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  1. Hi @Alexandermb! I 've just updated the mod to have AI know how to use this mod along with several other updates. Download it here at GitHub. Let me know whether the AI match is challenging enough. Thank you.
    3 points
  2. So, since I added the coin resource, I've been trying to think of ways to "gather" it and came up with Market Vendors. Building a Market unlocks Market Vendors that you can build and trickle Coin resource. Eventually, I'd like to have units "gather" coin at the vendors by tasking citizens to the Vendor stalls. Need some animations for that to work though. For now, they just trickle the resource for you. I will adjust the "Market Taxes" tech to boost the trickle for the Vendor stalls. Eventually, it would be nice to have civ specific models, but for now they are generic. I want cities in DE to look lively and lived in. I think these go some way toward achieving that.
    3 points
  3. The game gains a lil bit more graphical fanciness being isometric. This feature included in game config will surely turn some players community upside down (plus their heads will be struggling getting used to)
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Thanks for the catch up, to be honest i mostly lost all of the notifications or mentions sometimes and forgot about some stuff.
    3 points
  6. Gonna have to look over the video for notice that. About zoom HA! i knew it, everyone zooms in a lot to see details. i had a headhache because i wans't used to isometric
    3 points
  7. After re-exporting cavalry animations i will be committing the animations re-export and fix. Will include something for this feature.
    3 points
  8. 2 points
  9. @Alexandermb also check for more obvious missing art and bugs discovered by youtubers (if you do not want to watch them read @wackyserious notes) https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15271-0-ad-on-youtube/page/70/
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Can you make a couple variations of this Carthaginian shield? Where the dolphins and palm tree are white and the background is player color (elite spearman). And then one where the background is white and the dolphins-tree are player color (sacred band champs).
    2 points
  12. all Euroasian nomads used same tactics. https://koryvantesstudies.org/archery/
    2 points
  13. Only need a few heros patterns and one more kardakes symbol to finish (ptol eagle remains untouched saddly). Rebaked them, fixed the blender bake issue: Here a comparisson of the shields Also, added demetrius and Craterus shield:
    2 points
  14. City Building Mod: Building Aura This is Phase I of my city building mod that focuses on improving building auras to simulate city-building. Download the latest version here on GitHub. Overview Base-building is one of the main parts of RTS games, including 0AD. However because of 0AD focus on combat, base building mostly revolves around build order, with building placement is usually optimized for resource gathering and defenses. The resulting city layout becomes strategic but unrealistic. Civic center surrounded by farms, houses built in countryside as walls; these are strategically viable but not realistic nor historically accurate. This mod attempts to bring realism of city planning to 0AD, to encourage careful building placement. Features Fluctuative Population With this mod, population cap is no longer based only on how much house you built, but also where you place it. Every single building in 0 A.D. has been revamped with new aura effects that influence desirability of its nearby area, simulated by house population. This means that a house built next to a civil center supports more population than a house in country side. Building a military base beside it will reduce the population even more. This will encourage you to find a good place to construct houses, just like a city planner would. Every building costs population to run, and default house population has been reduced by half to keep it spicy. Production Chain Imagine how a soldier got his weapon. Wood and metal are collected in the storehouse, then they will be brought to blacksmith to be forged, then they will be received by the soldier at the end of his training. If all of those building are very close together, the soldier doesn’t have to wait too long to receive his weapon. This mod emulates such situation by giving effects if the buildings are nearby. Storehouse fastens nearby blacksmith’s research, and blacksmith fastens nearby barrack’s training. By arranging the buildings in specific way you can optimize your barrack to pump armies as fast as possible. Infrastructure Units are also affected by this mod. In real life, in the area where a city center stands, roads and other convenience are made to anticipate crowd of people running around. This mod simulates this by giving units speed boost while walking around the city center. Putting your storehouse right next to a mine also gives gatherers one extra resource to bring back. Mix and Match Since every building influences another, there are bound to be some compromises. Barrack will reduce nearby house population, but house will fasten barrack’s training, so if you need soldiers fast then you can build them next to each other at the cost of one population. There are so many possibilities. Experiment and discover your ultimate city that serves your strategy to conquer the world. Improved AI Now AI has been taught basic lessons on city planning. Beware that the nature of this mod allows AI to optimize this and might get surplus population early if you're not careful. The city pictured above is not my creation, it's purely built by AI with tremendous efficiency. New update also reduced default house population to nerf the AI because it was just that good. Installation Mod is available for download on mod.io (waiting for moderator's approval). It is available both for Alpha 23 and Alpha 24. Simply download the one compatible with your installed 0 A.D. version. Extract the entire content into My Games\0ad\mods\public folder and enjoy. Alternatively it is available for download at GitHub. Choose the branch according to your installed version and download. As I am not well versed in modding nor I am in history, please let me know if you think the modding could be improved or if it can be made more historically accurate. Enjoy!
    2 points
  15. Hi all, I'm working on a City Building mod. This mod is trying to incorporate elements of city building games like Caesar or SimCity to 0 A.D. The end goal here is to have a RTS/city building hybrid mod using 0 A.D engine. The balance between the two genres that I'm trying to achieve here is to ensure that the city building part should be fun enough without getting too complicated. The plan I've made consists of several phases, each with different features to implement. But currently I'm focusing on two mechanics: I. Building placement In city building games, building placement is important. Especially housing zone. People will only live in your city if their needs are met. Job, food, desirable location. Otherwise they will leave. Resource and storage building placement is also important, finding sweet spots to shorten the route without disturbing existing residences. Since this is still a RTS game, effects need to be tweaked in such a way that normal player can play the game without crippling penalty, but player who takes time to plan the city can optimize it to gain edge. Implementation: Every building has aura that indicates their desirability, which will increase or decrease population count of nearby houses, e.g. civic building increasing nearby house population, military building decreasing it. Since resource management is already complicated in 0AD, alternative implementation is using building aura to increase performance of related nearby building, e.g mining dropsite increase nearby blacksmith research speed, blacksmith increase nearby barrack training speed, etc. This will cause crowds of buildings in desirable area, so to justify it every building is implied to have been constructed along with its nearby infrastructure, increasing nearby unit speed. Status & TODO: Released, but with general rule. These are the desired changes and their detailed implementations. A complete explanation of Phase I and download link is posted here. II. Economy In city building games, money is usually the only resource the player needs to build the city. It can be gathered from each citizen, or received by importing resources to other cities. Implementation: New resource available to simulate productions. Money: House and Economic buildings trickle money periodically. The amount of taxes will be influenced with the same rule as Phase I. The trickle should be low enough that player should spend responsibly, but should also be high enough so that it's not the first resource to run out before other resources. Money should be requirement of every building and unit creation, as it is analogous to builder/soldier salary. Weapon: Blacksmith will be available to construct in town phase and trickles weapon over time. This will be used to train soldiers. It would consume wood and metal, so wood and metal resource for unit training can be removed and replaced with only food, money, and weapon. Training time should also be made faster. Working animal: Horses/Elephant is trickled resources as well. Useful to train cavalry. Status: In progress. Money has been proven to be workable, but still tweaking 0AD GUI to support more than 4 resources. Weapon and Working animal is still being researched. TODO: Test other impacts of new resources, finding out other uses of money, learning about Summary screen (after battle) GUI as it is bugged out on Resource Tab. III. Citizens City building has NPCs that simulates production chain and distribution. To enhance the experience several new citizen types can be created that work like modified Trader but between resource dropsite and market/house/blacksmith. This is still in research phase. Feel free to criticize or ask if any of these doesn't make sense/needs work/impossible to implement in 0 A.D. I still have a lot to learn in modding 0 A.D, any feedback is welcome. I will keep updating this post if there's a new idea to share. Thank you.
    1 point
  16. In both Empires Ascendant and Delenda Est, neither the phalanx or syntagma formations show the correct animations.
    1 point
  17. I remember that we already discussed about that now. So: { "genericName": "Urban Cohorts vs. City Watch Corps", "top": "romans_imperial/unlock_urban_cohort", "bottom": "romans_imperial/health_regen_structures", "requirements": { "civ": "imp" } }
    1 point
  18. Well I figured out the issue. As a temp workaround you can probably add just the civ requirement in the pair tech (which is close to what nescio suggested above).
    1 point
  19. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to answer. I really appreciate it. Yes, I have been playing these types of games for years. I remember loving the very first command and conquer.... 1st Warcraft, age of empires etc etc... right through the next versions.... (Still play my old version of C&C Generals lol) I have never had any problem playing any of them. I just couldn't believe the summary at the end how much more resources the enemy had collected than me, yet all I had done was gather resources and build new people to gather more resources.... These are two awesome answers that I can look into. Cheers. Thanks again! (Just read the guide. Very close to what I was doing, but I just think more food and wood gathering needed. I was also building walls and towers straight after upgrading to level 2. Didn't know how to send archers into them. So I think I wasted a lot of time building def and barracks early.)
    1 point
  20. ok then we can continue. Only I can be sure you speak my language.
    1 point
  21. Very much like the one already in the mod! Courtesy of Millennium AD.
    1 point
  22. Or wacky can add some color. I suggested before but someone else doesn't agree. @wackyserious
    1 point
  23. I don't think it's an art issue, though it's possible they can have some non-art insight into things. It's definitely a tech/sim issue. So... @elexis @Freagarach
    1 point
  24. Sounds reasonable wouldn't mind adding more variants.
    1 point
  25. Right, the files are okay, but if I'm playing as another civ and I capture an IMP civic center, then I get that reqs iterative error. It's very very strange and I'm stumped.
    1 point
  26. They use both hands, that was me just showing the collections in the blender file (Thanks to blender 2.8) being lazy to change animation idle for a screenshot
    1 point
  27. Started to add variants files for shields for finishing details. This TASK will have as pre-requisite this other TASK for commit. Everything working fine so far! Will end this to re-export cavalry animations once more for commit the animations fixes with the new sheaths and pikeman shields bones adjustments. Missing Themistocles shield texture (will do it today) And 1 Kardakes Hoplite eagle sillouette.
    1 point
  28. The Assyrians can train Scythian horse archers. The Scythian horse archer are champion units. The Scythian horse archer shoot only when forward facing. However, as far as I know the Scythian horse archer where able to shoot backwards: http://www.warriorsfortheworkingday.com/ScythianHorseman.htm I am not really sure historically, if they where able to shoot backwards. Maybe, somebody else can find historical sources regarding the matter.
    1 point
  29. Try inserting a requirements line in your pair technology file.
    1 point
  30. Hi @Trinketos! After studying the code and consulted with @Freagarach on this thread I finally found out the reason why field is always built near the civic center and not houses. It's indeed in queueplanBuilding.js, specifically lines 220-227. To ensure AI do not clear area near Civ Center and plot Field change line 221 to if (struct.resourceDropsiteTypes() && struct.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") != -1 && !ent.hasClass("Civic")) It will clear plot surrounding Farmstead but not Civ Center. Also a couple of lines below that you'll want to ensure Farmstead can be built on territory border, because currently AI prevents this. Remove line 249-258. I applied these changes to my mod and now farms are always built by AI in countryside.
    1 point
  31. I haven't touched anything related (yet...) i can confirm this.
    1 point
  32. I did too at first, but I got used to it quickly. Funny how it elicits such an effect.
    1 point
  33. he kicked me in 1v1. commands.txt @user1 @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  34. athenian_champion_marine with sheath in prop point "sheath_02_L" with a new falcata sheath i've just did for testing the sheaths bones: The sheath doesn't haven too many details since the small texture size and being so small doesn't let user appreciate any detail properly. But at least we gonna have sheaths for falcata users.
    1 point
  35. I hate this aspect of the AI (I also hate the way capturing in general is setup). All of a sudden, the AI will delete 20 houses all at the same time, and no human player would do that (or at least their attention would likely be elsewhere). It also robs the human player of the hard-earned benefit of capturing those buildings. I honestly think it all needs to be rethought. Truly.
    1 point
  36. Right now in DE, I have a tech for "Parthian Shot" that makes the cavalry archers "kite" enemies by giving them a minimum range. It's the best I could do with the game as it is.
    1 point
  37. I honestly didn't make any change to AI. But this mod is designed to be discoverable on gameplay, so it's not too punishing for player who doesn't know the rules but gives advantages to those who know. Actually Petra bot is already pretty smart, as discovered in previous post. It build houses clustered together, which invokes Neighborhood aura that boosts population. And they put military buildings far away from residence zone. It still doesn't give any regard to dropsites though, building storehouses close to houses, which I assume simply because starting resources near Civic Center. Also remember every second you use to plan the city is used by AI to build up army, so if you're not careful you can still get rushed when deciding where to build your next house (as I have too many times). Please let me know if you have played the game and feel the AI needs improvement.
    1 point
  38. @azayrahmad i love all you said in the last post but im a singleplayer guy so... Does IA work in this mod?
    1 point
  39. They look very nice. And thanks for finding a ref for the pikeman.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Thank you so much for choosing our game to run the experiment Once the new version of Spidermonkey is in @Itms said he would run vtune once again
    1 point
  42. I have finally made this into an actual piece of published collateral. It is not much, but as promised, here it is. This is probably the last you'll hear from me, so thanks once more for all the help, and have a good one!
    1 point
  43. Thanks @nani! I'll definitely look into using larger test cases - but just for the record, the stated "115 units" is just the size of the army I'm directly controlling/moving. I have other units going about their business back in my city and no idea how many the other faction has running around (I'll have to pause the game in combat and see if I can count just how many Iberian units come rushing out to fend me off when I attack). I suppose I should also mention that earlier (using a different VTune Amplifier result collected under different conditions), I did actually find CCMPPathfinder::ComputeShortPath as a hotspot! The cause of the bottlenecking, according to my analysis, was that this function was bound by branch misprediction. Unfortunately, after looking into the code for some time I was forced to conclude that there was nothing that could be done to mitigate the misprediction rate. I have not yet seen other parts of the path finder become hotspots but I'll try building a new test case on an 8-player map tomorrow. Honestly I was sticking to 2 player so far to allow myself time to actually build up a decent test case - I never said I was good at this game! In other news, I was able to run a tighter analysis (with a sample rate of 0.1ms) on the slow startup portion. In that part, SkinPoint is definitely the main hotspot, followed by BlendBoneMatrices. SkinPoint is 49.9% back end bound, almost entirely core bound. None of that was attributed to the divider, though, so it's just plain port overuse. I'm currently investigating whether it might be possible to vectorize the offending loop, as that can dramatically cut down on the port traffic, but ultimately it comes down to whether the nature of the loop is vector-friendly.
    1 point
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