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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-06-26 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, This is an update on the progress of the Alpha 27 release. After extensive deliberation, the team has decided to abort the release process for the foreseeable future. As some of you know, we've been in a "feature freeze" for the past 3 months. This period, during which we halt all new code merging except for crucial bug fixes, is typically a final step before a release. Unfortunately, progress on the release has been slower than anticipated, and Alpha 27 is still several weeks away. Some of the outstanding issues include: Acquiring the necessary macOS certificates for signing the packages Completing the trailer for the announcement, and finishing the announcement itself More testing is potentially needed, and some important bug fixes are not yet merged. The balance of A27 has not been extensively tested and refined. The time it takes to actually release (uploading packages, informing maintainers, etc.) is potentially more than any of the team can commit to right now. Our current pace on these matters is unsustainable. Following a vote, we have chosen to abort the release and refocus. This decision wasn't made lightly, but we believe it's in the best interest of 0 A.D.'s long-term health. We will use this time to: Merge improvements that have been developed during the feature freeze, such as optimizations and further fixes. Identify and address the issues that have hindered the current release process, as we cannot hope to release in the future without fixing them. We will likely come back to the community with more information on this last point and potentially requests for help. We realize that this news may be disappointing. We thank you for your patience, understanding, and ongoing support. On behalf of everyone at Wildfire Games, Wraitii
    1 point
  2. Hello everybody. The topics of sparta and athenas had a great result, so I'm opening this topic so that everyone can put their ideas on how to differentiate macedonia from other civilizations. As with the other threads, it's important to keep the ideas within the settings that the game allows today, it's also important to keep the focus on the general idea of 0 a.d, no fundamental changes please. In general, balancing should be secondary here, the important thing is the idea, the numbers can be modified later. Thank you for now and I count on everyone's help. Have a good day
    1 point
  3. Faster pikemen. From Wikipedia: "All of the armor and weaponry a phalangite would carry totaled about 40 pounds, which was close to 10 pounds less than the weight of Greek hoplite equipment.[1]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonian_phalanx
    1 point
  4. I like them how they are (in the community mod of A26), they just need a better team bonus. For example a metal trickle of 1 per second.
    1 point
  5. Some people have weekends, @gameboy. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5064
    1 point
  6. Attention: Shyft is still banned. Please do not allow him to join your games until the ban is lifted. Today Shyft joined the lobby as "tuna.salad". Contrary to what he is saying, his ban is still in effect. I have been in communication with Shyft to explain how he can do restorative justice in order to get unbanned after in-game mute functionality is added in the base game. Discussion of how to do restorative justice community service work went well for a while. I listed these ideas for restitution work: Technical support for users, software development or modding work to fulfill requests of those who were damaged Write lengthy letters of apology and transparency to those damaged Create advertisement videos for WFG Create promotional podcasts or videos for WFG Create artwork for WFG Donate to WFG Write text documents, for example for the encyclopedia feature that is being discussed on the forum Digital image editing Video editing Logo design Promotional marketing Conduct surveys and do canvassing Report bugs Help improve game balance through suggestions and testing Test SVN versions Test experimental features Shyft said that he was considering writing a letter of apology and transparency and doing some paper-based artwork for the 0 A.D community. We discussed why Shyft says he gets angry and insults people , what the rules state about pejoratives and profanity, some background on opinions about a generally accepted moral code, what would be suggested for inclusion in a letter of apology and transparency, etc. Shyft stated that he gets angry when players do not communicate during team games. We can discuss how the community can work on solving these types of problems, but it is not a prerequisite for Shyft's restorative justice process. At the end of the conversation, Shyft decided to demand a change to the policy regarding the ban without doing restitution work and stated that he would create alternate accounts to attempt to bypass the ban. Hosters, please support WFG by detecting Shyft's alternate accounts,and banning them from your games. Also report them, ideally with evidence, via forum PM to moderators Norse_Harold and Dunedan. Please encourage Shyft to return to the restorative justice process if he wants to get back into the game sooner.
    1 point
  7. Of course I am a little kid What am I supposed to be? Don't be so rude Anyway thanks for guidance When I'm finished with CAD programs or this modelling program thing You'll realize who I am and you will be the first one to receive my Mod. No matter how long it takes, I will learn it. ♡ Long live tha Shah Viva Iran
    1 point
  8. All work done in this game, especially modifications, is on a volunteer basis; what a little kid. The .tga files uploaded by @d34d svn are extracted from a Rome: Total War modification, not intended for use in this one. You can start by learning how to use a modelling program, create the required bits and pieces relating to these two Persian factions, add a texture, and eventually know how to stand up for yourself. Just saying.
    1 point
  9. Would you mind sharing the exception?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Yes, I'll ask for timezones I'm extending signups till next Saturday to help there to be more players
    1 point
  12. @Yekaterina @seeh has also build commands to open jitsi meet and start voice chat may be we can integrate his code in your mod too, also we will have to fix some issue in his code too. like adding team members in same team voice chat if he/she use the command rather than creating new voice chat for each player.
    1 point
  13. I have not finished it 100%, but I have finished most of it. mercenarycamppalisadeblend1.blend I attach the blender file.
    1 point
  14. Let me introduce: the Kazhars Khaganate! The idea was kick-started by a little conversation with @ivicok and I think they may be an interesting choice worth exploring with a dedicated thread
    1 point
  15. Saludos Lion. Que agradable sorpresa, No esperaba que me contestaras, Gracias por la cortesía de tu atención. A tu pregunta, te contestaré con toda honestidad.... Que quise publicar esos picks en la comunidad, porque quería mostrar las diferentes faciones del escenario con un toque artístico, usando el formidable decorado del escenario editor, para presentar el concepto entre los miembros de la comunidad y su vez, mostrar al gran equipo de diseñadores, artistas y programadores, lo que un fanático del juego, que ama la historia del periodo y ama 0 AD, es capaz de hacer, gracias a la inspiración que este formidable editor creado por ustedes, ...Y con mucha alegría lo quise compartir con todos. Cuando el escenario, esté listo,te mandaré un Link, para que lo bajes, lo veas, y lo modifiques a tu gusto, si te interesa y consideras que vale la pena echarle un vistazo. Y no solamente tu, pero toda la comunidad que muestre un interés en ello. EMPIRES AT WAR es un escenario totalmente OPEN SOURCE, siguiendo la tradición y espíritu de compartir universalmente y gratuitamente de sus creadores originales. EMPIRES AT WAR esta basado en la Historia clásica del periodo, con las facciones protagónicas que participaron en la época y su drama ocurre unos 300 años más o menos, luego de la muerte de Alejandro el Grande. Y este es solo el primero de muchos otros escenarios basados en Batallas y conflictos del periodo clásico, que pienso hace para compartir con toda la comunidad, Esa es mi absoluta intención, como fanático y seguidor del juego. Gracias por el tiempo y la atención. Hasta Luego.
    1 point
  16. The Persian Seluicides are another faction to play in the scenario. The Selucides are in to expanding their empire to the west. but they need to take on Egypt and all its treasures in order to have all the resources they will need to invade Macedon, the Greeks, and eventually the Romans themselves so anyone that try to put a stop to their Empires ambitions.
    1 point
  17. The Macedonians are another Faction to play. Some 300 years have pass after the death of the Legendary Alexander the Great of Macedon. His old Empire is fragmented in to different factions fighting among themselves in order to proclaim themselves as the legitimate successors of his Empire. In The Anatolian Peninsula the Persian Selucides are now in charge of what its been the old empire, and in Egypt the Ptolomean Kingdom rule supreme. In the west, The Roman Republic have declared itself a protector of Athens and they are now allies, becoming a treat for the Macedonians ambitions. But not everything is loss. The Illirians and Spartans have become it's allies are ready to join the fight for Greece, all the Balkan Kingdoms and if everything go according to plans. The whole world.
    1 point
  18. The Gauls are another of the mainstream protagonist in the Scenario. They start with a town in Holland, and two other Celtic towns as allies. One is in modern what is suppose to be Belgium in the map. and another one in southern Britain. The Britons are included in the scenario as allies of the Gauls.
    1 point
  19. The Carthaginians are one of the mainstream factions in the scenario, The start with a huge walled city in the North African savanna, and a some colonies pread across the Mediterranean, Southern, Spain and Sicily. They also have the strongest navy in the region.
    1 point
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