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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-04-18 in all areas

  1. A generic volcanic island for the kicks. MAP DOWNLOAD (MOD): nani_maps_v0.10.0.pyromod @coworotel feel free to add it to the community map pack
    10 points
  2. An extension of 'Northern Island (2)'. Enjoy Northern Islands (4).xml.8674c491c13f2570.xmb Northern Islands (4).zip Northern Islands (4).pmp
    3 points
  3. Version 0.1.1: Followed some of the recommendations from elexis but not all ()/
    2 points
  4. Very good! Some possible enhancements: Irregularities help break up patterns changing the placer: one of those two center placers was more irregular than the other (but also slower) additional painting, see attached screenshot brown areas = cliffs or small hills black beach sand corals (see corsica.js and cycladic_archipelago.js for example) https://www.tourismus.de/files/mauritius-reisen.jpeg Possible feature: Purple = paths through the forest. (Might be unfeasible with the current tileclasses / grid resolution. The paths might remove too much area from the forest.) General procedure to making a great map even greater: Inspiration:: Open up a websearch for images and look for pictures of nature in the area you want to portray. Find all actors Start atlas, generate a map, set the filter to display all actors, go through the entire list and pick every actor that somehow fits to the map Find all textures: Browse through all textures of all biomes and see what could be used. For example for MultiPainters (making texture patterns more complex). Test environment settings: Enable all graphics settings, start atlas, generate a map, browse through the few skysets, water shapes, make sure fog isn't annoying. Mapgen-Performance: Doing a logger call after every statement minimizes later effort to locate possible bottlenecks. That output was logged to mainlog.html? Ingame-Performance: Make sure the trees aren't too dense, too many of them are bad for both rendering and simulation performance. Title and Description: 0 A.D. should contain only maps related to that specific geography and time. Can find authentic locations by doing a websearch or asking forum users. I suppose it's a fictive area of greece, do they have volcanic islands at india? Apparently so:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_volcanoes_in_India. Maps outside of or agnostic of historic and geographic context may be tolerable or justifiable on a per-case basis. But we want to create a product that is directed towards this timeframe and geographic frame of 0 A.D.. So it is, and must be considered a systematic mistake to first create the map and then doing the research on the context. If context turns out to be a wrong idea, then the entire work might have been wasted (at least if the objective was to have it in vanilla). Keep this in mind as soon as you get the idea for a map the very first time, and especially before you spend a lot of time on the code. On promotional screenshots: Take promotional screenshots with all graphics settings enabled. In case this won't turn out to be a bandwidth issue, promotional screenshots can be taken using the 6400*4800 resolution bmp screenshot hotkey, and convert it to a 90% quality JPEG (10mb). (see https://play0ad.com/new-release-0-a-d-alpha-23-ken-wood/ for example) (Disclaimer: Not a request for changes, not a recommendation, but the bare information on the conclusions I have come to after lessons learnt from mistakes and success of random maps, free to redistribute and modify under the same terms.)
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. There is a cycle of two free interesting mooc (on an "academic" site) https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:EPHE+126001+session01/about It's in french only but I share it because it fits perfectly with 0ad art, history and timeframe: from Alexander death to Actium defeat and it covers more or less the whole Alexander's empire area. Enjoy!
    2 points
  7. For the Athenians civ: Acharnae Aphidnae Athens (of course) Cephisia Cytherus Decelea Delos Eleusis Laurium Marathon Phaeleron Piraeus Plataea Rhamnous
    2 points
  8. Well, slingers still do crush damage inexplicably.
    2 points
  9. Sup community, sharing random map King of the Hill's style I made for the kicks. You must place the 3 files under "username/Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/public/maps/random" Hope you try it out. I will be in lobby, ping me! Read suggestions. Added paths. Less wood and fish. Updated. I think I will not touch it anymore. Maybe clean the code. Thanks @elexis for guided tour. DOWNLOAD FILE: nani_maps_v0.10.0.pyromod
    1 point
  10. MAP NAME: Riverway Hello again, new random map to share. DESCRIPTION: This map is specially made for 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 team game as you can see. At each extreme of the river you can find gaia units protecting treasure bounty. Catch it if you can! All resources are concentrated at the middle so be fast to defend your territory ! Try it and give your opinion! DOWNLOAD LINK (mod) nani_maps_v0.10.0.pyromod AUTHOR: @nani COAUTHOR: @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  11. Hi , Im working on .... Carthage : 7 players of 50 pop limit --> 6 districts + 1 army of 50 mercenary champs VS Rome : 1 player of 500 pop limit mostly invading by sea (like survival of fittest) + nubians troops coming from desert I'm using the elevation terrain hack to put some buildings on top of others and make them look like merged in order to have unique structures (below, the 5 houses produces those 5 females with no evacuation problem) Rome will invade with RAMS, but will not be able to crush the Carthage walls everywhere (terrain elevation as unbreakable wall and platform for bolt-lozaa ) If Rome is in the walls .. Some places will be used to make good retreats for those 5 noobs Gauls, Athenians, Iberians, all different but their HATE of Rome on their face Even if the map could be used to be playable, i want to go into the new camera function in 0ad22 to make great cinematics in the narrow streets of carthage during invasion action . (to make a SUPER promotional trailer of 0ad) Also, for the sake of global interests, it would be nice to have a 3D map of carthage which could be used , i.e , for any TV documentary For this, Carthage has to be fulled with contents to give it a living appareance. FEEL FREE to WORK on it and make updates on this thread the pmp https://ufile.io/6vgn1 the xml https://ufile.io/xwqlc
    1 point
  12. The forests end a bit abruptly, the grass transition wasn't so bad. I suspect there should be rocks, cliff actors and little bumps at the beaches? Also suspecting that the map has too much area of water. At least the outer circle of the island won't be of much relevance (unless there are some attractions like islands or valuable resources) and thus players would never travel there. Then one can use more of the map for the island. (Other than the purpose maximization of the tiles, there is also the expectation of playable map area from other maps. "Normal" mapsize is large on one kind of map and too small of the other kind of map.)
    1 point
  13. Absent problem description results in ambiguosity. So I can only reply with variables instead of values: WFG is a volunteer organization, community contributors are volunteers too. Volunteers are by definition not obliged to do anything. Volunteers are motivated by a common interest. The purpose of the organization is to further free software for public benefit. Terms of Service and Policies can be enforced by removing the user from the service Given that WFG doesn't have any mandatory contribution clauses, there is no obligation, only voluntearism. The "establishment" in that sentence changes the meaning of the entire sentence. I suppose you mean Wildfire Games with "the already established party"? Does establishment mean the server infrastructure, the playerbase, the 20 years of development history, a market position? The qualifier "already established party" implies that there is at least one party that is attempting to become "established". Wildfire Games operates under non-profit principles, which includes the non-rivalry principle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivalry_(economics): WFG chose copyleft licenses, publication of as much helpful information as possible, development in the public instead of in darkness, involvement of the community (general public) operating for the community (public benefit) where possible. In the third revision of the interpretation of this sentence, the sentence is compared against the context: The context provides more possibilities of interpretation. So I can speculate four possible explanations as to what you could have meant with that sentence: Not your obligation to explain yourself to Stan. Noone can force WFG to review patches, and that's bad. Not the number of contributions is the problem, but the way people talk and account for each other when they (ever) operate. Fork AD should compete with Wildfire Games. Consider Gricean maxims: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_principle (Note to self: we need this in the community guidelines) The inability to understand the question means I have to disagree with: If I learnt something in the last two decades whether it's software development, public history or communication, is that a statement is only as qualified as the evidence backing it up ( specifically in theoretic computer science how to phrase problems and deduce a proof for everything from the bottom up). Presumption of self-evidence implies absence of investigation of alternatives and discovery of missing pieces of evidence. I guess you mean realize as in becoming aware, but the etymology offers a second interpretation: To leave on the more positive note: Still not sure if these circumstances just describe lack of proper reviews and commits. But the statement as is provides a space where people can construct positive ideas into. The question was: If it was an answer to Stans question, then it would mean that your intention to work on anything 0 A.D. related is the circumstance that might change in the future. If it's not your intention that is the circumstance that requires change for future contributions to become hypothetical, isn't it 'the already established party' that requires change? I have expressed three specific circumstances that need change for me to come to terms with development, so I concede that there are many circumstances that impact a volunteers contribution rate that are not elaborated on within few minutes. Software development is also "a process that once begun generates many complicated problems". Wiktionary defines a problem as: That a problem is complicated doesn't mean that a simple solution doesn't exist. Wikipedia characterizes Pandoras box as: Do users subject to Pandoras Box know that it's a pandoras box in advance? Doesn't that make it expected trouble? Or does that sentence mean that there is an expectation of great trouble but we just don't know in which way it is going to turn out troublesome? If discussion partners are constructive and share a common objective, such as conveying information, creating different ambiance, or futhering free software, then discussions are constructive and furthering this goal, not a curse. If the discussion partners are not constructive, then they help by revealing themselves as not interested in the objective of the organization. Thus it is not a curse either. I think the terrain can't be modified too often, especially animations will likely be impossible with terrain changes but would be done with visual actors. But the feature will still be very useful, give rise to new map experiences, as one can construct some more or less sophisticated artistic and gameplay integration of a singular or gradual / periodical terrain changes.
    1 point
  14. That would be very bad, some civs need to be different to have certain advantages and disadvantages leaving diverse building costs makes some civs have advantage like especially the ptolemies who have no house cost because they need fast pop growth to make metal production cause you need metal unless you want an army of women and sprearmen/pikeman.
    1 point
  15. I like it. Might require a few minor changes, but I hope it can get added in the base game.
    1 point
  16. (I guess it's linked to achieving the objective of patches)
    1 point
  17. No, I know that we won't be able to fix everything that one might want. But asking is the first step. Then you can't blame people for not telling you.
    1 point
  18. Oh okay, sorry about that. You can still ask questions here then we'll do our best to answer them.
    1 point
  19. I've tried, this works fine.
    1 point
  20. I managed to solve the problem! After a deep understanding, what does GetAIs it's looking for every json file in the directory simulation/ai and part of my communication between the game and the machine learning module I'm using a json file to send units to the ML (It is loaded with all the possible fighting units. Huge file). The game picks it as part of AI and tries to load it, that's why it fails. Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate that!
    1 point
  21. Suspected copy-cat behaviour across the pond: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47973354
    1 point
  22. I don't think it's a miracle, because it's about material things instead of human lives. the same kind of guys that coordinate to helps ONG and aid to another matters.
    1 point
  23. warn(Engine.GetAIs().length); Does [2] actually exist? It sounds like there is some broken directory, or some "unassigned" placeholder item or something. If the ReadJSONFile call in C++ fails, it should handle that in a somehow sane way, probably report it with a readable error. Edit: What's the result of warn(Object.keys(Engine.GetAIs()[2])); // Doesn't crash - data, id
    1 point
  24. Well they send catapult projectiles with their slings don't they ?
    1 point
  25. slingers are the best, so sexi, so strong
    1 point
  26. Sorry I took so long, the Moblin units had an insane amount of animations that needed to be done, but they are all done now!
    1 point
  27. Nice... For Kush at least, I can provide the following names of some of the most important cities during 0AD's timeframe (archaeological sites containing the excavated remains of one or more of the following: City/Royal Palace/Amun Temple/Royal Necropolis), followed by the historical name, where known: Napata (Npt/Napita) Meroƫ (Medewi/Birawe) Naqa (Tolkte/twjlkt) Kawa (Gematon/Gempaten) Tabo (Pnubs) Sanam Dangeil Basa Sedeinga Sonijat (Tergedus) Muweis Karanog (Premnis/Pedeme) Dakka (Pselchis/Pselqet) Hamadab Amara East
    1 point
  28. I tried to contact them via the IRC but they never answered back.
    0 points
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