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  1. Update: Fixed error handling issue. Now 100% tests are running It was found that non-ASCII characters in game schema resulted in a crash. Since the presence of these characters is non-essential and limited, these characters were temporarly removed (Identity.js). The problem is under investigation. Probably this is due Game is running with Spidermonkey 68 Todo: Clean up. (better naming.. remove failed attempts to correct issue in the code) Benchmarking/Profiling. See how much the performaces increase/decrease after the upgrade Try link the game with SM78 beta () A big thanks to the WFG team for helping me in this task even though it doesn't follow the 'normal' 0ad development process. I hope this will be helpful in porting the official branch to newer versions of Spidermonkey Running game:
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. That's a good question. I didn't profile the game and for now I just did debug builds so far, therefore I cannot tell. However I expect some improvement since many changes were made on the underling VM since V45. Also, for the future, having the possibility to use WebAssebly (and WebWorkers as suggested on #0ad-dev) could have for sure an impact. Stay tuned for benchmarks!
    3 points
  4. Buenas , podría usar la fortaleza del vídeo llamada "Saqsaywaman" como modelo para el castillo inca.
    2 points
  5. Every player in this game compute the game state. If you have mods that change the gameplay, you might compute a different hash and go out of sync. This dialogue box is there to warn you about that. Autociv and fgod use a workaround to bypass this limitation.
    2 points
  6. Scout/Messenger A speed runner to explore the map as cavalry. Blowguner Amazonian longbow. Two handed Axe Boleadoras/ Bolas (English version) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolas
    1 point
  7. README First: The official topic about 0ad spidermonkey update is here: ==================================================================================================================================== Hi there! DISCLAIMER: This is a work in progress. The game starts but might be subject to instabilities, crashes or other imperfections. Just for fun and to learn something new I started adding SM68 support to 0ad. Here you can find the link to my 0ad fork at https://github.com/bellaz89/0ad/tree/rework I don't know what kind of development milestones are planned for 0ad. This is a pure one side project that doesn't pretend to be merged (but of course, if it is useful to someone I am going to be happy) Also note that I do not assure that everything I did is reasonable since this is my first approach with 0ad source base and spidermonkey. Some code could easily be incorrect or redundant. To compile it a system version of mozjs68 has to be installed. use the --with-system-mozjs68 workspace generation option. Tested and developed only on linux (Debian Bullseye 11). Some changes I did: Switched to C++14 due to Spidermonkey 68 requirements JSRuntime direct access is deprecated in favor of JSContext. Therefore ScriptRuntime create a new JSContext. All the methods/functions that used JSRuntime now use JSContext. the Compartment is now JS::Realm Since only a single JSContext is allowed per-thread, ScriptInterface just generates a new global object and populates it. The environment separation is done changing the Realm rather than using a different JSContext. Now the Realm holds the ScriptInterface private data. A macro to switch the Realm was added (CX_IN_REALM) Removed JSAutoRequest Starting adding explicit JS error checks since JS_SetErrorReporter was removed. A lot of API fixes, some are just name changes See links below to get a partial (quite long) list of additional API changes. Increased runtime size to 512 MB to make the tests run without segfault (to optimize). Why increasing the runtime size helped? Support of ArrayBuffer in Serialization/Deserialization is explicitly added since ArrayBuffer is matched by JS_IsArrayBufferViewObject anymore. The used API can be found in js/ArrayBuffer.h Open questions: How to pass data between Contexts. The StructuredClone API was changed and there are some problems continuing using it https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.js-engine/ViE6Yg8yCvY Script sources are passed with JS::SourceText. Doubts about the right conversions between string format to be done Are the optimizations on SM45 GC still valid in SM68? How passing data efficiently between Realms Update June 8 2020 Basic error tests fixed (updated to mozjs style error output) All tests run, 98% pass. The failing tests are on serialization/deserialization Update June 9 2020 ArrayBuffer tests fixed modifying the serializer/deserializer. Fixed UTF test removing U+D800 (high surrogate) unicode character. All tests run, 99% pass. The last failing test is on exception catching. For the moment it can be ignored. Starting to understand why the GUI doesn't show up when launching pyrogenesis Update 2 Fixed GUI with https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2768 Still crashing when changing page. Update 17 June Patched Spidermonkey 68 source code. the class SharedArrayRawBufferRefs in ./js/public/StructuredClone.hStructuredClone.h (firefox source directory) was tagged as JS_PUBLIC_API to export its symbols. Please note that since Spidermonkey 68 clang is required to compile the codebase (at least on linux). Use instructions in https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/spidermonkey-embedding-examples/blob/esr68/docs/Building SpiderMonkey.md. PersistentRooted is initialized with .init() Applied https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2768 ObjectToIdMap is based on GCHashMap Update 18 June Corrected a cross-compartment bug in CGame::ReallyStartGame, line 329. Does this affect the current 0ad version too?? Added checks to consume error messages I was able to start a game! ...but almost nothing (except the gui!) works properly Update 22 June Fixed error handling issue. Now 100% tests are running It was found that non-ASCII characters in game schema resulted in a crash. Since the presence of these characters is non-essential and limited, these characters were temporarly removed (Identity.js). The problem is under investigation. Probably this is due Game is running with Spidermonkey 68 Todo: Clean up. (better naming.. remove failed attempts to correct issue in the code) Benchmarking/Profiling. See how much the performaces increase/decrease after the upgrade Try link the game with SM78 beta () A big thanks to the WFG team for helping me in this task even though it doesn't follow the 'normal' 0ad development process. I hope this will be helpful in porting the official branch to newer versions of Spidermonkey (New) Spidermonkey 78 Since the next firefox 78 ESR is going to be released this month. I also started to work on the SM78 port using the beta release. Here you can see the branch https://github.com/bellaz89/0ad/tree/rework78 I am able to run a game but I get a lot of failing tests. So expect even a more instabilities. Important: In SM 78 uneval() and .toSource JS methods were removed. Therefore a workaround has to be decided Changes done for SM 78: Lot cosmetic API changes (different method names, method moved to different workspaces..) Seems that it is not possible anymore to disable the dynamic VM grow (to confirm) Needs C++17 to compile Useful links (contain a more in-depth list of changes): https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/spidermonkey-embedding-examples/blob/esr68/docs/Migration Guide.md http://mozilla.6506.n7.nabble.com/Success-with-embedding-ESR52-spidermonkey-td369034.html https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.js-engine/Mu1arXbBhi8 https://github.com/mozilla-spidermonkey/spidermonkey-embedding-examples Happy Screenshots: Tests. all passing Finally the game runs! mainlog.html entity.zip interestinglog.html
    1 point
  8. Buenas , estos son aspectos de los escudos aztecas "Chimalli" ; Disculpen las molestias y espero haber ayudado .
    1 point
  9. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll need to study it Meanwhile I've done some more experiments and noticed that if we only multiply glViewport components by scale factor, then mouse coordinates not affected. Previously I've tried to multiple ClientSize in OnResize and InitSize, but those broke mouse coordinates. void CRenderer::SetViewport(const SViewPort &vp) { m_Viewport = vp; const float scaleFactor = 2.f; glViewport((GLint)vp.m_X * scaleFactor,(GLint)vp.m_Y * scaleFactor,(GLsizei)vp.m_Width * scaleFactor,(GLsizei)vp.m_Height * scaleFactor); } Looks a bit more promising IMHO, but still need to figure out how to get content scale factor in there.
    1 point
  10. As mentioned before, the only thing this achieves is allowing vanilla games to be joined and vanilla players to join modded hosts. If you change the game state in any way, players will still get oos.
    1 point
  11. https://github.com/badosu/badmod/blob/master/gui/common/mod~badmod.js https://github.com/badosu/badmod/blob/master/gui/common/!!!badmod_patchApplyN.js https://github.com/badosu/badmod/blob/master/gui/gamesetup/gamesetup~badmod.js
    1 point
  12. It's not the mod zip hash that is calculated Sorry for the misunderstanding. The game works in turns, each turn as a hash. Commands like moving a unit around alters the hash of the turn. Mods that changes gameplay, by changing an attack speed for a unit, generate a different hash than someone without the mod, creating an out of sync. Autociv and Fgod just alter the check to ignore their mods. But if they change some stats they will go out of sync too. I'm pretty sure changing the default trade values might get you out of sync with other players.
    1 point
  13. @user1 player 2000ad quit the game without resign. My user frank93. metadata.json commands.txt
    1 point
  14. Hey @DelronWar Most of our video communication is handled by @BrynnOfCastlegate and we don't usually publish much video content. So I guess asking you to do it would be a waste of your time. If you feel like playing the game and streaming it however you can do so. Does this include the rigging and animations of objects ? Else maybe we could use your help animating some of the animals amongst other things. On the voice recording part, maybe you could work with @Lion.Kanzen and try to record some of the Basque voices for the Iberians? Thanks again for your application, and sorry for the delayed answer;
    1 point
  15. I just looked it up too. The promo video looks straight out of Rise of Nations or Age of Empires 2.
    1 point
  16. Oh, I thought that was a lava-themed map :-)
    1 point
  17. Well I'm making "new" models more in line with Mesoamerican clothing. I only missing the base soldier and the huipil for women and a special one for the nobles
    1 point
  18. La Wasi (house)? + Ushnu inca. Faltan el AO y los detalles del "player".
    1 point
  19. Esa imagen del AoE 3es de los Iroqueses, pero igual es similar. Pero una dewcripcion no es lo mismo a una reconstruction. Son curvos dice, significa hacia afuera o dentro? Voy inclinarme por algo más urbano.
    1 point
  20. @Duileoga solo una pequeña corrección pavos";------------------------------------(Quetzaltotolin) es Huaxolotl (en México a los pavos les decimos Guajolotes por esta palabra), Quetzaltotolin es Quezal.
    1 point
  21. similar to my idea but you gain extra units.
    1 point
  22. Militia Axeman (Onodukapi/Onozukai), Axeman Citizen Jōmon Slinger (Isinagë/Ishinage; literally stone throwing, any better name like Tabute/Tsubute?), Slinger Citizen Revised Hero Breakdown (all choose the 3 to be recruited in Civic Center, rest can be for Scenario/Herocide): Jimmu (Kamuyamatö Iparebiko/Kan'yamato Iwarebiko), Archer Hero Keikō (Opotarasipiko Osiröwakë/Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake), Archer/Swordsman Hero? Ousu/Yamato Takeru (Wousu, Yamatötakëru), Swordsman Hero Jingū (Okinagatarasi/Okinagatarashi), Swordsman Heroine Himiko (Pimiko), Healer Heroine "Jinmu" and "Jimmu" spellings are correct, but let's leave it to the modder. Suishō or one of the above not used can be a catafalque unit. Kofun can be a separate faction, thanks for the advice. Will wait for Part 2/Delenda Est proposal(s). Can the chashi be an embassy for Ainu/Emishi mercenaries? They could be an Atlas mini-faction. Ainu Mercenary Spearman Ainu Priest Chief ("priest" that can also have a damage boost for nearby units) Ainu Champion Mercenary Two-Handed Swordsman?
    1 point
  23. Think I can come up with a unit roster since no one called for such: (Specific names are Old Japanese orthography followed by Modern Japanese, if former cannot be read as such) Village (Mura) phase: Civic Center (Nezirö/Nejiro) Japanese Woman (Womina/Omina or Onna) Militia Spearman (Pokotuki/Hokotsuki), "Pikeman" Citizen; wields a two-handed spear, has shorter attack range than the Hellenistic counterparts and a bit more than the usual Spearman Militia Archer (Ite), Archer Citizen Barracks (Sikömiba/Shikomiba) Militia Spearman (Pokotuki/Hokotsuki), "Pikeman" Citizen Milita Axeman (Onodukapi/Onozukai), Axeman Citizen Militia Archer (Ite), Archer Citizen Spearthrower (Nagëtuki/Nagetsuki), Skirmisher Citizen Dock (Tu/Tsu? literally "harbor") Fishing boat (Turipune/Tsurifune) House (Ipe/Ie) Japanese Woman (Womina/Omina or Onna) Storehouse (Kura) Farmstead (Makïba/Makiba) Farm (Nora) and/or Rice Paddy (Ta/Tanbo) Corral (Wori/Ori) Outpost (Mönömi/Monomi) Sentry Tower (Yagura) Palisade/Wooden Wall (Kupi/Kui) Palisade/Wooden Gate (To) Town (Mati/Machi) phase: Temple (Yasirö/Yashiro) Shrine Priest (Nusi/Nushi) Shrine Priestess (Miko) Bellringer (Kanetuki/Kanetsuki), like the Gaulish Carnyx Siege Workshop (Takumiba) Battering ram (Pasiradataki/Hashira-dataki), for gameplay purposes Market (Iti/Ichi) Merchant (Akinapi/Akinai) Dock (Tu/Tsu?) Trading ship (Akinapibune/Akinaibune) Light transport ship (Pune/Fune) Mercenary Chinese warship (Karapune/Karafune) Smithy (Kanutiba/Kajiba) Defense Tower (Yagura) Wall (Kabe) Gate (Kïdo/Kido) Wall Turret (Mönömi) Ainu Village (Kotan), special building; embassy-port hybrid Ainu Hunter (Isonbe), Spearman/"Pikeman" Mercenary; no shield Ainu Chief (Ottena), Priest Mercenary; maximum 3 per village built Ainu fishing boat (Aritaomap) Ainu transport ship (Cip/Chip) Hilltop Fort (Casi/Chashi), special building Ainu Hunter (Isonbe), Spearman/"Pikeman" Mercenary Jōmon Slinger (Isinagë/Ishinage or Tabute/Tsubute), Slinger Mercenary City (Kuni) phase: Civic Center (Nezirö/Nejiro) Himiko (Pimiko), Healer Heroine Keikō (Opotarasipiko Osiröwakë/Ōtarashihiko Oshirowake), Archer Hero Wousu/Ousu (Yamatötakëru/Yamatotakeru), Swordsman Hero Fortress (Kï/Ki) Armored Spearman (Yari Tupamönö/Yari Tsuwamono), Spearman Champion Armored Swordsman (Turuki Tupamönö/Tsurugi Tsuwamono), Swordsman Champion Guard Archer (Yumi Tupamönö/Yumi Tsuwamono), Archer Champion Dock (Tu/Tsu?) Mercenary Chinese medium warship (Kara Opobune/Kara Ōbune) Fire Ship (Hïbune/Hibune) Hilltop Fort (Casi/Chashi) Ainu Poison Archer (Akno), Archer Champion/Mercenary Wonder, probably Izumo Grand Shrine (Idumo Opoyasirö/Izumo Taisha) or Ise Grand Shrine Empire (Opokuni/Ōkuni) phase, for Delenda Est: (Suggestions? Kofun era? A stable that hires Champion/Citizen cavalry spearman and archer?)
    1 point
  24. CC Chieftain residence. Vs Ceremonial Hall.
    1 point
  25. @Boudica @Havran @Unknown_Player @go2die @ValihrAnt @Edwarf @Issh @PhyZik maybe we can rematch today 4vs4 ? i mean not under tournament scores but just for fun same system because i missed game yesterday.
    0 points
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