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  1. Posting some possible references for Suebian Heroes (Based on your Gaul hero post). Ariovistus: Maroboodus (Marobodwos ?): Ballomar (Reconstructed as celtic Ballomaros, possibly germanic Baldomarijaz ?) Arminius could be a fourth option (Mercenary hero?)
    3 points
  2. @Carltonus: there is also the case where a unit can be trained as basic or as advanced or elite depending of the building producing it. In 0ad alpha 23 b, it's like that for the roman spearman (I don't know if it's on purpose or not). For the Skiritai, your concern is more obvious, as it exists only at the rank 3. It had always had "champion" in its actor name. It's even renamed spart_champion_infantry_runner.xml for the unit template. Now as he has a gather ability, one can think it's better to made it a citizen elite or to made it a champion who can gather, I guess that's a matter of taste.
    2 points
  3. The Parthi style of architecture appeared after Alexander the Great's conquest of the Achaemenid Empire in the 3rd century BCE, and historically includes the Sassanid, Parthian, and post Islamic eras, up to the 9th–10th centuries.[2] The remains of the architectural style of this period are not abundant, and although much was borrowed and incorporated from Greek designs and methods, architects and builders of this age employed many innovative concepts of their own as well Parthian sites have often been overlooked in excavations, therefore the knowledge status of research on the art of Parthians was quite incomplete. Excavations at Dura Europos in the 20th century provided many new discoveries. The classical archaeologist and director of the mentioned excavations, Mikhail Rostóvtsev, realized that the art from the first centuries of Palmyra, from Dura Europos, as well as from Iran to Greco-Buddhist art in North India followed the same principles. Rostóvtsev was the one who gave name to these works that followed these principles, "art of Parthian
    1 point
  4. Hi! My name is Pablo and I am currently studying 3D design and animation. I'm pretty new to forums so I may not be very agile in here, but basically I'm willing to help modelling and texturizing if needed, maybe even animating. Right now I use Blender for modelling, sculpting, rigging, bones (and in a near future animation) and Substance Painter for texturizing. I would like to know what your workflow is like and I could model and texturize if I'm given references or concepts arts. Greetings from Spain!
    1 point
  5. Yeah, I think it would be good. This tech comes in age 3 but even if it could be made sooner I think it's too easy to raid fields. I guess we can wait for the nerf, at least the time to see if a strategy made around early elephants (like saving coins only for slaves and then making elephants army) could be too effective If it was up to me i think i would prefer to remove the tech (also because i don't like how the gameplay feels with the tech), but with the new differences introduced by the nomadic factions I guess we could keep that tech at least waiting to see how standard and nomadic civilizations fare against each others. Other nerfs possible are to move the tech to later phase requirement or making the citizen train time lower in houses. Alright then Well, perhaps then the range bonus isn't the cause but the consequence of the problem where you can get attacked outside your vision range and not really know the situation (in AoE games a unit attacking from outside vision range is revealed). I have vague memories of the range being problematic but maybe i'll wait for more tests before making my mind
    1 point
  6. Well I need help modelling new scifi buildings, civil war buildings, ww2 buildings, we could use help modelling @Obskiuras awesome suebi concepts, else we have a middle eastern
    1 point
  7. The presence of possible horns threw me off a bit; but i agree there is no evidence of nasal on ancient Celtic helmets. Giving the unit a chance of spawning with no headgear would be appropriate in my opinion, this way you can have it in game but still portray it's rarity a bit.
    1 point
  8. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2490
    1 point
  9. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2490
    1 point
  10. Basically, all units with chevrons should be the ones that can promote after some number of experience points. Imperial centurion should have a star instead of three chevrons as their icon. Edit: Centurion and other commander-related units. The scouts, mercenaries, and a few other units (with icons but do not promote) should have their chevrons removed or must have the ability to promote. If the scouts can be promoted, they could be like the Athenian hippeus or other mounted swordsmen.
    1 point
  11. These are excellent suggestions. I never considered Old St. Peter's Basilica! That would actually be very good. As for the East, the Palace could work, or the Forum of Constantine Or the Hippodrome.
    1 point
  12. hello, @user1, a player left without resigning, i would please want my points.. 90 minutes over, a guy total defense and leave at the last second.. while mocking in chat. my username is jozzi , his username is Mativen1983. Please take a look, such people really take the pleasure away. commands.txt
    1 point
  13. That's a pretty Age of Empires thing to do, but 0 A.D. just isn't built to be like that. The architecture from Constantinople alone (even at an early date) would be awesome to see in a civ. Perhaps 2 separate wonders, which can be built one or the other, which would unlock the East or the West and the heroes as you suggest.
    1 point
  14. Personnaly I would prefer to portray evolving factions than splitting in several periods the civs. I would prefer a Roman republic evolving from the second Latin War to Antony's Civil War, with reforms and technologies available. About the Roman Empire, it could be indeed interesting to split it in two because each period has very interesting development in their own, culturally, religiously and militarly speaking.
    1 point
  15. Dominate might end up having a lot of heroes (A long time period with two empires) By default you could get Constantine, Diocletian and Theodosius in phase III. To reach Phase III (or IV ?) you choose between western and eastern empire and unlock a hero from the later end of the period; west unlocks Aetius and east has Justinian (Or maybe Anastasius if Justinian is too late in the timeline).
    1 point
  16. What I have from a23 version and i think still applies to last update : - Fields too weak, they can be destroyed almost immediately on a raid (much more efficient than targetting workers) - Elephants too strong I think. I would suggest train time nerf. I don't know how it develops with the new coin ressource but i think it doesn't change much. - About women and house fertility tech : I think the house tech to train women is too strong, either to grow eco or even to possibly use women to fight. Women are cheap and have decent stats. Spartan women might also have a bonus for them i don't remember - From years ago memories but I think still applies : Catapults too strong against human (even in vanilla where human units have high crush armor, catapults are still effective). I have memories of catapults melting melee cav - From last version but I think is fixed now : ranking up gave too much range increase, but after i checked Imperial romans skirmisher stats it looked fixed. I still leave this comment just in case. I don't have anything for things like balance between civs since it hasn't really been tested (yet)
    1 point
  17. Bam. Late Architecture Early Sassanid.
    1 point
  18. Some Palmyrene references. Their architecture are very close.
    1 point
  19. I think Parthian texture is like more Seleucid kind or Palmyrene style. Ruins in Hatra or Palmyra are good example of that. Even Herodian architecture have same mix between East and Hellenism.
    1 point
  20. The host coyote1234 left the game without resign when I almost destroyed his units, so I didn't received the points. Please, can you do something in order to solve this situation? Thank you very much @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  21. After cleaning with new mat and blender 2.81: From 45 minutes of overheatting and high poly to low poly bake. To 13 minutes of direct rendering.
    1 point
  22. Made some adjustements. If there is no big concern, I'll commit it as is gaul_wonder.zip
    1 point
  23. I have some problems with textures, I still haven't been learning about it because I have a lot of blender to discover, the one I currently use is a zapo struct with some additions.
    1 point
  24. I did some research for more diversities for the heroes. Italic bronze cuirass, small possibility of a borrowing in Italy but uncertain. Horned helmets seems to be possible but there are clear confusion from the Romans about Gauls, Galatians and Germans and about the helmet type (Greek helmets everywhere in their relief, even too old models). I am still skeptical on the horned helmet uses and I prefer a use for the Epouanos unit but it depends of your opinion. For Vercingetorix, I think a crested-helmet is the better option, not the horns or the wheel. Brennos design: Britomaros/Viridomaros design: Uercingetorix (do not forget that Vercingetorix was close to Caesar before the revolt, he was his "contubernalis") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallic third phase champions design - A help to picture these Gallic elite cavalry from the Late La Tène period (1st century BC) - Suggested name: Comaterecos (Patrician, Senator or Magistrate); Uerouicos (victorious warrior, great fighter); Adscoros (attendant, retainer); Donnoconios (noble warrior, noble fighter). Description => Alesia, Mihovo, Boé, Port or Foret helmet / Trousers / Cape / Chain mail / Heads / Long shield with shield boss and orle protection Lepontic axeman - Suggested name: Namantobogios (smasher of enemies). Description => Port, Alesia, Negau or Ticino helmet / Trousers / Cape / Chain mail or Leather cuirass / one-handed axe / Long shield with shield boss and orle protection Celtic and Germanic swift cavalry - Suggested name: Epouanos (horse-killer); Uerouicos (victorious warrior, great fighter). Description => Foret, Port (Kessel), Coolus, Germanic or horned helmet. / Trousers / Tunic or thick tunic / Celtic cape or Bear cape / No shield or Medium shield or Shield on the back / Long lance (Special ability against cavalry? or javelins as a secondary weapons? many ideas possible) Aquitanian champion swordsman - Suggested name: Soliduros (Bodyguard, watcher) Description => Alesia, Boé or Mihovo helmet / Trousers / Cape / Chain mail and phalera / Long shield with shield boss and orle protection
    1 point
  25. I guess I am disagreeing then. I don;t think Elite units should have their chevrons removed. The chevrons tell you their current rank, not whether they can promote to the next rank or not. Maybe I am misinterpreting you. I agree that there needs to be more icons available for certain types of units.
    0 points
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