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  1. Hey peeps. I happen to know Russian: Fig. 64 The hillfort "Bâtca Doamnei". Reconstruction version and plan, after N. Gostaru Fig. 59: The hillfort "Scoc" Fig. 32: Reconstruction: 1 getian house; 2 the settlement Hansca-Limbari Fig. 26: Version of reconstruction of the hillfort Mășcăuți Fig. 20: House IV-II centry BC; 1,2 - stone masonry (the sketch is based upon photographs from G.D. Smirnov's archives); 3 - reconstruction of stone house Fig. 18: Reconstruction of land dwellings: 1. based on author's materials; 2 - after G.D. Smirnov I'm also part of a reenactment group called Terra Dacica Aeterna, we're reenacting romans, dacians and sarmatians from early II century AD, the conflicts of Trajan and Decebalus; if you need reference images, more documentation (not much available in english tho), and can give you a helping hand. We also have in our group historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, so I can relay your questions to them. We're easy to reach via facebook, https://www.facebook.com/TerraDacicaAeterna/
    3 points
  2. Please delete: and: Those are modern interpretations. Please use real attested letter forms (marked in red). For Athens: and for Sparta: (Screenshots taken from L. H. Jeffrey The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece (Oxford 1961).)
    2 points
  3. Speaking of which, maybe we could clean the current's game map and put them in @coworotel's mod
    2 points
  4. Thanks, this is looking promising! Don't forget the cart low walls ought to lengthened as well, they ought to have the same length as palisades. Furthermore, there are several more palisades: palisade*straight should have the same length as the palisade*long, but rotated by 90° (don't ask me why it exists); palisade*curve has the same length and orientation as palisade*straight, but it's curved, not straight; palisade*gate is supposed to have the same length as palisade*long, because you can upgrade the latter to the former; widening the doors is not a good idea, so you'll have to put something on either side. Those are the units used in the simulation templates; I don't know how they correspond to Blender units. I'm not sure lengthening palisades (currently 4.5, 9, 13.5) to the same length as city walls (12, 24, 36) is a good idea. I'd prefer half that (6, 12, 18). Or maybe have six palisade lengths (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36), allowing mods to choose which ones they want to use. (It's possible to copy and paste in Blender, isn't it?) Yes, let's have a look at how they would look in game!
    2 points
  5. Fast and good enough tutorials for learn in minutes to Rig and later to animate but first you need to know how the rig will work:
    2 points
  6. The Scythians version 1.1 Above: Scythian Commoners (left), Scythian Slaves (right) Above: Skilurus, King of Crimea Above: Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae Above: Ateas, King of Scythia Above: Scythian Shaman (Healer) MAP OF THEIR INFLUENCE Units Support Units Scythian Peasant Male and Female variations References Resource Wagon Dropsite for all Raw Resources Can "unpack" into these buildings Yurt (+10 to pop cap) Storehouse Can train Slaves once the Trade Depot is built Enaree Shaman Healer/Priest Class unit They wear shaggy clothing, drooping robes, tassels, and animal skins. They have eagle feather or deer antler head gear and carry a stretched leather drum. References Barracks Units Scythian Spearman Spear Infantry Saka Axeman Sword Infantry Scythian Archer (male and female actor variations) Archer Infantry Maiden Archer Female Archer Infantry Less armor, faster speed Only costs Glory resource References Stables Units Scythian Scout Scout Cavalry Sarmatian Lancer Spear Cavalry Massagetae Sagaris Cavalry Sword (Ax) Cavalry Dahae Cavalry Archer Archer Cavalry Royal Maiden Headhunter Female Archer Cavalry Less Armor, faster speed Only costs the Glory resource References Mercenary Camp Units Bosporan Hoplite Hoplite Thracian Peltast Javelin Infantry Tocharian Swordsman Fortress Units Alani Cataphract Champion Lancer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed Can upgrade to a strong anti-building attack (flames) References Royal Cavalry Archer Champion Archer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed References Battering Ram An uncovered Ram Lower armor, faster speed Heroes A civ bonus for Scythians is that their Heroes are allowed to upgrade to Mounted from Village Phase, while all other heroes in the game have to wait for City Phase. Tahm-Rayiš (Tomyris) Hero Cavalry Queen of the Massagetae, a powerful Eastern Scythian confederacy. Her army defeated Cyrus the Great and checked his expansionist ambitions. Her look is very Eastern or central Asian, in contrast to the more Western look of the other heroes. References Ateas (Ateas) Hero Cavalry United dozens of Western Scythian tribes to form a kind of "Scythian Empire" over his lifetime. Fought against and was killed by Philip II of Macedon. References Skilurus (Skilurus) Hero Chariot King of the Crimean Scythians, whose capital was the Greco-Scythian city of Scythian Neapolis. Warred against Mithridates of Pontus. He has a mix of Greek and Scythian equipment. References Scythian Structures Scythian structures, like the Huns and Xiongnu, can be built anywhere on the map, in neutral, allied, or enemy territory. This is their "nomad" bonus. They also have half the build time and cost. Consequently, they are the weakest buildings in the game, at 50% health of standard. Their buildings are very fragile. These bonuses and weaknesses also apply to their Fortress. Cult Statue: Ovoo This is the "Cult Statue" building for the Scythians (and Xiongnu). Not only does it give a trickle of Glory like all Cult Statues, but also a trickle of free Stone resource. As an additional bonus, Enaree Shaman healers gain greater healing powers when in range of this structure. Wonder: Royal Kurgan tumulus. A large earthen mount with eye candy around it (see how the mound is surrounded by standing stones; we can add additional culture by using the enigmatic Scythian "statues" found throughout the steppe instead of simple stones). Can have various "stages" of construction like the other Scythian and Xiongnu buildings do: Technologies "Fill of Blood" Prereq: Choosing Tomyris Tomyris +25% attack when mounted on her war horse, +50% attack vs. Enemy Heroes. Social Reforms Prereq: Choosing Ateas Scythian Peasants +50% health; Scythian Slaves +100% Loyalty. Greek Engineering Prereq: Choosing Skilurus Unlock the ability for Scythian citizen-soldiers to construct Catapults. Goldsmithing Prereq: City Phase Research at: Forge (the only economically-focused Forge tech in the game) Traders +40% trade profit per trip. Archery Tradition Prereq: Village Phase Research Building: Barracks Archers -50% experience needed to promote, +10% faster firing rate Parthian Tactics Prereq: Town Phase, Archery Tradition, Advanced Cavalry Research Building: Cavalry Stable Ranged Cavalry will automatically kite away from approaching targets if the enemy targets get within 15 meters. Falconry Prereq: Village Phase (also requires Basic Husbandry) Research Building: Civic Center All Structures and Cavalry +25% vision range. Scouts +25% meat gathering rate. Scouts gain a new Falcon prop actor that circles over them. Extensive Husbandry Prereq: Town Phase (also requires Basic Husbandry) Research Building: Cavalry Stable Domestic Animals -25% train time, +25% health. Slave Trade Prereq: Town Phase Research Building: Market Slaves -50% train time. Other civs have to first capture a Trading Post before being able to research this tech. Scythians can research it from their Market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to find a Scythians expert to help parse all of the reference material. I don't think it has to be super granular, but I would like to separate everything into some categories: Western Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Ateas and Skilurus) Eastern Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Tomyris) Support Units Healers Peasants Males Females Traders Fishing Boat (necessary for gameplay) Trading Ship (necessary for gameplay) Structures Specific Buildings Materials Need to try to find era-specific reference materials: 6th-4th centuries BC.
    1 point
  7. 1. Download and install TortoiseSVN Dowlnoadpage https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Standard setting during install will work After finishing installation create a new folder in your Userdirectory. It should be located in "C:\users\username" . I called my directory "0adsvn" Then right click on the new created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." In the Checkout mask just enter the URL of repository: "http://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk" Then click on "OK" Now it starts downloading the 0ad Nightly version. Depending on your Inet speed this will take 20-45 minutes and needs around 14GB free HardDisk Space After the checkout is complete, you can start the SVN game from the "pyrogenesis.exe" binary wich is located in your created folder under \binaries\system\ I created a shortcut for this and placed it on my desktop. Dont forget to updated your 0ad SVN copy every time you going to play in svn. This can easily be done by right click on your 0adsvn directory and choosing "SVN Update" Have fun
    1 point
  8. Hello @user1 I played against samhdhill (1219), who lost everything but a boat that wa hidden in a corner of the map. I spent a long while looking for the last units to defeat, and when I finally found it, the host lest the game. A rather childish behavior, and a big waste of time. /Utinam commands.txt
    1 point
  9. https://www.theoi.com/Ther/HusKlazomenaios.html
    1 point
  10. Because we can add the color white to the design. For some reasons.
    1 point
  11. Awesome. Just awesome.
    1 point
  12. Okay so now you should have both the files and the importer. You can now import any static model from the game into blender just find the actor, binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/** And use the import option of blender to import it
    1 point
  13. Follow Don't hesitate to ask questions if you are stuck
    1 point
  14. And it's totally okay, It's my job to make sure things work You'll have to fiddle a bit with things, but you'll be fine, and you can ask me any questions See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtScaleAndProportions I can guide you as much as you need, and teach you so don't need me so much. It will always seem overwhelming at first, but you are here to learn, aren't you? What OS are you on?
    1 point
  15. @Pablinski2 if you only want to contribute art, you can be mostly fine with the release version of the game. If you want to see the latest things though you need to clone on of three repositories. The easiest one is the SVN one. (It provides automated builds for Windows) If you are on Linux or Mac though you will need to compile the game yourself. You need to install TortoiseSVN. After installing it you will need to clone the public repository. See Getting the Code. After that you might want to use the Blender extension I wrote you can download the latest version here. This will allow you to import actors which are XML files that tells the game how to texture and equip a model. Those files will be in binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors You might also want to create mods. In the example above public is a mod. It's the main mod of the Pyrogenesis engine. To create a mod, you can either put it into binaries/data/mods/ Or in your documents folder. See Game Data Paths All mods are defined using a mod.json file such as this one { "name": "technical name, usually the folder name, avoid caps and spaces. my_mod", "version": "Mod Version usually (Major.Minor.Patch) e.g. (1.0.0)", "label": "Pretty name for the mod ", "url": "Mod url", "description": "Mod Description", "dependencies": [] } It's a lot to process at the beginning so don't hesitate to ask questions
    1 point
  16. There is also some bronze age discs who were worn on clothing. Indeed, looking at how early germanics migrated from the north; you'd assume the northern region would be the one with the least celtic influence. Tacitus described Suebian women wearing purple; possibly allegorical ? Possibly a more reddish shade (Like in the current civ emblem); my understanding is that there were purple dyes other than Tyrian but they lasted less and their shade was not as popular.
    1 point
  17. I guess you are currently playing with an outdated version. The current one should be 23b There is no limit on crossplaying.
    1 point
  18. It is not impossible that something similar existed among Celts, decorated metallic plaques have been found. Although their real use is still unknown, the hypothesis of decorated items for body armors has been proposed. So it is plausible that northern Germanic population could have used them. The whole history of the Cimbri migration is a complex topic. By the way thank you to propose and to research stuff for the Suebians. I appreciate, I am currently busy and I don't have the time to do it.
    1 point
  19. https://aberdoveylondoner.com/2018/09/20/the-tal-y-llyn-iron-age-hoard/
    1 point
  20. I searched through the forum and found your answer, so I sent him a private message. He responded with success. It did the trick. Edit: 2hrs ago
    1 point
  21. Do you want to try to put them in the game ?
    1 point
  22. @OptimusShepard I tested your new patch and it worked great. You solved the problem I had.
    1 point
  23. Mostly of them. At last is about 30% more optimizated even more.
    1 point
  24. Don't forget to upvote, comment, and subscribe to every 0 A.D. video!
    1 point
  25. Fix: Disable "post-porcessing" in Menu -> Options -> Graphics to fix. Cause: The mod also adds "screen effects" like FXXA (antialiasing) + image sharpening + chromatic aberration effects. The code for those effects seems to not work quite as intended for some graphic cards and make the image "pixelated".
    1 point
  26. Maybe he just wants an overview of the whole meeting site a sense of scale,how many people in attendance what a video producer would call an establishing shot Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
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