause they can't afford a better pc for other games. Moderation does not exist, smurfs all around the place, "balance" proposals by people who cannot even understand how it evolved over the years Ginnu I still love you but pal, you build a stable to spam camels and then it's my fault for losing the game? Kisses
    0 points
  35. You lost, you got kicked out and now you blame the game. Very original.
    0 points
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