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  1. Unit stops and always stopped to do an attack. Acceleration has nothing with that mechanic.
    3 points
  2. The summary screen in-game doesn't show your adversaries, if you're merely paused. Upon disconnection, yes, the game is considered 'finished' and you can see the stats. I can tell you, there are easier ways to find victory than disconnect/reconnect every minute or so.
    3 points
  3. Dear developers and players: I would like to request some potential changes to the game. Please discuss with me whether your agree with me or not. Firstly, I would like the acceleration feature to be removed for all units except for archer cavalry and archer chariots. This is because the acceleration decreases the agility of units, which not only is irritating in intense battles, but also introduces more lag (or apparent lag) due to more computational heavy pathfinding. In addition, it makes retreating from a battle quite impossible; the enemy ranged units (especially archers) will kill everything you accelerate away. This is also why acceleration should be kept for archer cavalry units: without this feature, they can hit and run on enemies too easily, making them impossible to counter for civilisations without archers. Spartans cannot really defend against a crowd of archer cavalry because the archers can just retreat, regroup and shoot again, slowly wearing out the infantry. Spartan cavalry also cannot take on these archers because they themselves have too little health to sustain a fight (and the archer player would of course carry some spearman as well). The acceleration and slow turn time would make executing this maneuver more difficult and give the other cavalry a change to catch up or escape. Secondly, the turn rate of all units except archer units should be set to infinite (or some very large value, e.g. 99999 rad/s). Combined with no acceleration, this again will improve visual smoothness and decrease frustration, so that players feel less lag. It will also help with the pathfinding of siege weapons greatly. Thirdly, the size of champion chariots seem to be significantly larger than their cavalry counterparts, which causes them to be less agile and cannot squeeze through narrow lanes easily. Unless the chariots have some additional advantage (e.g. more damage, longer range, higher health), they should be made identical to their cavalry counterparts to be fair on the chariot civs. With that being said, I don't mind if we alter the chariots slightly so that it is "stronger" than cavalry but less agile. Finally, siege towers should be slowed down. Rams cannot catch up with them, which makes them unstoppable. Sspz has a video where he showed this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4UvZ-F8WKk Please discuss your thoughts, opinions with me and let's make a change for the best! Best, Helicity
    2 points
  4. "0 AD: As historically accurate as possible Open source game development is a time-consuming process because many of the developers involved in it work on the project exclusively on the side and in their spare time, and there is de facto no budget. In the case of the real-time strategy game 0 AD, things are a bit different: actually started in 2001 as a total conversion modification of Age of Empires 2 and subsequently developed as closed source, the ambitious game became a standalone open source project in 2010. The modding team has re-formed under the name Wildfire Games as an 18-person indie studio, but up to 100 volunteers have already worked on the open source project." ----It is good that they take the time to explain to the masses how these projects work.---- According to the developer, the most important thing about 0 AD is the historical accuracy in the design of the ancient civilizations and factions, and you can definitely see that in the graphically successful real-time strategy game. Just last September, the Chinese Han civilization was introduced as a new faction with Alpha 26. Over one and a half million players have already played 0 AD.
    2 points
  5. I think not, because it could be a technical error, e.g. program crash, network problems etc. No one wanted to quit at this point, and the player who disconnected wants to come back and finish the game. But having this summary menu unintentionally benefits the player who disconnected, even if they don't know about the exploit or isn't willing to use it.
    2 points
  6. Just to be sure we're talking about the summary button in the menu right? It seems to have been there forever. We can disable it for MP games, I'm not sure how hard it is to remove players if game isn't finished (cc @Freagarach) public\gui\session\MenuButtons.js:80 this.button.enabled = !Engine.IsAtlasRunning(); The following would disable the menu button for all newtorked games (including LAN) this.button.enabled = !Engine.IsAtlasRunning() && !g_IsNetworked; The following would disable it for ranked games this.button.enabled = !Engine.IsAtlasRunning() && (g_InitAttributes.settings && !g_InitAttributes.settings.RatingEnabled);
    2 points
  7. === Once, some new 0ad player created a map called "map-rheinland". It was supposed to play around a river in old Germania. He tried to imagine how such rivers might have been like, long ago. He had no experience in the game and no idea of the balance whatsoever, so he simply decided to place ore in the mountains and rocks in the swamps and rivers. It was published soon. Since the original map became unloadable with vanilla, a multiplayer / skirmish map is being created from scratch. The main thread, which you are reading now, has been edited and renamed. This could someday become a map pack. I am not sure yet. === While there is further development, i provide the mod in this thread, so it can be used until existing problems are fixed. Also, please consider that it is recommended to use Alpha 27 with Vulkan Backend for good performance / stability. Maps can be huge and contain many resources. For me it works fine with Vulkan on mid-end system. The A27 version of the map... requires Delanda Est, which does not apply to the old A26 map. For some reason, after i had opened the map in Atlas - with DE activated -, the game cannot find any objects when loading it with vanilla 0ad. I try to find out why that happens and will provide the fix. While that is so, the Skirmish version of the map is supposed to work on Vanilla (although, as mentioned, it does not, right now). But for now, it should not be played anyway. I was focussing more on the DE scenario (see below), so that the Skirmish remains kind of unfinished. TBD. The A27 file can be found at the end of this post. Delanda Est Patch On top of that, you can then use the Delanda-Est patch if you like to. It contains a Scenario (1p vs 4 AI) aswell as balancing changes for DE that are designed for this very map. So please remember to turn it off when you play another map - else it will likely disrupt the balance of the original mod. The old file... If you want to play the vanilla map, you can still get the old A26 modfile on mod.io (ingame mod menu) - but it only has 3 player slots, it is not balanced and the terrain and forests are much more generic and dull. Also be aware that there may be changes in the file structure - renaming for example. Need to get a better overview of the map Sources for creation (for myself; can contain german articles. Feel free to share knowledge about how the terrain might have looked like at the time): "Geschichte des Waldes in Mitteleuropa" - Wikipedia (has translations) "Wie breit war der Rhein früher" - the-duesseldorfer.de "Der Rhein in römischer Zeit" - neuss.de "Maps reveal the historical path of the rhine" - uu.nl "Publius Cornelius Tacitus described "Free Germania" (Germania magna) in the 1st century as "terra aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda" – a land, covered by horrid forests or loathsome bogs. Tacitus' Mediterranean homeland at that time had already been a cultural landscape for centuries, its forests cleared for fields, orchards and towns, to say nothing of the use of wood for home fires and maritime construction." - Wikipedia Current Map: Old image: ================================================= FILES map-rheinland.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND Delanda Est (for now) map-rheinland-v02-patch-delanda-est.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND map-rheinland.pyromod AND Delanda Est =================================================
    1 point
  8. I was playing a 1v1 and I accidentally found that if I pause or disconnect temporarily, then bring up the summary sheet, that will show both player's stats, including charts and so on. This gives me a huge advantage, as I can know his strategy without scouting. I can see whether he is training cavs or inf or pure women, then immediately I know what to do. So it is an exploit and I don't remember this being a problem in A25. You can argue that he can probably see me but then it's basically revealed map...
    1 point
  9. Our beloved video game got featured on German tech news platform Golem.de: https://www.golem.de/news/openttd-wesnoth-co-quelloffen-wuseln-und-aufbauen-2302-172204-2.html
    1 point
  10. There is an issue with [Diffusion] rP26035 (wildfiregames.com) by @nwtour where: It doesn't translate (missing g_Translate calls). It doesn't convert the keys (Maybe missing call to FindKeyName)
    1 point
  11. There is a huge gap in the required skill between simulating a disconnection and extracting compiled information from JS
    1 point
  12. Unless whole mp will be overwritten so noone computes and holds all info about entities of every player, this will continue to be an issue no matter how much security fixes will be done, the data will be always available for the experienced JavaScript programmer to obtain.
    1 point
  13. Usually when you bring up the summary during the game it just shows own stats, that should not change when disconnected or pausing. Especially when it comes to pausing this should clearly be a bug ???. Disconnecting once, for example to see if an infantry rush u plan to do would work could be a decisive advantage, as a the outcome of the game is frequently decided by such an all in attack. Especially for those players who actualy play this game somewhat competitively this is relevant. Besides players have claimed that people try to "cheat" in that way. Therefore from my perspective this deserves more atttention than a sarcastic reply. Bringing this is definitly not the result of an effort to "break the game", but just a known issue. This is also not about blaming the devs, but just a try to contribute with constructive criticism.
    1 point
  14. It's fine to continue to play a game that is considered 'finished' for the fun of it but the rating points should be issued based on when the game was considered 'finished' first time. PS: Just a guess, technical error, e.g. program crash, network problems etc would be come a lot rarer if they wouldn't help avoiding point loss
    1 point
  15. @Stan` @Helicity The mod has been made. All except archer cavs have instant turn and instant acceleration, and dancing is still not possible. I tried to dance and I lost the fight to an AI. I don't think phyzic or JC can dance successfully neither. Everything is now instant, even though the motion may look jerky visually, you have instant response and you no longer have to worry about crowded woodcutting or berries gathering. Feel free to test it yourself. yekapathfinder.zip
    1 point
  16. Theoretisch kannst du auch einen Wal mit einem Fischerboot erledigen, in dem ein Fußtruppenmitglied stationiert ist. Ein Fischerboot ohne stationierten Soldaten tut dem Wal nichts außer hinterherzufahren und immerwieder ohne Schaden gegen das Tier zu rammen (Realistiker fragen sich eh, wie sich Schiffe ohne hochzählenden pop-count bewegen können).
    1 point
  17. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1905
    1 point
  18. Does not matter. If the game will go to release someday, such small things must be fixed.
    1 point
  19. Borders have weights, so the stronger the adversary, the more it gains on your territory, which I think makes sense.
    1 point
  20. Always finding ( experimenting) new ways to break the game, Kate?
    1 point
  21. Thracian tomb of Aleksandrovo Thracian tomb of Cotys I Thracian tomb Golyama Arsenalka Thracian tomb Griffins Thracian tomb Helvetia Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Thracian tomb Ostrusha Thracian tomb of Seuthes III Thracian tomb Shushmanets Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari It would be nice to have a Thracian tumulus tomb as a special building. It wouldn't be difficult to make. This is basically an earth tumulus with a few structures around. The easiest is to do a monumental gate with a greek column at the entrance and an outer wall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thracian_tomb_Shushmanets#/media/File:Shushmanets3.jpg https://360image.net/product/thracian-tomb-shushmanets-bulgaria-3-5/ (Thracian tomb from Starosel) The conception of a Thracian tomb is very similar to Macedonian ones. Therefore, if it is too difficult to understand how a Thracian tomb works without an illustration, I suggest to check how the Macedonian ones were since they are more popular and more covered by the medias. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vergina#/media/File:Makieta_grobowca_Filipa.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vergina#/media/File:Facade_of_Philip_II_tomb_Vergina_Greece.jpg http://www.amfipolis.com/amphipolis-tomb/ http://www.amfipolis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/amphipolis-tomb1.jpg
    1 point
  22. A few interesting references: The Valley of the Kings? Social Complexity of Inland Thrace during the First Millennium BC. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295262199_The_Valley_of_the_Kings_Social_Complexity_of_Inland_Thrace_during_the_First_Millennium_BC Urbanization - In: Julia Valeva, Denver Graninger, and Emil Nankov (eds.) A Companion to Ancient Thrace. https://www.academia.edu/6793751/Urbanization_in_J_Valeva_E_Nankov_and_D_Graninger_eds_A_Companion_to_Ancient_Thrace_Wiley_Blackwell_2015_399_411 The first Thracian urban and rural dwellings, and stonecutting techniques. https://www.talanta.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/TAL-32-33-2000-2001-022-artikel-tot-pg-253.pdf Kozi Gramadi. Studies of an Odrysian ruler's residence and sanctuaries in Sredna Gora Mt. (8th—1st centuries BC). https://www.academia.edu/4935133/KOZI_GRAMADI_STUDIES_OF_AN_ODRYSIAN_RULER_S_RESIDENCE_AND_SANCTUARIES_IN_SREDNA_GORA_MT_8TH_1ST_CENTURIES_BC The Fortifications of The Early Hellenistic Thracian City of Seuthopolis. https://www.academia.edu/424819/THE_FORTIFICATIONS_OF_THE_EARLY_HELLENISTIC_THRACIAN_CITY_OF_SEUTHOPOLIS_BREAKING_THE_MOLD Sboryanovo. Volume III: The Thracian City - City planning. Fortification system. Architecture. https://www.academia.edu/43425810/THE_THRACIAN_CITY_CITY_PLANNING_FORTIFICATION_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE_Sboryanovo_VOLUME_III_2015_ The Tumulus of Golyamata Mogila near the villages of Malomirovo and Zlatinitsa. https://www.academia.edu/12392747/The_Tumulus_of_Golyamata_Mogila_near_the_villages_of_Malomirovo_and_Zlatinitsa_Chapter_I + https://www.academia.edu/12392810/The_Tumulus_of_Golyamata_Mogila_near_the_villages_of_Malomirovo_and_Zlatinitsa_Chapter_II_III + https://www.academia.edu/12392889/The_Tumulus_of_Golyamata_Mogila_near_the_villages_of_Malomirovo_and_Zlatinitsa_Chapter_III_IV Lysimachus, the Getae, and archaeology. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1558897 L’épopée des rois thraces, des guerres médiques aux invasions celtes (479-278 av. J.-C.). Découvertes archéologiques en Bulgarie. [a lot of pictures!] https://www.academia.edu/11989784/L_épopée_des_rois_thraces_des_guerres_médiques_aux_invasions_celtes_479_278_av_J_C_Découvertes_archéologiques_en_Bulgarie Odrysian arms, equipment, and tactics. https://www.academia.edu/738235/Odyrsian_arms_equipment_and_tactics Warfare. - In: Julia Valeva, Denver Graninger, and Emil Nankov (eds.) A Companion to Ancient Thrace. https://www.academia.edu/21657079/Stoyanov_Totko_Warfare_In_Julia_Valeva_Denver_Graninger_and_Emil_Nankov_eds_A_Companion_to_Ancient_Thrace_Wiley_Blackwell_2015_426_442 The Chalkidian helmets and the origin of the North Thracian ceremonial armour. https://www.academia.edu/21902640/L_Ognenova_T_Stoyanov_The_Chalkidian_helmets_and_the_origin_of_the_North_Thracian_ceremonial_armour_SAUS_Suppl_4_Stephanos_Arcaeologicos_in_honorem_Professoris_Ludmili_Getov_Sofia_2005_р_519_539 Thracian Warriors in Transylvania at the Beginning of the Late Iron Age. The Grave with Chalcidian helmet from Ocna Sibiului. https://www.academia.edu/2026130/A_Rustoiu_S_Berecki_Thracian_Warriors_in_Transylvania_at_the_Beginning_of_the_Late_Iron_Age_The_Grave_with_Chalcidian_helmet_from_Ocna_Sibiului Archaeological textiles in pre-Roman Thrace: state of the evidence. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348976061_Archaeological_textiles_in_pre-Roman_Thrace_state_of_the_evidence The greaves from Agighiol (Romania) and Vratsa (Bulgaria) Reconsidered. https://www.academia.edu/39838055/The_greaves_from_Agighiol_Romania_and_Vratsa_Bulgaria_Reconsidered A Bell Cuirass from the Tumulus № II Near the Village of Gorski Izvor. https://www.academia.edu/83166683/Ya_Ivanov_A_Bell_Cuirass_from_the_Tumulus_II_Near_the_Village_of_Gorski_Izvor_Brief_Analysis_of_the_Cuirasses_from_Thrace_Sofia_2022_pdf
    1 point
  23. New article from Appleesfera (Xataka web focused Apple products). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.applesfera.com/juegos-os-x/he-estado-probando-0-ad-mi-mac-puede-que-haya-encontrado-solucion-a-mi-mono-age-of-empires/amp the article goes like this: ""In the absence of Age of Empires I have played 0 AD on my Mac: wololos missing but nothing else."" I've always had a little bug to kill since I've been using Mac(---bug or worm in this case is a expression for a curiosity---), especially during the last few years as the platform has become more and more exclusive: to regain my love for the Age of Empires game series. Microsoft hasn't made them compatible with macOS since the special version of the second installment, and it's missed being able to play the Definitive Edition and part IV that are available on Steam. I have tried an open alternative that may well entertain me and that works quite well even on Macs with Apple Silicon. I'm talking about 0 AD, known as "the open Age of Empires". Installing 0 AD on my Mac mini M1 was not difficult. Just go to the game's download site and select the 64-bit version for Intel chips or the 'M1' version for Macs with Apple Silicon chips. Download the application, move it to the Applications directory on your Mac, and that's it. Even at 4K resolution the performance does not disappoint, and its requirements support computers of a certain age. As long as you have macOS 10.12 Sierra installed, you're good to go. The game does not hide too many secrets for those who have already had their vices to Age of Empires of yesteryear: you have an aerial view of what starts as a small village and you advance as you collect resources and increase your population. YouTube is full of games recorded by fans: ---in the image they show a video of Mayorcete --- There are some differences, especially in what we consider 'villagers'. While in Age of Empires these only serve to collect resources and build (and for a very poor defense), in 0 AD you train warriors that make use of villagers while it is not time to attack. And right from the start you have several types of these warriors, each with its own resource requirements. And if you don't want that, you can always train female villagers that lack the warrior part. As for the fights, the system does not change. You train troops, explore the terrain, locate the enemy base to attack it and defend your city. The single player campaign is still very basic(They say that a is not developed), but we can generate single player games to pass the time. I'll keep an eye on the development of the original Age of Empires, no doubt about it, but 0 AD stays installed on my Mac mini for the days off I can take. If you miss the real-time strategy game, 0 AD is free and is still in continuous development.
    1 point
  24. You are not executing the command in the right directory. The reason it says no such file is because 0AD is not in your home directory. If its anything like my mac, it should be in Applications. Try something like: xattr -cr /Applications/0\ A.D..app
    1 point
  25. Well, if the units were modular in appearance, and you could just take the same base unit and generate a texture for it with different cloting. But if you have to create a model for every unit on every level by hand, this is very inefficient and a lot of work for a mainly cosmetic change. However, this kind of idea can be remembered for the case that there may at some point be an easy way to auto-generate different unit appearances. Such auto-generation itself can cause problems and weird looks on units, so i think it is not easy to implement on the fly. Always the question whether the ends justify the means, if your resources are limited.
    1 point
  26. This is the "Thracian" structure texture I made some time ago. Looks like the artists hated it for some reason and made their own. Perhaps for Dacians or Illyrians instead? (with some tweaks; different shields of course, or just use prop points and shield props instead)
    1 point
  27. Step 1: Entity does not see terrain higher than its position. [done] Step 2: Entity does not see terrain behind hills [done] Step 3: Entity height influences how high can see (height from outpost's footprint allows to see what is on the hill) [maybe better to use some new parameter than footprint ? ] Step 4: Performance [maybe will not be needed] Last build version Windows: pyrogenesis.exe (outdated version) Related diff: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1905
    1 point
  28. 1 point
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