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  1. As you probably know A24 has been in development for over two years and thousands of revisions have been committed. Rumour has it it is nearing completion, which is great! Numerous things have been improved and releasing for a wider audience is certainly welcome. However, some mechanics are fundamentally different in A24 than they were in A23. Things I'm most concerned about: Firstly, the way technology modifications are applied. Technologies (and civ bonuses) are supposed to be permanent, auras (and team bonuses) temporary. In A23 the order in which modifications were applied (@fatherbushido) was: template values technology replaces technology multiplications technology additions aura replaces aura multiplications aura additions In A24 this is changed to (@wraitii, please correct me if I'm mistaken): template values technology and aura replaces technology and aura multiplications technology and aura additions To me, the old order made a lot more sense than the new. Moreover, things are fundamentally different for captured entities (as spotted by @Freagarach). As you may know, civic centres have 3000 health by default; brit and gaul structures have −20% wood cost, build time, and health; athen, mace, spart structures have +10% health. In A23, if you're playing athen and capture a brit centre, it still has 2400 health when it's your brit centre. In A24, on the other hand, a brit centre has 2400 health before it's captured, but 3300 health after it's captured by athen—and vice versa: an athen centre captured by brit immediately jumps from 3300 health to 2400. This is really counterintuitive. Modifications ought to depend on the entity's civ, not the owner's civ. When an entity's ownership changes, it should keep the values it had before. Now I was told the A23 code was buggy and it's no longer possible to revert to it. That may be true, but the current situation is not satisfactory either. Secondly, range computations have changed too. In A23, all ranges were computed from the entity's centre. Because structures have much higher footprints than soldiers, this meant archers could easily hit structures with the same attack range, without those able to shoot back, which was certainly undesirable. To address that, attack and aura ranges are now calculated from the circle around the entity's obstruction (i.e. increased by the obstruction radius). However, territory influence and vision ranges are still calculated from the centre, which means a centre's attack range of 70 actually extends beyond its vision of 90. Furthermore, structures tend to have footprints slightly larger than their obstruction sizes. Because footprints can be circular but obstructions are always rectangular, this means that for rectangular structures the obstruction radius is smaller than the footprint radius (as it should be), but for circular structures (e.g. brit fortress), the obstruction radius is in practice larger than its footprint radius, which is wrong, and means higher minimum and maximum ranges. Moreover, auras affect all relevant entities, so what matters is the area covered, not merely the distance (unlike attacks). The new calculation method (from the obstruction radius instead of the centre) means that a small difference in the obstruction size can easily result in a difference in free aura area much larger than the total obstruction size. Again, these are the things I'm most concerned about. Other people may see different things. If you spot something else in the development version that seems fundamentally wrong (compared to A23), please post here too.
    2 points
  2. This is actually somewhat inaccurate, the order is: Template values Global (techs/global auras/other modifiers such cheats) If any 'replace' is present, it is picked. If multiple 'replace' are present, a random one is chosen. Otherwise, X * mult + additions. Note that the replace behaviour isn't changed from A23. Local modifiers & auras The main difference is that global auras now multiply and add alongside techs, instead of on top of them. I don't think this is obviously better or worse. In practice, since most auras are local, there should be limited difference with A23. It was buggy, and it's not even that it's not possible to revert to it but simply not desirable. I would legitimately disagree with you that modifiers, in general, should depend on the creator's civ. Cheat modifiers, for example, are obviously tied to a player. Techs are a bit of an annoying in-between where, for some of them, they're more like "stuff that should replace template values", and for others, they're more tied to the owner's civilisations. E.g. a better spear-point is probably something that should be carried over on capture, but better training is arguable, and stuff like higher gather rate is probably not carried-over. You focus on structure HP but that's actually about the only place where the A23 bug could be noticed, and to be honest I don't think it's that much of an issue, it's a pretty minor thing all in all. In my opinion, the current situation is very satisfactory. That being said, I agree that it would be nice to make "carry-over" techs possible, but that requires more thinking. This seems like a straightforward template fix. My take is that we went from a straight up bad situation (attacks being broken is horrible) to a not-great situation (ranges varying so much by building obstruction sizes isn't awesome). That being said, I think it's not such a huge concern: areas aren't a perfect metric either, because units are discrete things and you can't really "fill" an aura range with units, it's not how things work. So, I would argue, for most cases, the distance remains rather relevant since it's what will matter for "how long until unit X is in range of Y", and for battlefield tactics I also think you'll find the actual advantage not as big as the maths say. -- In my opinion, though I acknowledge the concerns, none of what you raise here are large enough issues that they must be fixed for Alpha 24.
    2 points
  3. Buenas ; Como "primeros" bocetos de los edificios lusitanos , aquí unas fotos desde otro ángulo de vista de los edificios para ilustrar mejor la idea de la arquitectura lusitana (como precedente o referente para otras creaciones de otros usuarios del foro) , en un futuro haré otros bocetos gracias a más investigaciones sobre la cultura lusitana en detalle y a un mejor uso de la aplicación 3D con los consejos de @Lopess ; Otros ángulos de los bocetos; (Los ángulos frontales de los edificios los subí hace tiempo en este mismo tópico) -almacén; -casas lusitanas ; -centro urbano ; -corral ; - cuartel ; -edificio especial- "Castro" (de élite); -edificio especial-"Castro Mercenario" ; -edificio especial-"Sauna lusitana "; -fortaleza lusitana ; -granja ; -herrería ; -maravilla lusitana; -mercado ; -muralla y portón lusitanos ; -puerto ; -templo lusitano ; Espero que esto les inspire para la arquitectura lusitana @gargvarun041 Disculpen las molestias *
    2 points
  4. Sus construcciones han mejorado mucho, creo que hay que modificar la textura del techo (ya veré qué puedo hacer).
    1 point
  5. Mmmmh. The crashlog.dmp is crashlog.txt report a different error. The former says it's the GLSL bug, but the crashlog.txt returns a way different error. (A much scary one too) Could you attach the savegames (Sorry for the delay between answers) I need to reproduce it locally
    1 point
  6. I think this predates me, but I assume this is when one wants to be able to promote but not automatically (from fighting)?
    1 point
  7. Already possible since r23409 (Well, if you change the template, that is.)
    1 point
  8. Where was this when I made the briton wonder. What about the timeframe? It seems really roman
    1 point
  9. Also there are 21:9 monitors, so the corners might really be far off.
    1 point
  10. Still a bit empty in the way 0ad depict any building, but it could be a candidate for wonder (Britons or Gauls).
    1 point
  11. The only concern I have is that the differences between civs once more decreased.
    1 point
  12. I believe this would be negated somewhat if template values were used for these things instead of "cleaner" auto-researched techs.
    1 point
  13. @user1 My lobby name: jeremias Offending user name: Raffut1969 commands.txt
    1 point
  14. Check your antivirus software. The logs didn't show anything out of the ordinary sadly... EDIT: Try disabling GLSL and postprocessing in the game options.
    1 point
  15. Buenas Aquí les propongo un boceto de todos los edificios lusitanos; Almacén; Casas; Centro Urbano/Centro Cívico; Corral; Cuartel; (Edificio especial)-Castro; (Edificio especial)-Castro Mercenario; (Edificio especial)-Sauna; Fortaleza; Granja; Herrería; Maravilla; Mercado; Murallas; Puerto; Templo; Aldea; Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  16. Hello @user1 Raffut1969 left a game without resigning. My lobby username is Sequani Thanks for your help Cheers commands.txt
    1 point
  17. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2175 Updating...
    1 point
  18. The thing is the farms would work like in DE and... must be avaible after build a farmstead.
    1 point
  19. As a recap: giving the the soldiers the ability to gather is not something that makes 0 A.D. special to play. Instead, the current implementation is broken and probably the concept too. So either the concept should be improved or completely removed (to lazy to look up Darc's detailed explanation post with some suggestions to fix it)
    1 point
  20. Yes, you could. Alternatively you could just remove combat units from your starting building to make players actually require something remotely related to a "buildorder".
    1 point
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